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Chase: Hey kiddo
Me: Hey
I went to my room and saw Nick and Thomas worried. They went over to hug me
Me: Ow guys don't touch me
Nick: We were worried about you
Me: Yeah I know and stop hugging me. It hurts
Thomas: Why?
Me: Don't tell anyone
I took off my jacket
Nick: I can feel your pain
Me: I have some on my back too but promise to not tell anyone
Thomas: Too late
Me: What?
Thomas: Already tod everyone
Nick: And for the past 5 hours, your phone has been blowing up with messages from Avani and Charli
Me: Whatever, I want to go take a shower. I took a shower and put clothes on. I stepped outside of the room and Kouvr came rushing to me. She held my arm
Kouvr: Are you okay? Thomas said you had scars and bruises
Me: Yeah, and your holding it
Kouvr: Oh, sorry. Can you pull up your sleeve?
I pulled it up
Kouvr: Wow, that must have hurt
Me: You don't say
Kouvr: Doesn't it hurt?
Me: No
Kouvr: You sure?
Me: Yeah
Kouvr: Come on let's go upstairs. We bought food
Me: Okay
I went upstairs and saw all of the members of the house and away
Me: O....k
Bryce: That's my gurrrlllll
Me: Hey Bryce
I smiled
Anthony: Avani!!!!!
Avani: What
Anthony pointed to me.
Avani: Y/N!
Me: Hey Avani
I went to the counter and ate my food. Then Avani, Bryce, Addison, and Anthony surrounded me.
Me: What?
Bryce: Can we see our arm?
I pulled up my sleeve
Antony: Hoo... Kay
Avani: You okay?
Me: Yeah
Bryce: It looks sick
Me: Yeah yeah
I smiled
Anthony: Doesn't it hurt?
Me: No
Then I got a call. It was from Brooke (swat agent)
Me: Now this hurt
They laughed
Hey Brooke what's up?
Hey, I just wanted to call you to say thank you. And sorry if we're pushing you
No, it's okay. Do I have anything to do?
Yes. I actually need you to pick up something at Blake's office.
I finished off my meal
Addi: Where are you going?
Me: To the office
Char: Is it going to be long?
Me: No, I hope not
Char: Okay, stay safe
Me: I'll try
I got to Blake's office
Blake: Y/n, i want you to get this
Me: What is this?
Blake: A cheque
Me: For what?
Blake: For working with us
Me: Oh my gosh, thanks
Blake: You're welcome
He drove me home and it was 10pm. And everyone was still there.
Me: Hey guys
Bryce: Sup
Thomas: You're home early
Me: I just took something and came back
Thomas: Oh okay
I got to my room. I hid the cheque in my safe. No one knows the password to it
Nick: What you got there?
Me: Nothing
Nick: You sure
Me: Fine... Blake gave me a cheque. I'll withdrawal the money tomorrow and transfer it to my bank account
Nick: How much is in it?
Me: A couple hundred thousands
Nick: WHAT
Me: Chill out Nick
Nick: Okay okay
I went out. I saw Addison was still there. She called me over. And I came up to her
Me: What's up
Addi: You okay?
Me: Yeah, I'm fine
I smiled
Addi: Can you tell us what you were going to say at the meeting?
Me: Wait, Thomas didn't tell yall?
Addi: No
Me: Thomas!
Thomas: Yeah
Me: You didn't tell them?
Thomas: Oh yeah, I kinda forgot
Me: When are we going to tell them?
Thomas: What about now?
Me: But sway is here
Bryce: Yo, tell you guys what?
Thomas: Um
Me: I'll just tell them now
Thomas: Okay
Everyone gathered around
Thomas: Y/n
Me: Okay. So, about the thing that I wanted to tell you all is. Blake and the team got us a hype house plane and they want us to go fly to the Bahamas.
Larri: Me too?
Me: Yes Larri, you too
Bryce: What about us?
Me: I think y'all could come. Its a plane anyways
Then I got another call from Blake

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