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We went back home and was greeted by my dad and Alex. They were on their bikes and my dad fell face first

Me: Holy shit

Vinnie parked the car and I got out quickly

Me: you okay?

Thomas: My hand hurts

Me: Lets go to my room

We went to my room and scanned his hand using my ai.

Me: Broken bone. Great

I wrapped his hand and sealed it.

Me: Okay, you're good

Thomas: Thanks

He went out and went to his room.

Alex: Mina!

Me: Coming!

I went to his room

Alex: Wanna go to target with us?

Me: Sure

I took my phone, mask and wallet. We went to Alex's car and kouvr sat in the backseat with me. Alex took out his camera

Alex: You know there's a seat here for you?

Alex laughed

Kouvr: Shut up

She side hugged me.

Me: I love you too kouvr

Kouvr: See

We laughed and dummas Rick and Calvin came inside the car.

Me: Oh no, this isn't a good idea

We went to target. The boys goofed around while Alex filmed them. Then, I got a phone call from Blake...

Blake: We need you.. leave before 9.. say your goodbyes to everyone

Me: What's wrong?

Blake: You're going to be in North Carolina for 9 months to solve a case. We might not make it. But let's just have some faith.

Me: Okay.. I'll be there

I hung up.

Kouv: You okay?

Me: Yeah. I need to go back home. It's an emergency.

Kouv: Okay

We told Alex and we went home. I started packing my things. Then, I went to Vinnie's room.

Me: Hey Vin

Vin: Hey, what's wrong?

He stood up. I held him tightly

Me: I know it's a lot to take in but I'm leaving at 9pm. I won't be back for another 9 months or maybe even survive.

We hugged and Vinnie was speechless.

Me: I promise for the next few months, I'll text you when I'm not busy.. I promise we can make this happen. I trust you Vinnie

Vin: I trust you too

He kissed my forehead.

Me: Promise me. If I don't make it, you have to move on for me?

Vinnie didn't say a word

Me: Vinnie, promise me!

Vin: No. You'll not die. Have some faith..

I hugged him tightly.

Vin: You arent gonna be here for my birthday? Or fight?

Me: I'm so sorry baby

I let out tears.

Vin: Hey, it's okay. I got a lot of faith in you.

Me: Win the fight please.. For me?

Vin: I will

Me: I love you. Forever and always

We kissed and I took my bags and put them downstairs. I went to my dad's room. I unlocked his door since he gave me his password.

Thomas: Hey, what's up?

Me: I'm leaving for 9 months or maybe will not make it. Im going for a really important and dangerous mission and I love you guys

I hugged him and he hugged me back. Mia hugged me from behind and we group hugged. Then, Micheal came in

Mike: Cops are here

Me: Okay. I guess this is goodbye

Thomas: I believe in you Mina. I know you can do this..

I just nodded and left. We took my private jet because the airplane was getting painted.

(Skip to North Carolina after 4 months cause I'm a lazy duck)

It wasn't looking too good for me. I black out almost 5 times a day. I brushed it off anyways. I kept in touch with Vinnie and my dad but it was just 2 times a week that I get to text them. Now, I I'm in my hotel room trying to heal my wounds and bruises. I then got a knock on my door. I answered it and everything went black.

Jay's pov (the cop guy)

I was walking to Minas room and saw blood. I rushed to see that she was unconscious. I called the squad and we sent to the hospital. She got sent into the surgery room. After 4 hours, they were done. She had some memory loss. I called Vinnie.

Me: Vin, it's Jay. Minas currently in the hospital. She has memory loss

Vin: Oh. So what now?

Me: I don't know. We will tell Nicholas all the info and so on

Vin: Okay

I hung up. After that, a had a group meeting. We have decided to send Mina back to LA. We used her jet which had a small medic room inside of it. I followed her back making sure she's there safely

(In LA)

We just got here and we got guards to escort her body to the ambulance. There were people trying to take pictures of her but we instantly blocked them. We got into her private ambulance which we just made for her and went to the hospital. We put her in her ward and called up Nicholas

Me: Nick..

Nick: Hey Jay

Me: Can you please tell Thomas Petrou that his daughter is in the hospital and is under treatment. She has memory loss and we want you to check her files since you still have an ai in you..

Nick: Okay, I'm coming

Me: Okay.

I hung up. I waited until her family came. And soon enough, they came after 10 minutes. The guards stopped them and asked them to quiet down. I immediately left the room.

Nick's pov

We all rushed into her room and everyone quiet down. It was just me, Madison and the hype house. We got inside and the guards stopped them from getting too near. They escorted everyone out except for Vinnie and I.

Me: Do I have permission to check her chip by holding her hand?

Vin: Yes

I align my thumb with her's and checked all the memories. Her other ones were corrupted. I added some of mine in. I using the ones where it was Vinnie and her making out

Vin: You saw that?

Me: Yeah... Had to record it just in case I wanna blackmail her and ask her for some candy

Vinnie giggled and I added more memories in. My memories weren't effected since it came from me. I was trying my best to transfer the memories but I only had 10 different ones of her and Vinnie.. I hope it will trigger memory...

(Lol this chapter is short and it sucks)

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