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I woke up the next day from shuffling. I saw Vinnie getting up. When he saw me, be stopped dead in his tracks..

Vin: Hey, go back to sleep

I saw that it was still dark out

Vin: It's 4am. I'm just going to the bathroom

I nodded. He went to the bathroom and did his business and washed his hands. He got out and saw me still awake

Vin: Hey, go back to sleep

Then my throat was itchy. I coughed it out, and of course I covered my mouth.

Vin: Woah, are you okay?

Then I sneezed.

Vin: Oh no

He felt my forehead

Vin: Babe you're boiling

Me: Can we go to my room

Vin: Okay

I gently tapped beanie and we went to my room. Beanie lay in her bed and I went to the bathroom. I checked everything in my chip and it said that I was completely healthy. But maybe it was my human side. I took the wellness shot and aspirin. I swallowed everything with tap water and went back in bed.

Vin: You okay?

I simply nodded and wrapped my arms around him.

(At 9am)

Vinnie woke me up

Vin: Hey, let's go get breakfast

Me: Oh-

I coughed and sneezed at the same time

Vin: Well, I guess I'll make breakfast

Me: Isn't today your prom photoshoot tomorrow?

Vin: Yeah. But since you're sick-

Me: You're going

Vin: with who?

Me: someone else, and not me

Vin: No

Me: Yes. Vinnie, you don't have to worry about me. You should be living your life, not being held back by a girl. You should go,  maybe with.. your cousin, Megan. She's pretty

Vin: That's a good idea but I don't want to

Me: You should go with her

Vin: No, if it's not you. Then I'm not going

Me: Vinnie, just go.

Vin: Im-

Me: You're going, no more arguing

Vin: fine, I guess I'll go with her

Me: Finally.

I lay back in bed.

Vin: I'm gonna go make us breakfast

Me: Okay

He kissed my forehead and left. I let out all of my coughs. I called up some people to get me tested for covid. Vinnie got me breakfast and we ate together. We were done and he cleaned up. Then, my buddies came along and I did my swab test. Means I have to quarantine for 14 days and I have to stay out of anyone's site, which means that Vinnie and I can't meet. I took a shower and put on comfy clothes. I watched some Netflix. Then there was a knock on my door.

Vin: Hey

Me: Don't come in

Vin: Why?

Me: I just got my swab test and I have to quarantine for 14 days

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