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My parents infront of the door. I stopped and took a step back
Me: Mom? Dad?
They turned around. They came closer. I step back
Me: How are you guys still here?
D: I was never dead
I looked at them terrified. Then Thomas came
Thomas: Sir, I want you to step back
D: Can I speak to her in private?
I looked at Thomas and he nodded. I followed them and they explained everything
D: Y/n, We never wanted to tell you this but. When you were little, your uncle, he blackmailed us. He threaten to take you away. So we did what he says. We actually regret abusing you and your brother when you were both still little.
Me: What did he threaten you with again?
D: I'm actually an enemy of his. I accidentally killed his daughter and he blackmailed us. We're sorry
I just stayed silent and tears were rolling down my cheeks. I turned around and kept my head down. I walked straight to the exit then I felt hands on my shoulder pulling me back
Grif: Where do you think you're going?
I looked at him with tears in my eyes. He took me into a tight hug. Then he let go. Nick was behind me. He pulled me into a other hug.
Nick: What happened?
Me: I'll tell you guys later
Then I got out of the hug. Then my parents came to me
Dad: We're sorry hunny but we had too
Me: Who installed the chip in me?
Dad: Your uncle
Me: Where is he?
Dad: He is dead
Me: How?
Dad: You killed him
Me: Where is his wife?
Dad: She is also dead. She is Riley
I went speechless
Me: So you're saying that I was living with uncle Fran's this whole time?
Dad: Yes. I'm sorry
I stayed silent for a bit
Me: Leave me alone for a bit
I stood up and called Blake.
Me: Can you pick me up in the hospital Blake?
Blake: Sure
I hung up
Grif: You are not going there
I didn't listen. I just stayed silent. Then Blake came. I got in his car
Blake: Everything okay?
Me: My parents are alive. My real ones
Blake: I thought they were dead
Me: I've been living with my uncle this whole time
Blake: Oh my gosh
I sat in silence. I texted Nick
Me: I'm going to Blake's
Nick: Okay, love you
Me: Love you too
We got to his place and Selena came running to me
Selena: Y/n!!!!
She hugged me
Cam: Hey y/n
Me: Hey
My eyes were still red
Cam: You okay?
Me: I don't wanna talk about it
Selena: Lets play!
Me: Okay
We went to her room and played hide and seek. We played a for a couple of rounds and I heard the doorbell. Blake opened it to reveal

Griffin, Nick and Noah
Me: Hey guys
Blake: Come in
They came in. Griffin hugged me tight
Me: Griffin, I can't breathe
He let go a little bit but not letting go of the hug
Me: Griffin
Grif: We know your story
Me: Who told you?
Grif: Your parents
I just stayed silent for a couple seconds and he let go of the hug.
Me: What are you doing here anyways?
Grif: We just wants to see our little sister
Me: I'm Nick's girlfriend
Grif: Yes, and girlfriend too
We laughed. They sat down on the sofa.
Me: I have to go find kids first
Noah: Ok
We laughed. I looked under the sink and saw Selena
Me: There you are
I tickled her
Selena: Stooppp
We laughed
Me: Okay, now let's go find Cam
Cam: RAH
Me: You can't scare me easily
We laughed together
Me: Come on. We have guest
Cam: Okay
We walked to the living room and saw the boys making a tiktok
Me: Have you guys eaten?
Cam: I have, she hasn't
Me: Want to go out with us?
Cam: Really?!
Me: Yeah
I smiled at her and I went to Blake
Me: Hey, mind if I take the girls out?
Blake: Not at all
Me: Okay
I went to the living room again
Me: Hey guys, mind if they tag along
Noah: I don't say why not
We all went out
Me: Say bye to your dad
Selena and Cam: Bye dad!
Me: Who's driving?
Noah: Me
Me: Okay
Noah and Griffin sat upfront and the four of us at the back. Selena had to sit on my lap
Nick: Can I take Selena's seat?
Me: Youre so cheesy
We all laughed it off
Me: Can we go to the hospital first? I want to see my brothers
Noah: Okay
We got to the hospital. I went to my room. I saw them up.
Me: Hey guys, sorry I'm late
Ondre: It's okay
We talked for a bit and I saw Selena playing with Brandon.
Me: Selena, you want to go now? We still have to bring you to go eat you know?
Sel: Okay
Me: Dixie, Addison, Charli, Kouvr, Avani, Mia? Wanna come?
Tg: Okay!
We all got in 2 cars. I followed Mia.
Kouvr: Cam, how old are you?
Cam: 13
Mia: Oohhh
We got to Dunkin. We got donuts and coffee. Selena got orange juice and Cam got the same (Im not an American so idk.. I've never experienced Dunkin.. don't come for me lmao). We got in the car and went to the mall. I bought Selena and Cam some nice things. Cam bought clothes and Selena a mostly bought toys. I payed for them and we sent them back home
Selena: Bye!
Cam: Bye!
Me: Bye guys!
They closed the door and went in their house
Kouvr: They're so energetic
Me: You don't say
We drove to the hospital. I went in my room and everyone were worried
Me: What's up?
Then Trevor entered the room
Trev: Y/n, there you are! We need you
Me: Okay
I put down all my things and rushed to the surgery room. I say the patient it was

BRANDON?! I did my thing. I tried so hard not to cry. After 2 hours, we rolled him into the room. I took off the suit and cleaned up. I went in the room. I sat on the couch. I slept there and I felt pressure on my arm. It was probably Nick. I didn't care and just slept. I woke up from commotion in the room. Everyone were yelling.
Micheal: I-
Everyone turned to me.
Me: What is this all about oh my gosh
Me: Its either you want to solve it or it will be Stu k to you
Me: Huh? What?
Thomas: Oh admit it, we know you want to be with your real parents
Me: What? Thomas, stop. What are you talking about. Yes they are my parents but you have full custody of me
Thomas: Not anymore
Me: What do you mean?
Thomas: We're going to court later
Me: Oh my gosh
Then Thomas got a call. He answered and after 5 different words. He hung up
Thomas: We're going now
Me: Ugh
I stood up and went to court.
-at the court-
I went in with Thomas.
J: Jacob, why do you want Y/n to stay with you?
D: She is my real daughter
J: This says that you abused her and died?
D: That was actually my brother. Jake
J: Julia, is that true?
M: Yes. He blackmailed us
J: Thomas. You adopted Y/n and have full custody of her. Do you approve of her moving back in with her parents?
Thomas looked at me I was giving him the "No" look
Thomas: I approve
I have him a "WHAT?!" face
J: It has been said that Jacob and Julia have full custody for not only Y/n, but her brother too
I was so upset. I couldn't believe that he did that. My parents were happy. I am still supporting my second family. We got dismissed and I got in Thomas's car.
Me: Why did you do that?!
Thomas: You're too good for us
Me: Thomas, give me a good reason
Thomas: You're just, you don't deserve to be with us. Youre too good.
I was already crying at this point.
Thomas: Y/n, I'm sorry
I stayed silent. We got to the hospital. I went into the room and everyone was there. Nick saw me
Nick: What happened?
Me: Ask Thomas
Thomas: Alright, meeting
Everyone came in. The girls closed the door.
Thomas: Y/ns parents have full custody of her
Grif: What?!
Bryce: What?!
Thomas: She doesnt deserve us
Me: You were the one who let this happen
Grif: What actually happen Y/n
Me: He approved that I am staying with my parents. And Brandon too
Everyone were mad at Thomas. Nick brought me to a hug. Then my parents came in the room
D: We might have full custody of Y/n, but I didn't say that she could stay with you guys
Me: Wait, for real?
M: Yeah! We saw how you all reacted so we both decided that Y/n can stay with you guys
Me: Brandon too?
(I'm crying rn.. don't judge)
M: Yes, Brandon too
I stood up and gave them a hug

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