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Mattia pointed a gun at me
Ma: What if you join her?
Me: Sure
He shot me and the bullet didn't even leave a single scratch
Me: Not very powerful huh?
He threw the gun down and choked me.
Me: You know I can still breathe right?
I kicked his head and he fell down to the ground. I cuffed him.
Me: Who is in this too?
Mattia: I'm not telling
Me: You want to die?
Mattia: Tanner, Jake and Paul
(Not the famous ones)
Me: Bring them here
I pulled him up. He brought me to the classrooms that theyre in. I cuffed the rest of the guys and Police took them. I wen to the principles office and told Mr N
Me: They can come out now
Mr N: Okay
He talked in the intercom
Mr N: School assembly. Everyone go to the gym. I walked passed the students while they were all forming a line. I walked in the gym first. Then I stood behind the door. Everyone came in the gym and some were surprised to see me. The principle gave a speech and the Lopez brothers came in the gym.
Mr N: Go down
Me: Okay
I went down to the Lopez brothers.
Me: Hey guys
Tony: You're here too?
Me: Yeah, I had to save the school
Then everyone went crazy.
Ondre: What if we back flip at the same time?
Me: Sure I'm down
We stood for a second and backflip Infront of many students.
Mr N: Thank you to Y/n, For saving this school and thank you to the Lopez Brothers for coming. We have a performance for you guys.
Then everyone clapped their hands. They did a performance for us. We clapped our hands
Mr N: Y/n, You want to show us your moves?
I shrugged and went in the middle of the gym. I did a routine probably the hardest I had done and then we moved on to the boards. I backflip one and broke it. I did many things
Mr N: Thank you Y/n, For that performance
I sat back down
Mr N: The next thing is, Lopez brothers, they want to dance for all of you. And Y/n too
We danced and when we were done
Mr N: Okay, thank you to the Lopez brothers and Y/n For coming Here today, you all could be dismissed
We all got out and we took pictures with the students. We got back to the apartment all exhausted. I knocked on the door and Anthony answered
Me: Hey Shaggy
Ant: Hey!
I laughed a little and I took a shower. I didn't eat the whole day so I ordered Mcdonalds. I sat in the kitchen and Nick came out of our room
Nick: What if- Oh hey Y/n
Me: Hey
Nick was talking to someone
Nick: Bye mom
Nm: Bye
He hung up
Nick: You okay?
Me: I'm tired. But I'm hungry. You want McDonald's? I wan to order some
Nick: Okay. I'll have fries and nuggets
Me: Okay
We sat in the kitchen waiting for our McDonald's. Then after 5 more minutes, our food arrived. I thanked the postmates guy and I gave Nick his meal. We ate and I drank some water. Then I sat on the couch. I was lying down and I was about to sleep but I got a phone call.
Me: Hello?
Blake: Y/n, sorry, I'm just checking. Fries
Me: Oh
Blake: Bye
Me: Okay?
That's weird. Then it clicked, we had a secret code "Fries" means one of are in danger. I tracked his phone and got it. I took my phone and some weapons. I called an ambulance and police cars so I'm prepared. I got to the location and caught all the men. I untied almost 50 different hostages. Then the ambulance came. I ended up with a bruised eye, purple spot on my thigh and red marks on my arm. Lance gave me an ice pack and Aiden sent me back home. I went upstairs and I knew that they saw the news. I got in and put my head down with the ice pack. Everyone in the Hype House were there.
Nick: Are you okay? We saw the news
Me: I'm... Okay
He lifted my head up slowly.
Nick: Doesn't look like okay
I put the ice pack back. Then Griffin walked up to me
Grif: Y/n, stop hiding your pain. I know you're dying inside
Me: No I'm not. I'm actually fine
Grif: Okay
Everyone left my apartment and I took a shower. I put on a hoodie and leggings. I got out of the closet to see Nick on our bed. I lay next to him
Nick: Tired?
Me: Yeah
I cuddled with him and fell asleep.

Adopted by the Hype House (Nick And Vinnie Story)Where stories live. Discover now