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Me: Well well well. This is going to be interesting
I saw a post from Avanis tiktok, in the background, Nick was kissing Amelie
Me: Okay...
Avani: Y/n Calm down
Me: I am
Avani: You're not mad?
Me: Kinda
Then I got a call from Blake
Me: Finally u can get out of here
All of them looked at me
Me: Chill, I was just joking
I picked up the call
Blake: Hey champ, you want to come over to my place? Selena is begging you to come and play with her since you left
Me: Okay sure. Can you pick me up?
Blake: Okay
Me: Bye
Blake: Bye
I got downstairs to get ready
Avani: So?
Me: Emergency
Avani: Okay
Me: I'll be in Blake's house
Avani: I thought you said emergency?
Me: His daughter is dying to see me again
Avani: That's not an emergency
Me: Yes it is
Then I read Blake's 1 second siren.
Me: Oop- gotta go
I got downstairs and got into Blake's car. We arrived at his house
Selena: Y/N!!!!
She gave me a hug
Me: Heyy
Then Cam got out
Cam: Hey Y/n
Me: Hey Cam
We both smiled at each other
Selena: Come on, let's go play
Blake: Selena, let her put her thighs in her room then she'll play okay?
Selena: Okay
I went upstairs and put my things in the guest bedroom.
Selena: Can we play now?
Me: Yes
We went to her room. We played for 30 minutes until
Blake: Y/n! Avanis Here!
Me: Come on Selena, let's go downstairs
I went downstairs and I saw everyone except the ones who are still wasted
Me: You guys have to seriously stop raiding people's house
Blake: Come in
Everyone came in
Cam: Uh- Hi? Um-
Me: Dont be nervous
Thomas: Can you please come home now?
I pointed to Selena
Thomas: Oh
Then Brandon came out
Bran: Selena!
Selena: Brandy
Then they played togther
Me: Okay...
Avani: Can you come home with us
Me: Why?
Ant: Look, we know you're mad
Cam: No she's not
Ant: Check Tiktokroom
She looked at it
Cam: Oh
Me: I'm not mad. I'm mad now cause you guys can't even leave me alone for 1 night.
Jack: Come on, we love you
Me: I know, and. I have to be here. What is I have an emergency call? What are you guys going to do?
Thomas: We wait for you
Me: What if I don't come back in a week?
Nick: Well text Blake
Me: Nick?! I thought you were wasted?
Nick: Nope. I'm all good now
Me: Whatever. Can you guys just leave. This is so weird
Nick: No
Thomas: Not until you come home with us
Me: Oh my gosh you guys are so- ughhhh. If you guys leave now I'll come back at 8am. I hope. And Nick, I'm breaking up with you.
Nick: What?!
Me: I can't take this anymore. Us fighting, taking breaks, might as well break up then
Nick got out
Thomas: Y/n!
Me: I'm tired of this
Thomas: I wish I adopted a better child
Everyone: THOMAS!
I took a glance at him and went to the guest bedroom
Thomas: You better not show your face at the hype house again
Avani: THOMAS!
Thomas: That's final
I heard them arguing downstairs. Then, Kate went in my room
Kate: I'm sorry
Me: It's fine
Kate: You want to go out with me tomorrow?
Me: I thought you have work?
Kate: Nope, I took a day off to hang out with the girls, but since you're here, might as well invite you
Me: Okay. Thanks
Kate: I'll be downstairs if you need me
Me: Okay. And sorry for the shouting downstairs
Kate: It's okay, I know how hard it is to live with so many people
Me: What do mean?
Kate: I have many family members too. I have about 5 boys and 8 girls.
Me: Wow, must be hard huh
Kate: Yeah
She got out of my room. They were still arguing downstairs and I had to stop this. I stepped outside my room and saw Thomas beating up Anthony
I ran downstairs.
I took a look at Anthony
Me: Blake, you have an ice pack?
Blake: Yeah
He gave me an ice pack and I handed it to Anthony
Ant: Thanks
Me: Okay
He went out and they all left. Then I went upstairs and saw Selena and Brandon still playing
Me: You guys are having fun
Bran: What happened?
Me: Nothing, Thomas was beating up Anthony and I stopped him.
Selena: Come on, let's play
I played with them and I knew they were feeling sleepy
Me: Guys, let's go to sleep
Bran: No
Me: We can watch cartoons
Bran: Okay
Selena: Okay
We watched cartoons on my iPad and they fell asleep. I carried Brandon to my room and I watched Netflix and fell asleep.

Adopted by the Hype House (Nick And Vinnie Story)Where stories live. Discover now