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Tony: Hey, want to make a tiktok?
Me: Sure
Me, Ondre and Tony did the hatchback and posted it on the hype house account. Then Brandon came up to me
Bran: Can I dance too?
Me: I have to make an account for you okay?
Bran: Okay
I made an account for him on my phone.
Bran: Ondre!!
Ondre: Yeah?
Bran: Can you dance with me and Y/n?
Ondre: Of course
Me: Ondre, ask him to pick one or two dances
Ondre: Okay
They chose Coño and ahí. We both taught Bran the dance and he got the hang of it and made a tiktok. We did Coño two times because Ondre kept messing it up on purpose. Then we did ahí And we did it in one try.
Bran: Thank you!!
Me: I'm going to post it okay?
Bran: Okay
I posted the vid and tagged me and Ondre in it. I went in my room and saw Avani came out
Me: Hey Avani
Avani: Hey
She looks nervous and sweaty
Me: Are you okay?
Avani: Yeah
Then she headed out. I put my phone on the bed and went to use the bathroom.
(Cuttingggggg warning)
I wanted to wash my hand when I saw drips of blood and saw a razor blade in the trash can. I knew Avani won't do this but shes been acting weird lately. I washed my hands and went out.
Me: AVANI!!!!!
Avanis POV
I came out of their bathroom and I saw Y/n coming in. I quickly washed the blood off my and threw away the razor. I went out quickly as I could. I was walking upstairs
Y/n: AVANI!!!!
Oh gosh, I knew I was in trouble.
Avani: COMING!!
I went to her
Y/n: Avani, are you okay?
Me: Yeah
Y/n: I don't think so. I want to look at your arms.
Avani: Um
I pulled up my sleeves and showed her the cuts
Y/n: Avani!
Me: Please don't tell anyone
Y/n: I will but under one condition
Me: What is it?
Y/n: You have to tell me what's wrong
I cried
Me: Y/n, I didn't want to tell you this but. I have a crush on Nick and you can say that I'm kinda jealous and-
Y/n: It's okay
I hugged her
Me: You're not mad?
Y/n: I understand you, many people have their eyes on Nick and I know that many people hate me for dating him. But, the thing is, you have Anthony
Me: I know but, he doesn't really talk to me that much after you came along. I have a feeling that he likes you.
Y/n: Aw, Avani, don't say that, maybe he's just, I don't know like, busy or stressed out
Me: Ok
Y/n: Maybe you should go talk to him
Me: Ok
Your POV
Me: But before that, I need to bandage up your arm
I bandaged up her hand
Avani: Not too thick or people could see
Me: Just say that you accidentally hit your hand on the side of a counter top
Avani: Okay
Me: I will let you go under one condition.
Avani: What is it?
Me: Don't ever cut yourself again
Avani: Okay
Then Ant walked in
Ant: Hey Y/n wheres-
Ant: Avani, I thought I lost you
Avani hugged him
Ant: What happened to your hand?
Avani: I accidentally cut it on a counter top while I was walking to her room
Ant: Thanks Y/n
Me: No prob

Adopted by the Hype House (Nick And Vinnie Story)Where stories live. Discover now