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Nicks Pov
While Y/n was taking a shower, her phone blew up. And someone keeps calling her. I checked her phone. And it was from an unknown number.
Y/n, Is This You?
Y/n, I miss You
Y/n, Please don't ignore me
Answer, please
If you don't answer for 5 minutes, I'll tell your family what you did last time
I read the last one. What does he mean by what she did last time. Then she came out of the closet
Me: Y/n
Y: Yeah?
Me: There's Is an unknown number texting you
Y: Oh no
Your POV
How did he find my number? What is he going to do? I'm scared. I didn't realized that I was shaking
Nick: Y/N!
Me: Uhuh?
He sat me down on the bed. I took my phone and he was threatening me.
In chat
Me: What do you want Malcolm?
Mal: Please, just, come back
Me: I can't
Mal: I'll tell your family what you did
Me: I did that for a good reason okay..
Mal: No you didn't
Mal: Even through the phone DONT GIVE ME ATTITUDE
Mal: I can leak your number
Me: Try me
I quickly did my thing so no one random would text me. Only the numbers I had saved. I blocked every number that could exist in the world and it worked. If only I save their number then they could text me. I saw a tweet with all the hype house numbers. I panicked. I ran in the living room.
Everyone ran downstairs
Me: Phones now
Everyone gave me their phones. I protected their numbers and I gave their phones back
Nick: What happened?
Me: My ex.. he leaked our numbers
Thomas: How did he get them?
Me: I don't know?!
Nick: Y/n, Mind telling us what did you do in the orphanage
Me: Who told you?
Nick: I saw your messages
Charli: Not cool
Addi: Yeah
Me: Guys, it's fine. I don't care
Thomas: Tell us?
Me: I might have. Um. Bullied a kid
Nick: What for?
Me: He slapped me so I did what I could
Nick: What happened to him?
Me: He um. Died
Nick: HOW?!
Me: I don't know. But it wasn't because of me. I didn't hit him hard
Thomas: Oh
Me: When i-
I got interrupted by a call
Kelly: Hey Y/n
Me: Hey
Kelly: Are you down for another mission?
Me: Yeah sure
Kelly: I got a call from a Malaysian art school in Kuching
Me: Oh, my dream is to go there. What happened?
Kelly: They got a letter from a person threatening them. They want to kidnap a person from there.
Me: Oh, okay
Kelly: You're flying tonight at 8pm. With your whole family. You're going to sleep there for a month or two. And you have to register tomorrow at 10am. Go to the principles office
Me: Okay. Im excited
Kelly: Okay, good.
Me: Bye
Kelly: Bye
I hung up happy
Thomas: What was that about?
Me: We're flying to Malaysia!
Thomas: REALLY?
Me: Yes!
Me: Calm down Thomas. We're flying tonight 8pm
Thomas: That's like 4 hours away, we should get packing
Me: Yeah
We packed all our stuff and we called an Uber. It was already 6pm. We went to the airport and checked in. We sat there for 30 minutes and they asked us to board our flight. We got in the plane and settled down. Nick was shaking and I held his hand tightly
Me: You're never scared
Nick: I truly am
Me: You are not being scared Infront of me.
I held his hand tight. But not until I hurt him. He squeezed my hand and we were finally up. He calmed down a little. After an hour, we landed in beautiful Malaysia. We got out, took our bags and went through security. We went to a Hilton hotel. We bought the whole top floor. It was a cheap country so I had no problem with my financial situation. Nick and I went to our room and I didn't unpack my stuff.
Me: You want to go out to the bridge?
Nick: Sure!
We walked downstairs and we saw the whole Hype House there. We all walked around. We weren't scared of anything because we knew that this place has not many thefts. We saw the bridge and it was beautiful. We took many pictures. It was like a meet and greet. We took pictures. Then I texted in the group chat
Me: Rules in Malaysia,
1. Bring an umbrella everywhere
2. No kissing on the lips or cheek or forehead in public that is considered rude
3. Wear long pants. And no cut offs and tank tops. And no crop tops. Short sleeved shirts are acceptable
4. No proposing. That is also considered rude.
Thomas: How do you know these?
Me: I'm a fan of this place
Nick: You're leaving tomorrow?
Me: Yeah, for 1 to 2 months
Nick: Oh
Me: You guys could still enjoy the culture here
Nick: True. This place is beautiful
Me: I know..
We went to go eat in a mall and we went to buy me some stationery. Charli was sad because she had to drink Starbucks.
Me: Calm down Charli
Charli: I'm going to die here
Me: Charli, you're over reacting. Just drink Starbuck, you still have the Dunkin coffee with you.
Charli: Oh yeah
We walked around and we went back. I slept

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