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-the next day-
Blake was shaking me
Blake: Y/n, Y/n, There are men asking for you
Me: Oh my goshhh
I got up and saw Sway downstairs
Me: What do you guys want?
Grif: Why are you here?
Me: Thomas kicked me out
Jaden: What? That jerk
Me: How did you guys find me?
Josh: Nick gave us your location
Bryce: And I heard you guys broke up
Me: Yeah, it was too stressful for me
Grif: Wanna hang out with us later?
Me: I have plans later. Maybe at night if y'all are not going to the Hype House
Jaden: Okay
Then Brandon came downstairs
Me: Guys, can yoj bring Brandon with you
Grif: Sure
Me: Brandon, you're going to Sway with Griffin okay?
Bran: Okay
Me: You guys should leave, I'm going somewhere later
Grif: Okay. Guys, let's go
Me: I'll see you guys later
They left and I got ready. Then Kate went in my room
Kate: You ready?
Me: Yeah
We got out. I use all black with my Jean jacket on top.
Kate: Aren't you hot?
Me: No
We got in the car and we went to the mall. We were getting Dunkin when I saw Charli there. She spotted me and came up to me
Charli: Hey
Me: Hey
Chase: Charli- oh hey Y/n
Me: Hey Chase
Chase: You know you're still in the Hype House right
Me: Not what Thomas said
Chase: He was drunk
Me: That's new
Chase: You're not out, not with our consent. And, about Nick, he won't leave his room
Me: Ugh, I'll text him later
Chase: Okay
I got my coffee and left Dunkin. We went to Toys R Us to buy toys for Selena. She got a bunch of things and we headed to the cashier
C: Ma'am I'm sorry but your card has been declined
Kate: Can you please try again?
She swiped the card again
C: Sorry it still got declined
Kate: But-
Me: It's okay
The cashier swiped my card and it went through
C: Would you liked he receipt
Me: Yes please
She gave me the receipt and we got out.
Kate: I'm sorry you had to pay for all that
Me: Oh, it's fine. I don't stay in your house for free anyways.
She looked embarrassed
Me: Don't be embarrassed
I laughed
Kate: Um- Y/n, Avani is coming out way
Me: Oh gosh
Avani: Hey, you said you're gonna come home at 8?
Me: Thomas kicked me out
Avani: He was drunk
Me: Whatever, I'll text you guys later
Ant: Nope, you're coming with us
Me: No
Me and the girls walked away. We went to different stores and bought some clothes. Kate payed for the girls and I payed my stuff myself. Then we went back home. I took a shower and put on my hoodie and long pants. Then I texted Nick
Me: Nick, I know you're mad at me. Please answer, I was just stressed out last night that you all came here. It's just embarrassing for me and I'm sorry.
Nick: Hey, it's Amelie, he won't be seeing you anymore. He has another girl to sleep with
Me: He moved on that fast huh? You know what. I'm done with this.
I blocked him, I followed him and blocked all his numbers. But something wasn't adding up. He was drunk and he still moved on with Amelie. And Charli said that he didn't come out of his room. I have to get to the bottom of this. Then Griffin called me
Grif: Y/n, We need your help in the hospital
Me: Okay, I'll tell Blake and we'll be there by 6
Grif: Okay
I went downstairs
Me: Blake, we have to go to the hospital. Griffin said it was an emergency
Blake: Okay
We went to the hospital and I saw Griffin there
Grif: Great, you're here
We ran to the surgery room. I got in the suit and performed surgery on

Adopted by the Hype House (Nick And Vinnie Story)Where stories live. Discover now