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A/n: suggestion by Locjdj... Thx btw

We hung out for like the past week and we headed back to Cali. It was 9am, and I took a shower and got ready for the day. I had nothing to do to be honest so I changed and went to the gym. After 30 minutes, I got a call.
Me: Hello?
Jared: Hey! I just wanna inform you that your music video is still on hold while the Conan Gray team are using the studio
Me: Oh, it's okay, I could film anytime y'all are available
Jared: Thank you for understanding Team Tagio (ta-ge-o)
Me: No problem
Then I hung up. I got was done with my workout and then I got another call from Blake.
Blake: Hey, we kinda need your help, I know we said we didn't but now it's critical
Me: What's wrong?
Blake: You need to fly to Washington
Me: Wait why?
Blake: There's something going on in the capitol
Me: Whats happening?
Blake: Trump supporters are raiding the capitol while Congress were counting votes. And trump supporters aren't happy about that
Me: I'm taking my jet there
Blake: Thank you
I hung up. I took my emergency suitcase and I took a shower and put on clothes first. I called my pilot and he was already ready. I got out from the closet
Me: Nick, I'm going to Washington.
Nick: Are you going there for that reason?
Me: Yes
I said while rolling up my sleeves.
Nick: Stay safe
He hugged and kissed me on my forehead.
Me: I have to go now, I'm taking my jet. Bye. Tell everyone
Nick: Bye
I ran downstairs and there were my police friends and a car with a driver. I was rushed to airport. I changed into a black hoodie under my best and shirt. We got to the airport and then police helped me to my jet. Paparazzi were coming after me with many questions but I just had to ignore them. I went to my lounge and I got into my jet. I was met with 5 different fbi and swat agents. I put on my seat belt. I prepared my stuff and took off my hoodie. I took off my vest and they gave me a new one. It was the swat jacket so it was more stronger. We got ready all weapons but we had to keep them apart from us so that we don't accidentally use it. Me on the other hand, I wasn't actually allowed to use guns cause I don't have the license for it. But I just used my weapons.
Henry: It's getting worse
Me: Oh no
We organised our plan for the past 4 hours and we were landing.
Me: So where do I guard again?
Phil: Enterance
Me: Enterance and then swat will help me?
Ken: Yes and we have about like 100 of each team
Me: Okay
I put on my hoodie and the rest put shirts and some of them out on hoodies to seem casual. The jet landed and I opened the door and they took the stairs to us. We got down and we took our baggage out. Our weapons were hidden in each of our bags. We got help from the police officers and we went down a hallway full with police and FBI agents at the sides and they salute when I passed them. All of us went to the cars. We were all wearing black and white so we seem like we wanted to rob a house. But fans noticed me. A girl came up to me
?: hey, can I get a picture
Me: I would love to but I'm sorry, now isn't the time
?: oh, it's okay
I got escorted by swats and fbi's. I went to my car and we drove to a hotel. I got out with 5 agents and helped me to the hotel room. They said they will wait in the lobby while I get ready. I put on moveble jeans and tucked in my black shirt. I put on my vest and put on a hoodie. I took all of my weapons with me but they were in my hand so people know. Then I locked my door and went to the lobby.
Me: Agents, we have to move
Ivan: Alright
We went to the capitol and it was bad. They lead me to an opening that no one knows about. We went in thought there and we split up. I went to the Enterance which was filled with many people.
Everyone laughed at me. Then, I heard a woman say
?: Fake!
Me: I swear don't come closer
There was a police there. I handed him my bostaff. I whispered in his ear.
Me: J got this, take my bad and take the H8 and set it up.
?: That will blow this place up!
Me: No, that's the pepper spray one
?: okay
He set it up meters away. I stopped everyone from coming by holding a fake granade.
Me: Everyone get out or this will happen
I stepped back while people got closer. Then, I jumped over the alarm and everyone hit the sensor. The pepper spray was released. I closed my eyes while my agent was injured. I spray water in his eyes.
Me: Are you okay?
?: yes
I helped him up and everyone ran outside. I got more of those and set them up just in case. I told everyone about the trap. Then, more people raided but then they triggered the censors and the pepper spray spray out took .much and I had to manually stop it. I got sprayed a bit and everyone left the capitol. Then I was on duty in front of the building. I stood there empty handed, without a helmet and only a vest on me but I had many weapons in my pocket, it was just all compact. I had to remain my seriousness and stood there while people were were throwing words at me. Then, I felt something bang my face. I saw that it was a brick. It sliced my forehead. It actually hurt this time, I didn't know what was happening to my senses. I realised that I was bleeding. I talked in the walkie talkie.
Me: Help, someone threw a brick on my face.
I was in tears in this point.
Jay: Wait cadet
Me: Okay
I stood there, facing everything and realised that my life could end here. But I had to think positive. I stood there while things were being thrown at me. I just kept my face serious while tears formed. Then, I saw something heading my way. I took out my nunchuckes and pressed the button and the nun chuckes formed. I swung it on the thing and it was another brick. It crumbled into pieces. People climbed up the stairs and the censors that I installed sprayed them with pepper spray. Then they remain down there while I stood there. After 2 hours of people throwing things at me, I had enough.
Me: 007 can you tap in?
007: I'm sorry, there are still people inside
Me: Can anyone tap me in?
No one answered. I stood there with tears in my eyes. Then, a rock got thrown at me. The small bits got in my eye. Then, many people took videos of me. I was playing with my hands and faced down and let the tears go out by closing my eyes for 5 seconds and look back up. I had to keep my cool.
005: Mina, I can tap in. You have to go to the ambulance
Me: Thank you
I went to the medical team. I had to get quick stitches. I got inside the capitol and took my stuff. I got somethings. I was still in pain for some reason. I got all my tech stuff and put on the tech glasses. I put them on. I went up to the front. I scanned everything while some of my fans screamed.
Almost half of the crowd went back. I stood there with my team. I finally got an idea.
Me: 005, ask people to block the perimeter and leave a gap. Get everyone with guns put take out the ammo
005: Okay
Me: 008, 049, go too.
They nodded and I stood back there. They block the perimeter and left a small gap and I had my plan in action.
Me: Well well well. Now I have a good plan.
Then, all the agents got out with guns.
Me: No shoot, let's go down and escort everyone out.
They gave me a gun and we all pretended to move at them. Everyone were panicking and they all ran. But an amount doesn't want to go. We shut down the whole capitol and I went back to standing there. I gave the gun back and I stood there by myself with only a vest. People were still throwing things at me. My head was bleeding again but I had to remain there. Then, I saw familiar faces. It was hype and sway. I looked at them and smiled a bit and I just stood there. While people still throwing things at me. Then, I saw shadows behind me. It was the swat team with guns. I got a little happy. They gave me a gun
Me: Again?
They nodded seriously.
I went down first and shot the sky. And we all made a move. We got them out and about 20 people were still there. I stayed down at the steps. While the rest were on top of the stairs. I took out the fake granade. I motioned to the hype to move. I saw them leaving. I wiped the blood off my face.
Me: Goggles on
Everyone out in their goggles. I didn't have one and I threw the granade. After 2 seconds, the pepper sprayed. I remain seriousness and people ran away. My eyes were burning and I sprayed water in my eyes. The agents lead me inside to the ambulance. I got meds and stitches. I stayed in the ambulance for a while and forgot that hype and sway are here. I went to the front. And swat were escorting them out
Me: 096, 095, 263, they're harmless
They looked at me and nodded their heads. They went back in the capitol. It was 9pm by now.
Me: Hey guys
Nick: Are you okay?
Me: Kinda
Thomas: We're just glad you're still here
I hugged them all.
Bryce: We saw the vid
Me: What vid?
Bryce: Here
He showed me the video of me getting hit by a brick.
Me: Oh gosh
Nick: So, where are you staying for the night?
Me: in a hotel. But I don't know if I have night shift
Nick: Okay, stay safe
Me: I can't promise that
Bryce: Simp!
Me: Shh
Jay: Cheif, 005, 007 and 809 in capitol now
Me: 764, can I on 45?
Jay: No, just a meeting
Me: Okay
I looked at everyone
Me: You guys go, i have to go inside
Thomas: Okay. Love you
Me: Love you guys
I ran inside and attended the meeting. I had night shift tomorrow so I had to time to rest I the morning. They dismissed us and I got escorted out with 5 swat agents and we went to my hotel. I put my hood up and saw Nicholas. I smiled and I went to my room. The swat boys left me alone and they went to their rooms. I showered and put on clothes. I made a tiktok and pretended like nothing happened, but of course I didn't show my face. I posted it and I lay on bed. Then, Nick texted me
Nick: Hey! Which room are you in?
Me: 0846 p
Nick: Okay
After 5 minutes, I got a knock on the door. I saw the swat boy. I opened the door
Jay: Hey Cheif just wanted to let you know that you've been assigned to the back of the capitol tomorrow night
Me: Okay, thank you for the update
Then, he left. Then Nick came up to me
Me: Oh hey nick. Come in
He went in and I locked my door. I went to nick who was sitting on my bed
Nick: Are you okay?
He touched my face
Me: Somehing like that
Nick hugged me tight.
Nick: good thing I didn't lose you today..
Me: No you didn't Nick. I'll be fine
Nick: Okay
We lay in bed and I fell asleep on his chest.

A/n: Any suggestions for the next chapter?

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