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-the next morning-
I woke up and Nick was still out. I looked at my phone and it says that it was still 4am. I smiled
Nick: Ugh my head hurts
Me: Nick, it's 4am, go back to sleep
Nick: What are you doing this up this late?
Me: I woke up from a nightmare.
Nick: Okay
He went to sleep. After a few minutes, I fell asleep beside him. At 8am I woke up and Nick was still out again. I slowly got off the bed and took a shower and put on a hoodie and pants. I came out if the closet
Nick: Where do you think you're going?
Me: I don't know, explore the place
Nick: 30 more minutes.
I smiled
Me: Fine
I went over to the bed and cuddled with him. He put his hand on my neck
Me: Nick, please don't do-
I said as my voice faded away and I went to sleep. After 50 minites., I woke up with tears in my eyes and I was shaking
Nick: Y/n, You okay?
He held my hand. I gripped it tightly and closed my eyes. Then the shaking stopped
Nick: Y/n, You have to tell me what's going on.
Me: N- no- no- nothing
Nick: Y/n, you're trembling
Me: Uhm. I used to have a friend a- and- used to bully me, h- he havent got adopted and now he is still in there but I- I'm having nightmares about him
Nick: It's okay. It's okay. You're in safe hands. No one here will hurt you
Me: O- Okay
I hugged him tight. After 5 minutes. I got out of bed while Nick took a shower. (Btw you already withdrawal the cheque money and transferred it to your bank acc). I lay there for another 5 minutes
Nick: Y/n, you're heating up
He put his hand on my head
Nick: You're heating up
I just pulled up the covers while tears were coming out from my eyes because I was hot.
Nick: Want me to call Griffin?
Me: Sure
He got up and called Griffin over
Grif: I don't have my equipment with me
Me: Take my luggage and there is the special med kit I there
Grif: Damn, I worked there for 3 years and no one gave me one
He walked to my luggage and too out to med kit. He did some test on me.
Grif: You just have a cold no big deal
Me: Kay
Grif: So you should go-
Me: I know what to do Grif
Grif: Okay
They all went out and I took a cold shower. My temperature decreased a little and I got out of the room. I tried to look strong as possible. I ate breakfast and looked at my phone. I decided to make a tiktok (and btw you have to use a hoodie until your bruises are healed). And my comments went crazy with "Shes using a hoodie" "Shes wearing a long sleeve shirt". I didn't care and ate my breakfast. I finished breakfast and cleaned up. After that, I went to go sit on the kitchen counter.
Thomas: Why do you like to sit on counters?
Me: Cause I like to?
He laughed
I went to Nick.

A/n: As much as I want to put pics in this book, I cant. Cause Wattpad is being a little bitch :))

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