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-at night-
I woke up from commotion upstairs. Then I heard fireworks. I went upstairs and went outside
Me: You guys know that this place isn't meant for fireworks?
Bryce: I know, that's why we did it
Me: Imbeciles
I walked inside. I put my head down and looked at my phone while walking. I bumped into someone
Noah: Oh sorry
Me: Oh, no worries, its my fault
Noah smiled at me. And I caught myself blushing a little. I continued walking and I bumped into another person
Me: Oh, sorry
Then I looked up. It was Nick
Me: Oh, sorry Nick
Nick: It's fine
He smiled at me. I continued walking downstairs. Then I heard this sounds coming from the top of the stairs. It was Micheal. He fell down
Me: Micheal!
Micheal: Hey shawty
Me: Shut up and get up
He got up and he looked drunk.
Me: Go to your room. Jeez
Micheal: Not until I fuck you
Me: Ew Micheal, gross
He went closer
Me: You seriously want my fist on your face
He stapled back. I walked down the stairs and went to my room. I watched a movie on Netflix and the door knob twisted. Nick was entering.
Nick: Oh, hey Y/n
Me: Hey
I continued watching my movie. I had headphones in. Nick got ready for bed. He got out of the closet. He walked towards me and he lay beside me. I finished my movie and I watched another movie. After half of the movie, I felt my eyes were getting heavy. I accidentally fell asleep. I felt that Nick was turning off my iPad and took off my headphones. He pulled me down so that I was lying down. He out his arms around me and kissed me on my cheek. I fell sleep. Then I got woken up at 4am. Nick was still up. I checked the time. It was 4am. Nick looked at me
Nick: It's still 4, you can sleep
I put my arms around him and his hand was under my head and he put his hand on my neck causing me to fall asleep. I then woke up at 8pm. I slowly got out of bed and took a shower. I then went upstairs to make breakfast. I made breakfast alone because no one was awake. Including sway. I put ton my headphones and just vibed. I finished cooking and ate my breakfast. After that, I cleaned up. Then my brothers walked upstairs. Then I heard a loud crash outside. And commotion. I took a look outside and our neighbors trespassed our property. I got downstairs and I heard "I want to see the owner!" To Thomas. I got downstairs quickly. Then I got out
Me: The owner is here
?: Oh, my gosh, Y/n Petrou?
Me: The one and only
She looked like she saw a ghost.
Me: What happened?
Thomas: She accidentally hit my car and now she is balming me for parking here
Me: Ma'am, this is our property, you have no rights to pass here
Me: Are you serious?
I called Blake
Me: Blake, there's a Karen
Blake: Okay
I hung up
Me: Ma'am, calm down
She hit me with her bag
Me: Oh my gosh this is stupid. Let me see the damage.
I turned to look at the car
Then the rest of Hype came down
Alex: What the fuck?
Me: Karen
Alex: Aight, imma go back inside
Everyone looked at her from the house
Me: Ma'am, you're embarrassing yourself infront of millions of people. And they see a 14 year old handling with this
Then Blake arrived
Blake: Police!
I smiled and put my finger on my mouth. He nodded.
Blake: Ma'am what happened?
?: She tried harassing me and her uncle here hit my car
Blake: First of all, that's her dad. Second of all, this is her property, no one is supposed to be here
?: How is this hers?!
Blake: She is the owner, and this is her drive way. What are you doing here anyways?. You passed the gate
Me: I have security footage
?: Shut up!!
I backed up showing my hands.
Blake: Ma'am, I would like you to leave here right now
She turned to me. She swung her hand to my head. I blocked it
Me: You're so weak
Me: Tell that to your parents, see if they approve...
Thomas tried to hold in his laugh. Blake got her out and I thanked him. I went back inside and Alex was painting the camera to my face.
Alex: So.. how was that?
Me: I love her
I said with sarcasm
Then he turned the camera off. Then I heard a thud.
Me: Omg what now
I went outside to see almost 50 people
Me: How?
I went back inside.
Me: Fans
Thomas: Not again
Me: It's okay
Thomas: Ni it's not
Me: When is hype house Anni?
Thomas: 19 December.. why? (Idk actually)
Me: Isn't that like next week (pretend)
Thomas: Yeah..
Me: Okay
I went back to my room and washed my feet. I sat down on the bed I was searching for new mansions. I knew no one here liked this house. I saw one that looked like this

Then Nick woke up
Nick: Hey baby
Me: Afternoon
Nick: Cuddles?
I lay down beside him. He wrapped me around his arms. I kept thinking about the house. I just stared at the ceiling
Nick: Y/n?
Me: Huh?
I turned to look at him
Nick: Nothing
He closed his eyes and went back to sleep. After 20 minutes, he let go of me and I slowly got up. I called some places. And after 5 different calls, I made it happen
Nick: Y/n? What are you doing on the balcony?
Me: Nothing
I said happily
Nick: You're happy
Me: Of course
He took a shower and I went upstairs. I was excited. Then I remembered. Sway was a couple of days after (not) I went outside and took another 5 phone calls and made it happen. Then I wrote a cheque for 2 million to my parents. I signed it. I went back downstairs
Me: Hey Nick, mind driving me to my parents house?
Nick: Sure!
We drove to their house
D: Y/n!
Me: Hey dad.. where's mom?
D: She's taking a shower. Hey Nick! Come in
We went inside. Then my mom came out of their room
M: Hunny- Hey Y/n hey Nick!
Me: Hey mom
Nick: Hai Mrs Avery
M: Please, call me Julia
Nick smiled at her
Me: Mom, can you sit with us, I want to tell you two something
M: Okay
She sat down
Me: Since you guys let me stay with the hype house, I'm giving you this
I gave them the cheque
M: Wait, really?!
Me: Yes
They hugged me
D: Thank you so much!
Me: It's no problem
Then I got a message from Thomas
Thomas: Where are you?
Me: Unknown
Thomas: Y/n...
Me: At my parents house
Thomas: Okay. Can you come here, we have something going on.
Me: Okay
Me: Mom, dad, I have to go now
M & D: Okay. Bye. Love you guys
Me: Love you too
We walked out
Me: We need to hurry
Nick: Okay
We got there in under 5 minutes. There were Police cars. And many fans
Me: Well this is what happens when you live with me I think
I rushed inside and saw Kelly
I sat down
Kelly: If you guys don't make them leave, we have to kick you guys out.
Me: Kelly, I got this
I went to my balcony
Me: Fan! We are getting evicted, if you guys would kindly get off my property that will be great. Please don't come here again!!
Everyone left.
Me: They're gone
Kelly: If there are people coming again in a week, we might have to kick you guys out
Me: Okay
They left
Everyone went to the meeting room.
Me: I don't know if you guys like this or not... But I want to move us to a new house.. but I need you guys approval and Thomas's too.
Thomas: Please get us out!
Micheal: FINALLY!
Everyone agreed and I showed them the new house

A/n: I'm back! Hi, kay byeee

Adopted by the Hype House (Nick And Vinnie Story)Where stories live. Discover now