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Griffins POV
I ran to Y/n Because I knew she was about to pass out. She looked so pale. Then she blacked out. I carried her to the couch and she was heating up.
Me: Can someone get a cold cloth
Jaden: On it
Me: Someone call an ambulance
Thomas called an ambulance
Jaden: Here
I put the cloth on her head. She was still breathing and we just had to wait for the ambulance. The ambulance came minutes after. She ended up in the hospital.
Thomas: Grif, what happened?
Me: She looked pale and I held onto her and she passed out
Thomas: That's weird
Then the doctor came out
Doc: Shes okay. Shes been through a lot of things. She's just stressed out. Too much has been happening for her
Thomas: Okay
We entered the room and saw Y/n On the bed. We sat next to her. We waited for her to wake up but she didn't. After 5 hours of waiting, she finally woke up
Grif: Y/n
We all walked up to her bed. She just smiled at us
Y/n: Hey, Guys
Thomas: Hey, Y/n
Y/n: What happened?
Thomas: You passed out because of stress
She sighed and Avani and the girls entered the room.
Avani: Y/n..
Y/n: Hey, Avani
She looked sad
Avani: Aw.. what's wrong?
Y/n: Nothing
Then she closed her eyes and went back to sleep. Me, Sway, Nick, the girls and Thomas stayed at the hospital. I sat on the couch and her heart rate is getting faster and faster.
Me: Nick, you know how to calm her down.. right?
Nick: Wait, I'll try
He went over to Y/n And put his hand on her neck. Her heart rate went down
Me: How did you?
Nick: She calms down when someone holds her neck. But not too much pressure until she has a flat line
Me: Oh
He let go of Y/n And she continued sleeping. She woke up after 3 hours. We talked for a bit and the doctors came in
Doc: You guys might wna to go out. Griffin, you can stay
Me: Okay
We did a check up on her. She is fine now.
Doc: Okay, to guys can go now. But Y/n, For 2 weeks, you have to stay at home and rest. Calm your mind
Y/n: Okay

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