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They went out. I go on my phone and watched YouTube, I saw Thomas's now video titled "A little message for Y/n Petrou" I smiled at it and watched it. I watched it and Thomas came in my room
Thomas: Hey, you saw the vid?
Me: Yeah
I stood up and hugged him
Me: Thank you
Thomas: No, thank, you
Then he walked out. I sat on my bed thinking about life for 5 minutes and went out. I saw the boys moving
Nick: My head hurts
Me: About time you guys get up. Go to bed and sleep
They all got up and went to bed. I sat on the counter looking at my iPad debating if I should buy Nike air force or black converse. Then nick came up behind me.
Nick: Hey
Me: Hey, Nick. Aren't you supposed to be in bed?
Nick: I'm not tired. I'm hungry
Me: I'll order McDonald's
Nick: Okay
Hype House <3
Who wants McDonald's?



What do you guys want?

I want a mcflurry

Okay, and the rest?

I'll get a burger and fries with diet coke. Make that 2


Oreo mcflurry, 10 piece chicken nuggets, large fries, and burgers. Make that 5 sets

Okay. That's it?

Make Nikita's order 7

Okay. Avani...

I'll get what Nikita got and make that 8 for me and sway

Okay so that is. 15 sets of chicken nuggets with large fries and burgers and Oreo mcflurrys and fries with diet coke?

Brandon wants nuggets and a burger


I ordered McDonald's and went back to the website for shoes. I gave up and watched YouTube instead. 1 hour later, McDonald's arrived. I payed for all of them. Everyone looked at me shocked
Me: What?
Tony: Where did you get the money for that?
Me: Let's just say I've been working 24/7 the other day and got a couple hundred thousands
Thomas: And you didn't tell us!?
Me: I didn't have time and I kept forgetting
Larri: Uu my bitch is rich
I smiled at him and went upstairs and ate. I was watching YouTube with my airpods on and I felt a tap on my back
Nick: Hey
Me: Hey, what's up
Nick: Nothing, just wanted to see you
Me: You're so cheesy
I laughed . I continued watching YouTube and someone tried to facetime me. I smiled and answered
Me: What do you want?
I said with a smile
Thomas: Nothing
Me: You know I can hear myself talking from your phone
Thomas: Okay bye
He hung up and I continued watching youtube. I finished my meal and cleaned up.
Nick: You feeling good?
Me: Yeah
Then he left me alone. That was weird I thought to myself. I turned around and saw that Nick was messing with my iPad.
Me: Nick, you look dumb
Nick: I was just trying to find something. Who knows you cheated on me
Me: You serious?
I looked at him with a 'Why' face
Nick: I'm just joking, and by the way, why are you looking at shoes?
Me: I look at them because I want to eat them
We all laughed
Me: What else am I going to do with shoes?
He laughed and walked away. I got up and walked to my room. I opened the door and saw Anthony walking out

Adopted by the Hype House (Nick And Vinnie Story)Where stories live. Discover now