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-at the hospital-
It didn't hurt actually. I just stayed calm. I fell asleep after 3 minutes. I was in a verge of going to sleep but hype house and sway members came in.
Grif: ARE... YOU... OKAY???
Me: Yes. And I was about to sleep until you guys came in
Then I saw my parents came in
M: Y/n?
Me: I'm okay
Everyone surrounded me. Then Brandon came in with the Lopez brothers.
Bran: Dad, look what Ondre got me
He went to Thomas. My eyes widen
Thomas: Wow, that looks cool
D: Brandon?
Bran: Dad?
D: You've grown so much
Brandon got scared and he hid behind Thomas.
Thomas: It's okay, they won't hurt you anymore
Me: Yeah, they're good now
Brandon walked to them and my mom picked him up
M: Wow, you're as light as a feather
Bran: I know
Then I got a call fro man unknown number. I put it on speaker
Me: Hello?
?: Y/n, Is This you?
Me: Who is this?
?: It's Alexander
Me: Oh, hey
Alex: There is a new person who takes care of us
Me: And?
Alex: He abuses us especially the babies and girls
Me: Oh my gosh. What's his name
Alex: Carter Louise (HEY YOU!)
Me: What was that?
Alex: Oh no, I got caught
Me: Alex wait
Alex: Bye
He hung up. Then I called Blake
Me: Blake,
Blake G.: What?
Me: Not you
In call
Blake: Yeah?
Me: Can you see people's backgrounds now or are you somewhere?
Blake: I'm in my office
Me: Find a guy named Carter Louise
Blake: Okay... I got it. He is a criminal and got 15 different abuse cases
Me: Blake.... He runs the orphanage
Blake: You have to go undercover so these kids don't get hurt
Me: I'll experiment for 2 weeks
Blake: Okay. Come to my office to get ready
Me: I'm in the hospital
Then a doctor came in
Trevor: Y/n, Blake said you have a mission so you could get discharged
Me: Okay
In call
Blake: You have any rides?
Me: I have like 10 different rides so I think I'm good
Blake: Okay
He hung up
Me: Okay, now who wants to send me to Blake's office and pre- I think Thoams should join since you adopted me and say that you want to send me back
Thomas: Okay
Me: Mia you too
Mia: Okay
I wanted to stand up but everyone were surrounding me
Me: Mind giving me space to walk?
Jaden: Oh, sorry
He left me a space
Me: Thanks
Then everyone went out. I followed Thomas to the office. We got there and I brought them to his office. Ii key in the password and we went in.
Blake: Y/n, pack Your bags, I'll give you 5 different mirophones.. it could last for 24 hours so use it wisely. Set up cameras.
Me: Okay
He gave me microphones and cameras

Adopted by the Hype House (Nick And Vinnie Story)Where stories live. Discover now