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It was a whole pile of gifts. And a really big one with my name on it
Me: Wait, I'm confused
Thomas: It's all for you
Me: You're joking
Thoams: We're not
Me: I'm letting you guys go this time
Thomas: Go on, open them
Me: I dont want to
Thomas: Fine, what if we all hand you your gifts and you open it?
Me: Is this Christmas or what?
Everyone laughed. Then they all took Thier gift for me.
Kouvr: This is for you
She handed me a rectangle box and another big one. I opened it and it was an iPhone 11 and an iPad.
Me: Thank you
I hugged her
Then Alex was up next
Alex: Okay, since you've been working hard. I want to give you this.
He said that while pointing the camera at my face
Alex: A basketball!
I laughed
Me: Thank, Alex
We both laughed
Alex: I'm joking, I got you something but it's not coming in a couple of days.
Me: Okay
I smiled at him. Then Bryce came up
Bryce: Since you're a little bitch who saves the day
Thomas: Language
Me: It's fine Rice
Bryce: We're giving each other names now huh?
Me: Yes Rice
Bryce: Okay Burger
Me: Burger?
Bryce: I don't know, I had nothing in mind.
Me: You're still hungry aren't you
Bryce: yYeah
We both laughed
Bryce: Here
He gave me earrings that I've been wanting for a long time
Me: No. You didn't
Bryce: I did
Me: Thank you
I hugged him
Then Avani came up
Avani: Hey Wonder woman
Me: Hey Pennywise
Avani: Man I was close. By the way. Here.
She gave me some make up
Me: Thank you!
Avani: I'll do your makeup whenever you want
Me: Okay
We both laughed. Then ant was up
Ant: Hey kiddo
Me: Hey Anfony
We both laughed
Ant: Here
We gave me a whole container of my favourite candy
Me: Bet you're going to take some from me. Cause I dot eat that much candy
Ant: I'll keep that in mind
Me: Thanks by the way
We smiled at each other and Tony came up
Tony: Hey Y/n
Me: Hey Otny
Tony: Wow, no nickname for me?
Me: Say that again helicopter boy
Tony: Finally
He gave me my gift and it was some candy too
Me: You guys are seeing my dentist bill next
They laughed. Everyone gave me my gifts which were clothes, jewelry, candy, weapons, art stuff and electronics. I thanked them and Nick was up next
Nick: Ok, I saw you were looking at shoes the other day
Me: No you didn't
Nick: Yes I did
He gave me two boxes. One was Converse and the other was the limited edition Nike's
Me: Oh my gosh thank you
Nick: You're welcome
I hugged him. Then, Brandon and Thomas were next. Brandon came up to me and sat on my lap and whispered
Bran: I love you
Me: Love you too
Bran: Sorry I can't get you anything
Me: It's fine, I'll give you some of my candy later
Bran: Okay
Thomas: Okay, break it up you two
We smiled looking up at him.
Thomas: This is a little heavy
Me: Okay?
I picked it up
Me: It's not heavy
Bryce: How is she light but strong as fuck
I looked around
Me: Who are you talking to
I said jokingly. We all laughed. I opened the box,
Me: Oh... My.... Gosh

Adopted by the Hype House (Nick And Vinnie Story)Where stories live. Discover now