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Your POV
It was Brandon
Me: Hey Brandon, what's up?
Bran: I had a nightmare, can I sleep with you tonight?
I looked at Nick. He nodded
Me: Sure. Come in
Bran: Can you lay down with me?
Me: Sure
Then I saw Nick stood up
Nick: I'm going to grab a drink okay?
Me: Okay
Brandon fell asleep and I saw the door open and I slept
Nick's POV
Awh, these two make my heart melt. I took a picture and slept on my bed.
Your POV
I accidentally woke up at 7. Brandon and Nick were still sleeping so I moved slowly. I took a shower and put on some clothes. I went upstairs to cook breakfast. I cook 3 plates I ate mine and the boys got up.
Me: Somebody slept good
Bran: Morning sis
Me: Morning
Nick: Morning y/n
Me: Morning
Nick: Something smells good
Me: Come on guys, I cooked breakfast
Bran: Thanks sis
Nick: Thanks Y/n
Me: You're welcome guys
I cleaned up my side of the table and went back downstairs and I passed Micheal
Me: Morning Micheal
Michael: Oi, who is Micheal. I only know a Handsom man
Me: Fine... Good morning Handsome man
Micheal: Now that's what I like to hear
Me: Shut up
We laughed. And I walked downstairs to my room. And I lay down for a little bit. Then I accidentally fell asleep on Nick's bed. After a while, I felt pressure on my stomach. I opened my eyes to see Nick
Nick: Hey
I stayed silent and went back to sleep. When I woke up at 2pm and I saw a letter from Nick.
Hey Y/n. Hope you slept well. Thomas Mia and I are going to get food. I want to let you know that I love you and will always love you.
I smiled and took a shower. I saw Brandon enter.
Me: Hey bro, what's up?
Bran: Can you play with me and the Lopez's
Me: Okay I'll be there later I need to do something
Bran: Okay
I texted Nick
Thanks for the letter
Anything for the person who changed my life
I went to Brandon's room and saw The Lopez's there
Me: Hey Ondre hey Tony
Tony: Hey sis
Ondre: Heeyyy
We played with Brandon and I looked at the time
Me: What? It's been 4 hours?
Ondre: We got too much fun playing until we lost track of time
We laughed
Me: Got to go Bran, I have to do something
Bran: Ok
I went to my room and felt something cold behind my neck. "Finally you're alone" I heard a voice said. I hit them and pinned them down. I took off the mask and.
Me: Nick, what are you doing?
Nick: It was supposed to be a prank.
I let go of him
Me: Where's the camera?
Nick: Right there. At my nightstand
Me: Sorry Nick
Nick: It's okay
We laughed
Me: What was that cold thing?
Nick: Your trick weapon
Me: My my gosh how did I even fell for it
Nick: I don't know
We laughed. Nick turned off the camera. He felt me shiver
Nick: Are you scared?
Me: No. I'm just cold and hungry
Nick: Wait first
He went in his closet and took out his sweatshirt
Nick: Here, put it on
Me: Thanks
I hugged him
Nick: And the food is behind you
Me: Oh, okay
We both ate in our room.
Nick: On Tuesday, I'm going back. You okay with that?
Me: For how long?
Nick: 2 weeks
Me: Ok
Nick: You're fine with that?
Me: Yeah. Why?
Nick: I thought you were going to be like mad or cry
Me: I look calm but sometimes you don't know that I'm dying inside
Nick: Wow. You're so strong
Me: I just think of the bright side. I mean, there's a bright side to everything right?
Nick: Yeah
Me: And the bright side to this is you get to relax and be happy with your family. And if you don't know me, I'm happy as long as someone I love is happy
Nick smiled
Me: As long as you're happy I'm happy. And if you feel like you miss me or the hype house. Just find a bright side.
Nick: I love you
Me: Love you too
We went outside
Bran: Hey Y/n, I want to go train
Me: Sorry buddy but I want to take a break from fighting for a while. What about you go exercise with Ondre?
Bran: Okay
I went upstairs and Brandon went downstairs. I sat down outside at the lounge area. I went on my phone and saw a notification from Blake
Blake: Y/n, se need your help right now! An ambulance is coming to get you. Be ready
Me: Okay
Then I texted Thomas
Me: I'm going out with Blake, I'll be in the hospital, an ambulance is coming to get me and get ready just in case I need anyone's help
Thomas: Ok

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