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Me: Rachel?!
Rachel: Y/n!
Me: What are you doing here? Why are you here?
Rachel: I'm fine
Me: Rachel, saying 'Im fine' is not going to heal you
Rachel: You really want to know?
Me: Yes
Rachel: Since the day we hung out, my dad has been a little off. Every night, he comes back drunk and always with another girl. And for 2 weeks, he kept abusing me, he gave me a black eye, and I got bruises. And...
She paused
Me: And?
She stayed silent
Me: You can tell me anything
Rachel: Can you go out for a little bit Nick
Nick: Okay
He left
Rachel: I cut myself at night and last night, I cut myself too deep. And at midnight, I went out and went to my neighbour and collapsed on the floor
Me: Oh my gosh RACHEL!
Rachel: I want to die! I don't want to live anymore! I-
Rachel: Okay, just. Please don't hurt me
Me: What? I won't. Why would I beat up someone that didn't even do anything to me
Rachel: I did something to you
Me: What?
Rachel: I have a crush on Nick and we've been texting and flirting. I'm sorry Y/n
Me: It's fine
Rachel: Really?
Me: Yes. I can talk to him
Rachel: Okay but, don't hurt him
Me: I won't, I'll just talk to him
Rachel: You should go to him right now
Me: Okay
I left the room
Me: Hey Nick
I looked down
Nick: Yeah?
Me: Rachel told me that you guys have been taking and flirting, is that true?
Nick: What? No! Ive never seen her before
He said with a high tone
Me: Nick, your voice is higher than the clouds, I know you're lying
Nick: Ok, fine. We did talk but I don't have feelings for her. I just played along with the flirting cause I was bored
I sighed
Nick: I'm sorry Y/n
Me: That's all I need to hear
I gave him a hug. He was shocked and he let out a sigh of relieved
Me: Come on, let's go back inside
Nick: Okay
We went inside and talked to Rachel about her problems. And I checked the time
Me: Wow, it's 2am
Rachel: Wow it's that late?
Me: I guess so
We laughed
Nick: We should probably get going now
Me: Yeah
Rachel: Thanks guys for listening. I've never been this relieved
Me: It's fine
Nick: Maybe we'll come visit tomorrow?
Me: Sure
Rachel: Yay
I gave her my phone number
Rachel: What is this for?
Me: For you to communicate with me
Rachel: Thank you!
Me: Bye
Nick: Bye
Rachel: Bye!!
We got out. Nick ordered an Uber. We waited
Nick: Y/n, I'm sorry
Me: For what?
Nick: Everything
Me: It's okay. I get it
I gave him a hug
Nick: You're the most understanding person I've ever met
Me: Really?
Nick: Yeah
I smiled at him and got out of the hug
Nick: Hey, our Ubers here
Me: Okay
We got in and after 10 minutes, we got to the hype house
Me: Thank you
Nick: Thanks
Uber driver: Okay
We got in the house and saw Chase crying
Me: Oh my Chase.. you okay?
Chase: Why? Why?
Me: What happened?
Chase: Nothing, this is a joke
Me: Oh come on
I said laughing. I went upstairs and took a shower and put on a tank and then I realized that I didn't have a hoodie, I haven't transferred my wet clothes to the dryer. I stuck my head out and saw Nick
Me: Hey, can I borrow a hoodie, I ran out of hoodies
Nick: Yeah sure
He got in and handed me his black hoodie
Me: Thanks
I put it on. He took a shower and put on clothes. I went outside my room to find snacks in the pantry. I went upstairs
Me: Ho my gosh ALEX!
Alex: I'm so scared! I thought you were going kick me
Me: I am going to!
Alex: Oh no
He started running and I chased after him.
Me: Alex! Get back here!
He stopped. I pushed him
Alex: That's all?
Me: What? You want me to drown you in the pool?
Alex: I thought you would kick or punch me
Me: Um, no. I only use them for self defence or when someone want to throw me in the pool
Alex: Oh. In that case, we got you both postmates
Me: Kay thanks
I ate and Nick came upstairs and sat beside me.
Nick: Hey
Me: Hey, they gave us food
Nick: Cool
He ate
Nick: Y/n, I'm sorry
Me: Nick, it's okay
Nick: No, um. I accidentally um. Dropped your phone
Me: Uh. Okay?
Nick: You're not mad?
Me: No
Nick: Why aren't you mad?
Me: Why aren't you calming down
Nick: You're seriously oh my gosh
Me: Kay?
Nick: Ugh forget it
And we ate again and Calvin, Patty and Paper came upstairs. Calvin and Paper were chasing Patty
Paper: Mind if I borrow a Bo staff
Me: Take the training one downstairs at the gym
Paper: Okay!
He ran downstairs and he go the Bo staff
Me and Nick laughed watching them. I finished our food and went to our room. Then I heard a knock
Nick: Come in
Brandon walked in
Me: Hey Brandy what's up
Bran: Can I sleep with you tonight?
Me: Ask Nick. I'm fine with anything
Bran: Nick, can I sleep here tonight
He looked down
Nick: Okay buddy
He laughed
Bran: Yay!
Nick went out the room
Me: You like it here?
Bran: Yes
Me: Who do you like here?
I said smiling
Bran: ONDREAZ!!!
I laughed and I texted Ondre
Me: Yo Ondre :)
Ondre: Yeah? What's up?
Me: Someone is a fan
Ondre: Really 😂
Me: Yeah, it's Brandon. I asked him and he scream your name out
Ondre: No wonder I heard a scream just now 😂
Then Nick came out
Nick: Hey Y/n, can I speak to you in private?
Me: Yeah sure. Brandon, can you go out for a sec
Bran: Sure
He went out
Me: What's up
Nick: Uhm- Um- I-
Me: Nick, just say it
Nick: Can we get back together?
Me: Yes. We can Nick
I smiled looking in his eyes. Then we took out a small box and handed it to me
Nick: I want you to have this
I opened it
Me: Oh Nick. You didn't have to get me this
Nick: It's for you
I hugged him
Me: Thanks
We let go of the hug. Then I see him starting to cry. I hug him again
Me: What's wrong?
Nick: After all I've done to you. You still accept me?
Me: Of course Nick. It's not your fault anyways
Nick: I love you
He said shaking
Me: Aww Nick, don't cry
We let go
Nick: Doesn't your bruises hurt? I mean, that was a tight hug
Me: No. The only thing that hurts is me seeing you like this
He smiled
Avani: Awwww
Me: Avani!
Anthony: I'm here too
Me: The guy who follows Avani!
Ry: Me too
Me: Nick's ripp off
Everyone laughed
Avani: You guys are back together?
Me: Yes
Me: Ho my gosh
I got a call from Trevor (Surgeon).
Me: Excuse me
Everyone just stood there
Hey, Y/n. Your friend Rachel
Yeah? What about her?
She's getting surgery, she got shot in at her stomach while sleeping
We need you here stat. I'm sending Blake to get you
I threw my phone on the bed and felt a tear rolled down my cheek and went to my closet to change. I got out and everyone saw me
Me: I knew this was going to happen
Avani: What happened?
Ant: Yeah, what happened?
Thomas: Tell us
Me: No time.. Nick You're coming. Rachel needs our help
Bryce: Who's Rachel?
Me: I can't talk right now. Nick and I are going to the hospital. Brandon, you come too. I might need you. And Ondre and Tony. You guys follow me
Brandon: Okay
Tony: Okay
Ondre: Okay
Nick: on it!
They all got ready
Me: Tony, Ondre and Brandon in one car. Nick and I in one. Go to the hospital
Tony: Okay
We all went downstairs. Blake came just in time. We got in his car
Me: Blake I'm bringing my brother's and Nick too. Just in case the guy comes
Blake: Okay, you can ask them to follow behind me, I'll turn on the sirens
Me: Okay
I facetime Ondre
Ondre, follow behind Blake, he's going to turn on his sirens
We hung up. I felt a tear roll down my cheeks. I put one hand on my head and one on the sofa. I felt Nick held my hand tightly. I felt a little better. And after 4 minutes, we arrived thanks to Blake.
Me: Which room is she in?
Blake: In 589
Me: Okay
Then I say the boys
Me: Guys, all of you stay here and if you guys see red dots, DO NOT let them go near people
Everyone: Okay
I ran inside to the surgery room. I put on gloves and some surgeon equipment.
Brandon's POV
I'm really worried. Wait, a red dot
Me: Ondre...
Ondre: Yes, we know
The man got in.
Me: Excuse me sir, you can't go in
?: Hey kid, why can't I get in?
Me: Cause I said so
?: Everyone's looking at you
Me: And everyone is going to see me fight you
?: You.. fight me?
He laughed
Me: Yeah
?: Let's see who wins then
Me: So you are here to mess with Rachel
?: Of course, she's a bad person
Me: No, you abused her. EVERYONE! GET BACK
People didn't believed me
Then everyone rushed out of the entrance
Me: What? They don't believe me?
?: Look kid.. are you going to fight me or not?
Me: I will
Me, Ondre and Tony faught him. He was easy to beat. And Y/n rushed outside
Y/n: Is everything okay?
Me: Yeah
Y/n: Is that.... No
Me: What?
Y/n: Brandon, Ondre and Tony.. you guys realise that that is Rachel's dad right?
Me: He was about to kill Rachel
Y/n: It- What-
I sat down with my eyes still widen, I was pale. Nick came up to me
Nick: Hey, are you okay
Me: I knew he was a bad person. He just seems so sweet. How could he do this. His own daughter. His-
Nick: Calm down
I texted Blake
Blake, can you take this guy away
Okay, I'll be there rightttt now
Me: How did he arrived this fast
I smiled
Nick: You get over things so quickly
Me: I already know so why still worry
I laughed. Then, Griffin came out
Grif: Hey guys
Me: Wait, aren't you at the house?
Grif: No. I got out 2 hours before
Me: I thought you- Nevermind
Grif: You okay?
Me: Yeah
Grif: What are you guys doing here?
Me: I did surgery. They faught
Grif: Surgery?
Me: Yeah
Then Nancy comes
Nan: Hey Griffin, we need you in 346
Grif: Okay
Nan: Hi y/n
Me: Hey
I said with a peace sign
Nan: Typical Y/n
I laughed. They both left
Nick: Want to go home?
Me: Yeah..... Sure
I got another call form Blake
Hey champ, we kinda need you at the fire station, we seriously need you. But this is really dangerous but we seriously need you
Um okay
I was shaking
Nick: You okay
Then I saw Blake outside
Me: Guys, I love you. Sorry
I ran to the car
Nick: What?
Ondre: Y/n!
Tony: Y/n!
Me: Go home!
Me and Blake went to the station and we got in our gear. We went to a tall building which was about to collapse. They told me that there is a lady up at the top floor and it was too dangerous. But I accepted the challenge. They got ready the equipment. I went upstairs and every step I took, I get more nervous. I reached upstairs and saw Anne?!
Me: Anne!
Anne: Y/n!
Me: Come here
Then the stairs collapsed.
Me: Um
I was frustrated
Raven: Y/n! Here!
She was at the window that was already broken
Me: Okay
I sent Anne out first. I had to wait for my turn. But the building was collapsing really fast.
Blake: Y/N!!! CAN YOU HEAR ME??
me: YES
Blake: JUMP!
I looked down and saw that they had a safety net ready. I jumped and accidentally hit a part of a wall. I fell on the net. I got up and comforted Anne
Anne: Y/n, Your head is bleeding
Me: Oh shoot
I went to Lance.
Lance: We might need to take you to the hospital and recover. You had a tough fall
Me: Okay
I stood up and blacked out
Nick's POV
What does she mean "Sorry". Then I got a call from my mom
Hey mom
Nick, sorry to say this but, Y/n Is in the hospital.
How do you know?
She saved me from a collapsing building
I hung up
Ondre: Nick, is everything good?
Me: No, Y/n-
Ondre: What about her?
Nick: She's in the hospital. She saved my mom from a collapsing building
Tony: WHAT?!
Thomas: WHAT?
Me: We have to go see her
We went to the hospital and ask the receptionist
Me: Which room is Y/n in?
Recep: She's in her VIP room
Me: Okay
We went inside and say many wires on her. We also saw Blake
Blake: Hey.. guys
Thomas: What happened to her?
Blake: She fell from a building and had a tough fall on the net.
I was shaking
Me: Did she slid into a coma?
I asked terrified
Blake: No, she's just had a tough day and needs to sleep. And don't bother her, she's done slot for us and you guys.
Me: Okay
Blake: I'm going to go home now, you guys stay with her
Thomas: Okay
Only me, Ondre, Tony, Brandon, Mia and Thomas were here the rest don't know what happened
Hype House <3
Guys, Y/n Is In the hosp again

What? What happened?

Yeah, what happened?

She saved Nicks mom and y/n fell from the building and had a tough fall

Me and Anthony are coming
I saw Y/n waking up.
Me: Guys
I pointed to her. I went up to her bed
Y/n: Hey, Nick. Hey, Guys
Thomas: Oh my gosh, Y/n
Your POV
Me: Guys relax, I'm fine
Nick: Youre literally on life support
Me: What? I'm literally fine.
Nick: No you're not
Me: Nick, I'm telling the truth
Nick: I'm calling the doctor
He calls Nancy in
Nan: Y/n! How are you awake?
Me: Who put me on life support?
Nan: Me
Me: Nancy, you know I have ry5783
Nan: What? No one told me
(Pretend it's a fast healing meds installed in your body)
Nan: I'll check you out then I see if I let you go
Me: Okay
She have me a check up.
Nan: You're totally fine. All you need is to heal the bruises
Me: Okay
She let me go
Me: Well, that was easy
Nick: How? Why?
Me: They installed a healing chip the last time I came here.
Nick: How did we not know?
Me: Cause I like to keep things personal
Nick: I'm glad you're okay
He gave me a hug
Avani: Y/n?
Me: Hey, Avani. These people forgot that I have a healing chip in my head and put me on life support.
I said smiling
Avani: I-
I pretend to fall
Me: Hooo. Just kidding. Jeez, you guys have to worry less.
Thomas: Do not do that
Me: Okay
We all went home
Everyone went upstairs
Thomas: Can you explain?
Me: I just had a health chip. No biggie
Bryce: A what?
Me: I thought only the hype house are here?
Bryce: We were here the whole time
Me: Oh, um kay.
Then I heard a ring. I squint my eyes and looked down
Thomas: Y/n You okay?
Nick: Y/n- ow!
Ondre: You guys hear that?
Tony: This is killing me
I hope that the ring would go away. And after 5 minutes. I heard a crack.
Me: Well, I had a health chip
Thomas: What do you mean?
Me: It cracked from the noise- and it's coming back
The ringing got louder and louder. Then I saw Bryce holding a laptop. I pushed him away and open a page. His laptop was corrupted and it got hacked. I managed to build a firewall under 5 minutes. Then the ring stopped
Me: You guys okay?
Ondre: Yeah
Bran: Yeah
Paper: I'm fine
Avani: What is happening?
Me: Someone hacked Bryce's laptop and tried to send a signal through these
Ant: Y/n, Your ear is bleeding
Me: What?

A/n: Special thank you to TheRavenClawQueenBee and Lopez_Brothers_fan1 for voting and always reading this. Please follow them 😄

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