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-After Summer-
*In the morning*
Thomas: Ready to go to school?
Me: YEAH!!!
Thomas: Come on then
He smiled
I went into the car and after 5 minutes, we arrived at the school
Me: I've never seen this school in person before
Thomas smiled and my assistant (to school) walked me into the school. I met a girl there and she gave me a tour
?: My name is Hailey by the way
Me: Hi Hailey, I'm y/n
Hailey: Whatever, now what is your first subject here?
Me: English
Hailey: Come with me
She said in a lazy tone. She walked in the class first and then she sat down. I stood next to the teacher.
Teacher: Okay class, today we have a new student. Her name is Y/n Pe-
Me: I'm Y/n Avery
Teacher: Oh, I must got the papers mixed up. Everyone say hi
Everyone: Hi
Teacher: Y/n please take a seat near Kelly. The one at the back
Me: Okay
I took a seat.
After the first period, I went to my locker and took my Math books out.
Hailey: Hey girls, look at this nerd
Hailey and her friends laughed. I tried to control my anger. I promised myself to only use martial arts for self defence
Me: Leave me alone
I slammed my locker and went to 2nd period. I didn't really have friends so I didn't have a person interrupting me to class.
After 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th period. It was recess. I got my food and sat at a table myself. I was talking to Micheal and the boys.
Hailey: Hey nerd. What you doing there? Feeling poor?
Nick: Y/n you okay?
Me: Yeah, people saying these to me aren't going to budge me
Micheal: Don't do anything to her
Me: I won't
Hailey was wavin my hand Infront of my face.
Hailey: She's probably thinking how poor she is
Me: Look Hailey, just leave me alone
Hailey: Oh yeah what are you going to do?
Me: Simply wait for you to go away so I can mind my own business.
Hailey and her friends laughed.
Hailey: That's cute sweety
She took my milk carton
Tony: Y/n? You gud, girl?
Me: Yeah
Nick: Control yourself okay?
Me: I don't even want to pick a fight right now so stop worrying
Ondreaz: Not gonna lie, I'm relieved
Me: Lol seriously? Come on, this is my first day. How could I mess this up.
Nick: Hahaha
I made a tiktok at the lunch table
Hailey: Hey, look at this loser making tiktoks. How many followers do you have? Probably -100
I stayed silent with a "You serious?" face. I didn't really want to reveal the I'm a hype house member.
Hailey: I knew it
I posted my video and in the caption "When you got interrupted by a bully". My comments went crazy with "Omg are you okay" and "Who does she think she is". I just smiled.
-After school-
I was waiting outside at an empty place for Thomas. When I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was Nick
Me: Nick, wth, you scared me
Nick: You didnt know? My school is just the one across the street.
Me: Oh wait. huh? How did you talk to me just now?
Nick: My break time is same as yours silly
Then I saw Hailey
Me: There she is, the bully
Nick: Her? Seriously? She's my ex...
Me: Seriously, her? You've gotta be joking me
Nick: Yeah
Hailey came up to us
Hailey: Hey babe!
She kissed Nick on the cheek. I looked away.
Hailey: Hey loser, what are you doing with my boyfriend?
She said as she rolled her eyes
Nick: I'm not your boyfriend. And what are you babe-ing me for? You dumped me
I gave her a smirk
Hailey: Look, I'm sorry okay, I-
Nick: I don't want to hear your excuses anymore, just leave
Hailey looked at me up and down, and walked off.
Nick: I'm sorry you had to see that
Me: I wanted to laugh, why did you date her in the first place?
Nick: I don't know...
Me: Let's move places before she sees me and you again
*in chat*
Thomas: Y/n
Me: Yeah?
Thomas: You mind taking an Uber? My car broke down, and go to the school across the street, Nick is there
Me: Okay, and I know that Nick is here lmao
Thomas: Oh okay
Me: Nick, we might have to Uber
Nick: Why?
Me: Thomas's car broke down
Nick: Oh okay
After 1 minute
Nick: Okay, Uber is on the way
Me: Okay
We talked for a bit and saw there was a message from Hailey
*in chat*
Hailey: Look, if you even go near Nick, I'm going to make your life hell
Me: What do you want from him? You dumped him... Youre the problem not me
Hailey: Look, I don't care, if you ever go near him, youre gonna pay
Me: Pay for what? Pay for rent or something? Do you have financial problems?
Hailey: Its not funny, I'm not joking
Me: It is, you're the one with no humor and brains
Hailey: You're done tomorrow
Me: What am I missing? A brain.. like you. I think I'm complete
I laughed as I was texting her
Hailey: Look here, get ready for tomorrow
Me: I looked but you're not here, I just looked at the text message. And I'm ready for tomorrow. Tomorrow's Tuesday
Hailey: I hate you
Me: Your life your choice, I can't change that.
She left me on read and I burst out laughing.
Nick: What was that about?
I showed him the text messages and he laughed with me. Our Uber arrived and we went in. The car ride was silent. And soon, both of arrived at the hype house. I payed and both of us got out. We two contained laughing because we were holding in our laughs. Thomas came out
Thomas: You two got a good day
Me: Of course
Nick: Yeah man
We both laughed again
Thomas: Okay okay, come on in
We walked inside to see Alex and Kouvr.
Me: Hey Alex. Hey Kouvr
I said smiling
Alex: Are you okay?
Me: Yeah I'm fine..
Alex: I was so worried, I saw your recent post.
Me: I'm fine, I didn't really cared what she says, I mean, her life her choices not mine, I can't control her life so, I just have to go with it
Alex: I like your positivity
Me: Yeah yeah. Now if you don't mind, imma go take a shower
I went upstairs to take a shower, Nick got in first so I had to wait. I sat at the the dining table and took out my iPad. I went on procreate, minding my own business. When Micheal came up to me
Micheal: Yo, you good?
Me: Yeah I'm good...
Micheal: Sorry you had to go through all that on your first day
Me: Yeah, I dont really care tho
Micheal: Made any friends?
Me: If Nick counts, then yes
Micheal: No he doesn't count, and why don't you have friends?
Me: I don't really like making friends in school, I mean, I have you guys, so I don't care
Micheal: I didn't know how lay back you are.
Me: Meh
Nick: Y/n, go and take a shower
Me: Okay. Micheal I have to go you know
Micheal: Okay.
I turned off my iPad and took it to my room. I took a shower and put on some clothes. I didn't have homework so I got to hang out with the bionics. After a few minutes talking, my phone buzzed. It was Hailey
Hailey: Do you even know where Nick if from?
Me: America.. why?
Hailey: Omg you're so dumb
Me: Im not dumb, you're just not specifying
Hailey: Look, Nick is from the hype house and give him back to me.
Me: Look, I don't control his life or his decisions. And I'm not even with him. What do you want from me
Hailey: I want you to not even go near him
Me: That will not be easy
Hailey: Why?
Me: Nothing, I'll stay away
Hype house <3
Me: Guys
Thomas: Wassup
Charli: Wassup
Me: If somehow, a person interacts with any of you a my school, please don't tell them that I'm a part of the hype house. No one realises me yet so I think I'm good for now.
Dixie: Got it
Thomas: Got it
Nick: Got it
Thomas: Don't you have homework?
Me: No, I finished them.
Thomas: Oh okay then
I smiled
Thomas: You wanna go to boa tonight?
Me: I have school tomorrow?
Thomas: Its at 7
Me: Sure then
At night, we went to boa and I saw Hailey walking in.
Me: Thomas Thomas, Hailey's here
Thomas: Who?
Me: The girl who tried to bully me
Thomas: You wanna go to red lobster?
Me: Sure
Thomas: I'll tell the rest
Me: Okay
After that, we got back, I took a quick shower and got to bed. I was so exhausted.
-The next day-
I got to school and everybody was staring at me. They didn't laugh or anything, they just stared.
Hailey: Hey bitch, see what's going on?
Me: What?
Hailey: This is what you get for going near Nick
She punched me, but I didn't feel it. I saw the shaking her hand in pain
Me: Are you serious? You're that weak
Hailey: WHAT? HOW?
Me: You're weak
I walked passed her as the students go 'Uuuuuuuuuuuu' I went to my locker and she grabbed my hand and punch me once more.
Me: I'm not the one hurting here
The principal saw us
Principal: Hey! Both of you to my office, now
We went to her office
Principle: What were you guys doing?
Hailey: Ma'am, she was attacking me and-
Principle: Y/n tell me what really happened
Me: She was jealous of me because I was with her ex boyfriend who she dumped and still love yesterday.
Principle: Hailey, youre suspended for 2 weeks
Principle: Of course
Principle: And she didn't even lay a finger on you. And you tried to hurt her
Hailey: I'm going to sue you
She stormed out of the room
Me: I'm so sorry, if she sues you, just let me know. I could be your witness. And please dont tell anybody that I'm the girl who saved people. I just want to live a normal middle school life
Principle: Okay, I'll tell the other teachers too
Me: And put my name as y/n Avery please
Principle: Okay
Me: I have to head to class now
I walked to class. I went inside and saw that everyone was staring at me. I didn't really care. And suddenly, a group of boys came up to me.
Boy #1: Hey, I'm Henry, nice to meet you
Boy #2: I'm Marcus
Boy #3: And I'm Brailey
Me: Hey
Henry: I saw what Hailey did to you. Are you okay?
Me: Yeah, I'm fine
Marcus: How did it not hurt you?
Me: She's just weak
Marcus: Ouhh
Then the teacher got in.
Teacher: Okay class, settle down
I got my food and as usual, I sat on my own
Henry: Can we sit here?
Me: Um, no, sorry, not today. I have to deal with something
Henry: Oh, sorry
Grace and Roxanne (Hailey's besfriends): Hey, you're gonna pay for what you did
Me: Look, I can get you suspended by snapping my fingers
Grace grabbed my hand and pulled me down to the floor. I stood up towering them because they were short. Grace pushed me to the floor. It didn't hurt so I stood up again. Roxanne punched and slapped me. I didn't feel it and a teacher saw us.
Teacher: Girls! Stop it!
Then the principle came
Principle: Grace, Roxanne, you're both suspended
I turned to them
Me: I told you I could get you suspended
Grace: But miss, you-
Principle: No excuses
Roxanne: What about her? She was the one who hurt us
Me: Yeah, by doing nothing
Principle: Roxanne, Grace get out
The principle escorted them out. I heard people clapping behind me. Then Henry came up to me
Henry: You okay?
Me: Yeah? Don't worry. Now, I want to do my homework so I don't have to do it at home
Henry: Ok....Kay?
-after school-
I went to the secret spot that Nick and I promised to meet everyday. I felt a light tap on my shoulder.
Nick: Hey!
Me: Hey!
I hugged him
Me: Nick, let's go to a different place, someone is taking a pic of us.
Nick: Okay
We went to the other place and told Thomas so he didn't have to find us. Thomas found us on time. We both quickly went into the car and i heard people were taking pictures.
Me: Thomas, drive
Thomas: Okay
Me: Use the long way home or these people will follow us. Park your car in the garage and close it so they don't see your license plate and know it's me
Thomas: Got it
We arrived home safely. We quickly got inside and closed the gate. Mia stood Infront of the door.
Mia: What is this?
Me: What is what?
She shows a video of Hailey punching me
Me: Wait, how did you get that video
I asked confused
Mia: Its all over the internet
Me: Meh, I don't care. I didnt even lay a finger on her
Mia: Yeah but, are you okay?
Me: Yeah, it happened yesterday and she got suspended, turns out the principle knows me.
Mia: And, this video?
It shows Grace and Roxanne beating me up
Me: It didn't hurt, they just pushed me and tried to punch and slap me. But it didn't hurt. The teacher saw them and they got suspended
Mia: You?
Me: Um no, cause I didn't even touch those two
Mia: Oh okay
Then I went up to my room, took a shower and put on clothes. I was about to go out until I heard a notification pop up on my phone. It was. Hailey
Hailey: What did I tell you about going near Nick?
Me: Don't go to him?
She showed a pic of me and Nick in the secret spot.
Hailey: Look, I will give this to the principle if you dont stop seeing Nick
Me: Ok fine bet. And what is the principle going to do to me?
Hailey: I will tell her that you and Nick are dating. And she could suspend you
Me: No... That's not going to work
Hailey: Oh, youll see
Me: Fine, then post it in the school facebook group
Hailey: Aight, bet
She posted it with a caption saying 'The new girl is dating Nick Austin' it got so many likes and views. Soon enough, it reached Thomas
Thomas: Y/n what is this?
Me: Yeah I know, I asked her to do it
Thomas: Yeah, and you're gonna get suspended
Me: I'm not. The principle knows that isn't real and she won't suspect a thing
Thomas: You sure. I could talk to her if you want
Me: No thanks.
The next day, I went to school. I was walk to the main door. People outside were whispering and looking at me. I didn't really care. Until a finger tapped on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Nick.
Nick: Hey, you forgot your English textbook
Me: Oh thanks
Nick: I should be going to my school. Bye
Me: Bye
People were looking at me and taking pictures of me with Nick. I put my hood up and went straight to my locker. As I was taking out my books, Henry and his friends came up to me.
Henry: So, you're dating Nick?
Me: No.
Henry: Then explain this picture.
Me: Ok first of all, why would you believe that. It didn't come from me it didn't come from my page.
Henry: Im-
Principle: Y/n, please come to my office
Me: Okay
I headed to her office
(I'm tired of typing principle so let's call her miss J)
Miss J: Is it true that you're dating Nick?
Me: No... It didn't come from my page so. Why would you believe it?
Miss J: I knew it! I knew I couldn't believe Hailey
Me: Why would you believe her?
Miss J: I don't know, I trusted her a lot
Me: You shouldn't just trust people like that. You haven't seen their attitude.
Miss J: Yeah, y/n, can I trust you?
Me: Of course
Miss J: Okay-
The bell rang
Miss J: Oh, you'll have to go to class now
Me: Okay
I ate my food and scrolled through social media. Then I saw Henry coming to me.
Henry: Can we sit here?
Me: Sure
Henry: So, you're my project buddy
Me: Yeah?
Henry: Can we go to your place after school?
Me: I'm sorry, but you can't
Henry: Why?
Me: For a good reason that I can't tell you.
Henry: Okay then
I knew these people weren't fans of the Hype House. So I was good.
Henry: So facetime?
Me: Henry, I can't
Henry: Then how are we going to do the project?
Me: I'll do it by myself and you find a new partner. I'll talk to the teacher about it.
Henry: But-
I walked out of the cafeteria. I went to the teachers office and told my teacher that I wanted to do the project on my own. She agreed.
-after school-
I was walking down the steps when I saw Hailey spying on me. I texted Nick
Nick Austin
Me: Nick, I'm going to catch a ride with Blake, Hailey is spying on me and I don't want her to see that we come from the same house
Nick: Okay
Me: Blake, are you busy?
Blake: No, why?
Me: I don't want the bully to know where I live, so mind if you take me so that she doesn't suspects anything
Blake: Um, sure
Me: Sorry for disturbing you
Blake: Anything for the hero
Me: Thomas, I'm going with Blake, I don't want the bully see where I live.
Thomas: Okay...
I texted them while walking and I accidentally bumped into Nick
Me: Oh wait
I looked up
Me: Oh what? Sorry Nick
We both laughed
Nick: Its fine
Then, Blake called me
Blake: Where are you
Me: I'm under a tree on the right side. Are you using your Jeep to pick me up?
Blake: Yeah
Me: Wow that's a big flex
I laughed. And Blake arrived
Me: See you later Nick, and press your middle finger so I can see what's happening
Nick: Well that's creepy
Me: I know, just incase you get disturb by you know who
Nick: Okay
Blake and I were in the jeep driving to the Hype House when I heard Nicks voice through the chip
Nick: Y/n, shes coming to me
Hey babe, glad you're hear
Nick: Don't you babe me
Oh, I'm sorry. Where is that cheeky ass girl that always comes to you
Nick: Look, she doesn't have anything to do with me. So leave her alone and back off
Then I heard a kiss
Me: Well, I wanna barf now
Nick pulled her away
Come on, she's not here
Then Thomas came
Thomas: Nick, come on
I heard Nick went into the car
Nick: Sorry you had to see that guys
Micheal: Who is she?
Tony: Yeah
Nick: My ex girlfriend
Ondreaz: Whaaaaat I thought you were single your whole life
Nick: No I just kept it a secret
Tony: Wait, why is Y/n silent
Nick: Y/n
Micheal: Y/N!
Me: Whatttttt I was taking a quick nap, I'm so tired
Tony: Oh, sorry
Blake and I arrived home.
Me: Thanks Blake
Blake: Yeah sure no problem
I went out if the car. And quickly went inside. I headed straight to my room and took a shower. I put on some clothes and got out to see Nick.
Me: Sup
Nick: Hey, you okay
Me: I have homework but I wanna sleep
Nick: Oh, um okay...
I did my project (which was due by next week) and finished it. After that, I took a 2 hour nap. Nick woke me up to ask me if I want to go out to eat. I agreed and took another shower and put on some clothes. We went to boa, luckily, I knew no one there.
Thomas: Y/n, check your Instagram account
I checked it and I found out I got verified.
Thomas: And tiktok too
I checked tiktok and I got a verified account. I was so happy. We ate and we went back home. I took another shower and went to bed. This continued for two weeks.
-week 3-
Nick: Y/n, y/n wake up, its 5
Me: Okay okay I'm up
I took a shower and Nick pick out what I wear to school. I gave him a confused look, and I just wore the outfit.
Nick: I knew it would look good on you. Here, put on the Jean jacket to finish it off
Me: Sure
I stepped out of the room and we got in the car. We got some McDonald's for breakfast. After that, Thomas dropped me off from at least the last parking space from school so people don't see me with him. I walked to the school and people stared at me. I went to my locker as quickly as possible. Then I went to class and took a seat. Students went in the room, and I saw Hailey coming in. She sat behind me. I knew something was coming for me. Luckily, she didn't disturb throught the whole period, I was relieved. But for 2nd period, she wasn't in class. She had the same math class as me.
Nick: Y/n y/n, Hailey is in my school
Me: WHAT? No wonder she's not here
Nick: Help me, she's grabbing me
Me: Okay, I got it
I went to the teacher
Me: Sir, there is something going on in the other building, I have to help them
The teacher looked at me confused, he said I could go but I have to tell the principle. I agreed and I told Miss J. She came with me. And I saw Hailey about to punch Nick in the face.
Me: Miss J, don't come near me
Miss J: Okay
I held on to Hailey's wrist and pushed her to the ground.
She punched me and I knew everybody were staring at us. She punched me and all the boys went 'ooohhh' I held on her wrist and I wanted to kick her but I didnt. I didn't want to hurt anybody so I just pushed her hand away
Me: Cause you're weak
She tried to punch me again and again. But she was the one who ended up hurt.
Me: Wanna punch me again
She stood up. She tried to slap me. Halfway through her slap
Me: Its okay Miss J. shes too weak.
Hailey ran to Miss J and tried to kick her. I held on to her hand and pulled her towards me and I pinned her down. Everyone we're amazed.
Hailey: GET OFF ME!
Me: Im barely putting pressure on you. And stop distubing people who are innocent, what do you want to do with the after you get them? More clout? Money?
I let her go and Nick came up to me
Nick: Y/n, are you okay?
Me: Yeah
Hailey: YOU!
She looks at Nick. She got up and tried to punch Nick. I blocked her hand from our face
Me: You're literally embarrassing yourself Infront of 14 to 18 year olds.
Hailey: Like I care
Me: And theyre taking videos.
Hailey: I can sue them
Me: Like you know their names
Hailey: So?
Me: You can't sue them. Are you okay? Are you missing something? Like, a brain maybe
Me: I bet you don't even know who I am.
Hailey: AND?
Me: Im capable of sending you to jail or mental hospital
Me: Wow, you just knew right now? I'm surprised
Hailey: Like I'm scared of you
Me: I know not many people are scared of me beating them up, but I categorize them as the dumb ones, I know some people here are afraid of me eating them. But I won't do anything if they don't do anything to me. And I know people are very afraid that they've done something to me. I know people hate me, say mean things to me, like you but I don't care.
Then Thomas came through the door
Thomas, Micheal, Tony and Ondreaz: Y/N!
I looked at them. They ran to us. Thomas pulled me into a hug and Micheal was talking to the principle. Tony and Ondreaz we're talking to Nick. Then I heard gun shots
Bailey: I WANT YOU!
Me: For what?
He points the gun to Hailey
Bailey: A deal is a deal
Everyone rushed to the classroom.
Me: I go to school.. I don't have any
Bailey: You make me mad.
He tried to punch me and I doged it
Me: Come on, why are you so slow
I put I'm foot at the side of his neck and I used my other foot to kick his head. He got down to the floor, I was about to finish him off but I knew I couldn't kill him. I pinned him down.
Me: Nick, call Blake.
Nick: Okay
Nick called Blake and soon enough, Bailey was in jail.
Blake: You did it again champ
We high fived. Thomas got out of the room and went to me.
Thomas: You good?
Me: Yeah
Nick: Uuhhhh, you got a bloody nose. Let's get you to the school nurse.
Me: Nevermind, I got my medical kit with me. I took out a cloth and wiped the bloody away. Then I saw a shadow towering me. I looked behind me to see the high school principle looking at me. Let's call him Mr R
Mr R: Y/n Petrou?
Me: Yeah?
Mr R: You and crew go in my office
We walked to his office
Mr R: Thank you, so much. He comes here daily to find kids.
Me: No problem. I'm used to this
Mr R: But seriously, thank you. And Nick, you can take a week off
Nick: Okay
I smiled at him and he walked out. And Miss R asked me to take a week off of school. I went home. Then I took a shower and put on some clothes. Then I slept for 4 hours. I heard Nick's voice
Nick: Y/n
He said while shaking my foot
Me: Hmmmmm
I said in a tired tone
Nick: Come on, get up
Me: Where are we goingah
Nick: No where.
Me: Then why are you waking me up?
Nick: I'm waking you up because this is the 50th time that Hailey is texting you
Me: Leave it, turn my phone on silent
Nick: Fine
Me: Ight, since you woke me up I might as well take a shower
I took a shower and put on clothes.
Nick: I know this is weird but, can I have your password? Your phone password?
Me: Its '010056'
Nick: Okay?
Then, Nick sat on my bed while looking at my phone.
Nick: Hey, look at this
He shows me a video of Hailey trying to beat me up and Bailey attempting to hurt me. With the caption "How does Y/n Petrou know that Nick needs help? Does she like Nick?"
Me: What the heck?
Nick: Should we do a live or something?
Me: No, not now
Nick: Okay then
He scrolled even deeper into my explore page.
Nick: Y/n, I want to show you this
He showed me an edit of me beating up Hunter. They edited my face to a frog and Hunter to a princesses. I saw it and let out a little laugh. Nick handed me my phone back. I read Hailey's text
Hailey: Look, I'm sorry
Hailey: I didn't know that you and Nick were family
Hailey: I'm sorry, maybe we could start over?
Me: Sorry Hailey, I don't like clout chasers, and you're literally texting me just cause I saved your life
Hailey: True
Me: Now, I saved your life so don't disturb me and Nick
Hailey: Okay...

Adopted by the Hype House (Nick And Vinnie Story)Where stories live. Discover now