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-in the morning-
The bell rang. It was 5am and we went to the showers. I took a shower and we all line up to go to school. I followed the bus with Raycee. She sat next to me.
Ray: So, how was your life?
Me: Decent, they thought I was a handful and brought me back
Ray: Man, they suck
Me: Yeah
Then we arrived.
Ray: You still remember this?
Me: Yeah. I'm goin to the principles office first
Ray: I can follow you
Me: No need. I know how to take care of myself
Ray: Okay
I went to the principles office I knocked on the door
Mr T: Come in
I went in
Mr T: Y/n Petrou?
Me: Yes
Mr T: What are you doing here?
Me: Im actually going undercover in the orphanage and I need your help
Mr T: I'm glad to help. What is it.
Me: I need to go to my office to record this case. And I need you to tell Mr Carter that I'm actually attending school
Mr T: Okay. Got it
Me: I have to run to my office now
Then we got a knock on the door. It opens to reveal Blake
Blake: Hey champ
Me: Hey
Mr T: Who is this?
Me: My good friend Blake
Mr T: Nice to meet you Blake
Blake: Y/n And I have to get going
Mr T: Okay
We went out. Everyone were in their classrooms and no could see us. I followed Blake to his car.
Blake: How was it?
Me: He doesn't want to give me food he punched and slapped me
Blake: That's weird
Me: Eh? Maybe
We got to his office. All sway and hype were there
Me: How did you guys cramp in here?
Then Griffin gave me a hug
Me: You know other people are also waiting right?
Grif: I don't care
I pulled out. Then Nick gave me one
Me: You guys should seriously give me a warning
He let go
Thomas: How did it go?
Me: Stressful
Mia: That's bad
Me: You don't say less
We talked for a bit and then my alarm rang.
Me: I have to go now, Blake, send me back
Blake: Okay
Me: Bye guys
Everyone: Bye
We went back to the school. I waited under a tree. Then Ray called me
Ray: Y/n, Y/n
Me: Hey Ray
Ray: Where were you?
Me: In school?
Ray: I didn't see you around
Me: I'm small what do you expect
Ray: Oh yeah
Then the bus came and we went back to the orphanage. We got in and they all went to go eat. I didn't get any food. Then it was time for the free time. Raycee went to me
Ray: You want to go out?
Me: Can you actually?
Ray: Mr C said he wants his time alone so he lets us go out
Me: Oh okay, bet. Want to go out?
Ray: We don't have money
Me: It's fine
We went out
Me: Want to go to Dunkin?
Ray: I don't have money
Me: It's okay
Ray: You're not gonna steal are you?
Me: No
Ray: Fine
We went to Dunkin. I wasn't surprised when I saw Charli there. She was sitting down with oh my gosh, Hype house. We went in and all eye were on me. I put my finger on my mouth behind Ray. And I ordered 2 coffees and 2 donuts.
Ray: We can't pay for that. Please don't steal
Me: I won't
I swiped my card
Ray: What? Whose card is that
Me: Don't worry
Ray: Did you steal that?
Me: No, it's mine
Then we sat down behind next to Nick. I pulled out my phone
Ray: You got a phone?!
Me: Yeah, and please don't tell. What's curfew anyways?
Ray: We can come back anytime we want, just before 10pm, we'll be fine.
I texted Nick
Me: Wtf okay imma shut up
Nick: What are you doing here?
Me: To get food, that bastard isn't giving me food for 2 months
Nick: WHAT?! That's terrible
I looked up from my phone and saw Ray staring at Micheal. I smiled
In chat
Me: I think my friend likes Micheal. She's staring at him lmao
Nick: Really? No one is ever attracted to him
Me: I want to laugh
Nick: Same
Me: I kinda have to go now
Nick: Okay
Then I stood up. Ray was still staring
Me: Earth to Raycee
Ray snapped out. And we left. I gave Griff a high five while we were walking out. We went out and we went back to the orphanage. I hid my phone. And we finished our food and drinks. We threw them away. Then we went in. We both hung out for a bit. Then Carter barged in
Then he went out
Me: That was hurtful
Ray: Yeah
We continued talking. Then it was bedtime. We went to bed. And I could hear crying and whacking noises.
Me: This is bad
Ray: Yeah
I decided to go and confront him. I stood up
Ray: Where are you going?
Me: Going to confront him
Ray: Don't do that
Then I heard the door swung open.
Me: I'm here bastard
Me: Bastard... You need meds
Carter swung his belt on my foot and back. It didn't hurt.
Carter: Oh, you need more than that
He kept swinging the belt harder and harder on my back until I couldn't take it anymore. I swung my foot at his face and he passed out.
Me: Ray, grab my phone
She gave me my phone and I called Blake
Me: Blake, orphanage now
Blake: Okay
I hung up
Ray: What is happening?
Me: He abuses you guys.. what else could I do
Ray: Who is Blake? I'm confused
Me: I'll explain later
Then Blake came in. He cuffed Carter and he called ambulances.
Me: Are there anyone hidden or anything? What does he mean by mark?
Ray: Every night, he takes his belt and whacks our backs. He sometimes used metal bars
Me: That's bad
All the kids got checked up. And me too. I had a blue bruise on my back so they had to put an ice pack on it. Then I saw Hype came
Thomas: Y/n, Are you okay?
Me: Not really
Thomas: Oohh thats bad
Nick: Y/n
He hugged me lightly.
Me: Hey Nick
Then Sway and Hype surrounded me. We talked and Blake came to me
Blake: We still need to take care of these kids
Me: I'll do it
Blake: You serious? It's for at least until we find another person
Me: I'm fine
Blake: You can bring a person with you too.
Me: Okay. Nick?
Nick: Okay
All the kids went inside
Everyone went downstairs.
Me: Okay, since that bastard is gone, I'll be taking care of y'all. At least until they find a new one
Everyone: Okay
Me: Is everyone okay?
Everyone: Yeah
Me: You guys wash your feet and go to bed. No sneaking out and lights out at 11
Everyone: Yay
Me: You guys could go. But if one of you sneak out, there's no free time tomorrow
Everyone: Okay
Me: You guys can go now
They all went upstairs and I went to the room. It looked dirty and smelt like weed
Me: This smells
Nick: Yeah
I cleaned up the room and sprayed some of my perfume. It looked and smelt better. Then security came in.
Sec: Y/n, people are asking for you at the entrance
Me: Okay
I went downstairs and hype and sway were there with food trucks
Me: What in the
Thomas: Since you guys are taking care of this place. We kinda want to spoil them
Me: Fine
I went back inside
Everyone rushed downstairs
Me: Anyone asleep?
Everyone: No
Me: Since I'm taking care of this place. These are my family's and they want to give you guys down food to fill you guys up
Avani: EEEEE can I see the babies
Me: Okay.
Charli: Me too
Dix: Me too
Me: Okay but just, make sure they don't cry and if they do, fix it. They have their bottles there too
The girls: okay
They went downstairs.
Me: You guys can line up at the trucks, eat as much as you want, if you throw up, thats not my problem.
They all stood up and went to the food truck and bought food
Alex: Y/n, those boys are fighting
They stopped. I sat on the bench inside. Then Nick came to sit next to me
Nick: Here
He handed me a burger
Me: Thanks
I ate my food
Me: Man I feel bad for these kids
I went to my account and saw that I still have 100 millon
me: how? HOW?
Nick: Calm down, what's the issue
Me: The issue is
I showed him my balance
Nick: And?
Me: Nevermind
It was already 12am
Me: Everyone got their food?
Everyone: Yes
Me: Who still wants some you guys can get. Make sure you all come in and sit down here before 12.5 okay?
Everyone: Okay
Everyone went inside and they sat down
Me: Everyone okay?
Everyone: Yea
Me: Go drink some water and come back
They drank water and came back
Me: You guys could go back now
They all went to their rooms.
Me: Want to go check out the boys?
Nick: Sure
Me: I'll check in the girls
Nick: Okay
I walked to the door. I knocked it and leaned on the door frame. Then a 5 year old girl shouted
Me: I'm not
I took out my phone. And filmed a tiktok. I posted it and the cool kids went to me
Me: What, Des?
Des: Nothing
Me: You want clout? Sorry no
Des: Come on
Me: You bullied me. Not my problem you were friends with a "slut" as you would say.
Then Nick knocked on the door
Nick: Y/n
Me: Mhm
I turned around. Destiny tried to swing her hand to my head. I grabbed it and threw it to her
Me: Better luck next time
Then I walked to Nick. Then I turned my head to the girls
Me: You guys should sleep. There is school tomorrow
Then I turned off the lights.
Nick: The boys won't go to sleep
Me: I got this
I went to the room and I knocked on it.
Me: Boysss
Boys: Yeah?
Me: Go to sleep, there's school tomorrow
Then a tall guy came up to me
Me: Get another step closer and you'll end up with Carter
?: You didn't beat him up babe
Me: First of, I have a boyfriend second, you want me to prove it?
He tried to kick me but I held onto his foot and slammed him on my hand. Cause I don't want him to go to the hospital
Me: Now go to sleep or you'll sleep in class and get in trouble
I let the guy down slowly. Then I left the room.
Nick: Hey, your phone has been ringin for the past 5 minutes
Me: Uh
I looked at my phone and saw Blake's name on it
Me: Hey! What's up?
Blake: We found a person
Me: Okay
Blake: He is going to start tomorrow
Me: Okay
I hung up
Nick: That was fast
Me: You don't say
I opened the door and me and Nick lay on the bed. I was watching YouTube and saw that someone peeped in our room. I stood up and saw the girls still here
Me: I thought you guys left?
Avani: Never do never will if you're still here
Me: Come in
They came in with sway and hype. We talked for a bit and it was already 6am. I rang the bell
Charli: Dang that's loud
Me: I know. Now you know how annoying this is
Charli: Guess so
Then everyone woke up. They took a shower, ate and left. Sway and Hype were still there.
Me: Shouldn't you guys go back?
Thomas: Not until you leave
Me: Uh, okay?
I turned on my phone and out on a massive security to my house. I checked he cameras and there was nothing instead of Michael Calvin and Patty.
Me: Oh my gosh
I said while laughing
Nick: What's wrong?
I showed him that patty Micheal and Calvin were twerking in the middle of the room. Then I talking into the camera
Me: You guys know I have cameras right?
Calvin: WHAT?
I kept laughing. Then I showed the recordings to Hype. They all laughed. Then someone knocked on my door. I opened it to reveal the guy yesterday
?: Sup shawty
Me: Did you take a shower at least?
?: No, I'm gonna fuck you
Me: Ew, get away
He put his hand on my shoulder. I pushed it away. Then Griffin came by my side
Grif: Look man, go away from her, you're a creep
Swype: Yeah
The guy looked shocked and embarrassed and he walked away
Me: That was.. that was interesting
Nick: Says the girl who almost put him in the hospital last night
Me: No I didn't. I knew what to do
Then my phone blew up
Me: What in the
I pulled out my phone and saw messages from Twitter saying
"Kouvr Is too fat. I mean like she is literally so big that she can't even fit in a public toilet. This isn't a joke okay. I'm just saying. And bet Y/n isn't even 14, she just needs that for attention...@y/npetrou @k0uvr"
Me: What the?
Then Griffin looked over
Grif: That's ridiculous
Me: Right?
Then I tweeted "Oh well well well, let see this in tiktokroom later..." Then everyone got a noti.
Nick: What in the
Me: You can say that again
Then Nick tweeted "if she isn't 14, I would be dating a 18 year old now bitches" then grif tweeted "'not 14' cut the crap man". Then someone knocked on my door. It was the new guy. I got over with the usual schedule and he took some notes. I left that place and went back to the Hype House. I lay down and I saw Kouvr getting so much hate for being fat...wtf. Then I tweeted "Can you guys just stop body shaming people.. first you body shamers say that @lilhuddy is too skinny and now @k0uvr for being fat. What do you guys want? Skinny or fat? Or if someone has an average weight.. you will say they're too fat what happened to 'be yourself'? I thought you guys could do better than this. Don't judge people. If you guys hate on Kouvr and Chase so much.. don't say it. Don't you feel bad for doing that? And yes I am 14, I don't care if you guys say I'm not. Just don't come for my family" I tweeted it out. I ordered food for everyone. Postmates came
Me: Guys! Postmates came!
Everyone sprinted out their room. And got their food. Then I got a call from Blake
Blake: Y/n, what If we teach your haters a lesson.
Me: How?
Blake: We find a house that is in danger right now and we keep saying "Where's Y/n, Where's Y/n, Y/n Petrou" and see what they'll think
Me: Okay I'm down. I'll find one right now and yeah. I'll call you later
I hung up then I grabbed my iPad and did my thing. I found a building which is currently on fire. And one of my haters is there. I hack into the firemen's headset
Me: Guys, mind doing me a favour..
Hex: What?
Me: Wait, you guys need me?
Hex: Actually yes
Me: Okay. I'll skate there
I got off. I drank my water and too Bryce's skateboard
Me: Guys, I'm going to you know where. Bye
I headed out and I got to the scene after 3 minutes.
Hex: You're here. Let me suit you up
He gave me a fireproof coat. And I went in
Hex: There is a girl on the top floor but we can't get her
Me: I'll try
I ran up the stairs and i heard crying. I busted down the door and she was in the closet. I took her out and got her to safety.
?: Y/n Petrou?
Me: That's me
?: Why did you save me?
Me: Cause that's my job
?: I didn't believe it at first and I actually spread the hate
Me: Don't do that okay? Sometimes if you do something bad. It can always come right back to you (ok I watch too much Dhar Man)
?: Oh, okay
Than Blake called me
Blake: You okay? I saw the news
Me: Yeah, I'm alright
I hung up
Me: I need to go back now
?: Okay bye
Me: Bye
I skated back home. And everyone were happy to see me. Then I saw Kelly suddenly called me
Me: Oh my
I pick up
Me: Hello?

Adopted by the Hype House (Nick And Vinnie Story)Where stories live. Discover now