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My chip is randomly getting signal errors. And I heard a faded voice "Please if someone can hear me. Please help" my eyes widen. I looked at Tony. Tony looked at Nick Nick looked at Ondreaz and Ondreaz was looking at Paper. I signaled them to wait
Me: Who are you and where are you?
?: My name is Brandon. Please help me.
Me: Okay Brandon, where are you?
Bran: I'm in Boa
Me: Put your hand up
Bran: It's up
I saw a hand
Me: Brandon, are you wearing a red t-shirt
Bran: Yes
Me: Ok you can let it down now. Why do you need help?
Bran: I got kidnapped and many people say that I'm dead
I felt a tear going down my cheeks
Avani: Are you okay?
I stayed silent
Me: Brandon, were you adopted?
Bran: Yes
Me: Do you have a sister?
Bran: Yeah
Me: What's her name?
Bran: Y/n
I felt another tear rolling down my cheeks. Nick hugged me
Nick: Y/n, it's okay
Avani: What happened?
Nick: I'll tell you later
Bran: We're leaving now please get me
Me: I'm on my way
Me: Nick, Tony, Ondreaz, Micheal, Patty You guys ready
Charli: Guys what happened
Thomas: Yeah
They nodded and we stood up. I ran to the man
Me: Excuse me, can I speak to Brandon?
The man whispered to his friend
?: Alright, you have 1 minute
Me: Why does that matter?
?: Look kid, we have to go
Me: I know you kidnapped him
?: No we didn't
Me: Yes you did.
The guy chocked me. I held on his hand and broke it.
Me: Brandon, get behind me.
Then the leader saw me. I felt tears coming out of my eyes. He proceeded to kick me. And I fell. Brandon then punched and kicked him in the stomach. I smiled at him.
Bran: You okay?
Me: Yes
I pushed him aside and punched the guy who is about to punch Brandon.
Bran: Thanks
I saw Nick fighting the leader. I instantly got up and signed Nick to call Blake. Nick nodded and I took care of the leader. It was easy to fight him because he was weak.
Me: Connor, pin him down
Paper: Got it
I saw Brandon fighting a guy, I helped him out and the guy fell and I pinned him down.
Bran: Wow, how could you do that?
Me: Training
Then memories of me and my brother got me. I cried a little until I heard Brandon's voice.
Bran: Hey, you okay?
Me: Yeah
Then Blake and the 9-1-1 squad came.
Blake: You did it again champ. You and he fighters, go to Lance
Me: Okay. Brandon, Ondre, Tony, Nick, Patty and Paper, follow me
Everyone: Okay
I walked with Brandon
Bran: I've never asked you-
Nick: Y/n you okay?
Me: Yeah
Nick: Hey Brandon
Bran: Hey
We got to the ambulance. Me and Brandon were fine and everyone had to go out of Boa. While the others got checked Brandon and I were waiting
Bran: So, what's your name
Me: Y/n
Bran: Y/n?
Me: Yeah
Bran: Were you adopted too?
Me: Yeah
Me: Yes baby bro
I cried and hugged him
Me: Someone told me you were dead
Bran: I'm not, they lied. Mom kidnapped me and she sent me to these men.
He cried. I hugged him
Me: Don't worry, she is in jail
Bran: How?
Me: I sent her there
Bran: Wow, I didn't know that you have that much power
Me: I do
Nick walked up to us
Nick: You guys okay?
Me: Yeah
Brandon: Yeah
Then Thomas walked up to us.
Thomas: Y/n, care to explain?
Me: Later at home. And can we bring him too
Thomas: Sure
I smiled
We got in the car and the whole ride was silent. Brandon fell asleep. I leaned his head on my arm. He looks skinny and I knew he wasnt eating enough protein. Then I Nick's head leaning on the other side of my shoulder. He was sleeping too. I leaned my head on Nick's head and drifted to sleep. I felt that we were stopping so I opened my eyes. We arrived home. I woke them up
Me: Nick, Brandon, get up, we're here
They instantly woke up. I smiled. We all got out and Brandon held my hand.
Hype house <3
T: Guys, hype house meeting
Niki: Okay
Lar: Me too?
T: Yes you too
I went upstairs with Brandon and Nick. I sat Brandon down at the dining table.
Me: You want water?
Bran: Yes please, I haven't drink since yesterday
Me: Oh my gosh, that's terrible
I poured him a cup of water. I gave it to him and he drank it so quickly.
Me: You want another glass?
Brandon: Yes
I poured him another glass and gave it to him. This time, he didn't finish it. I smiled at him. Then I saw everyone come up. Then I saw Thomas
Thomas: Okay, is everyone here?
Everyone: Yeah
Thomas: Y/n introduce him?
Me: Guys, this is Brandon. My... Brother.
Avani: What? I thought he was dead?
Me: Me too
Thomas: Brandon, can you tell us your story?
Brandon looked at me. I smiled at him
Brandon: My name is Brandon and I got kidnapped by my own mother. She hurt me and threatened me. She killed my foster parents. And my father planted a chip in my head. I was living in a chamber for 2 weeks and she told everyone that I'm dead.
I felt tears rolling down my cheeks. And Nick out his hand on my shoulder.
Brandon: 4 days ago, she sold me to these men and they only gave me food once a day and water too. And they say I was acting up so we went to Boa and they are food except for me. They didn't let me eat anything. And then I finally get to met my sister
I smiled.
Thomas: Brandon, can I ask you and all of the hype house members a question?
Everyone: Sure
Thomas: Okay a question for the hype house. Would you guys be okay if he stayed with Y/n?
Larri: I agree, like come on, his big sis saved all of us. And this is basically the only way to repay her
Tony: I agree
Chase: Agree
Everyone: Agree
Thomas turned to Brandon
Thomas: Do you want to stay with us?
Brandon looked at me. I smiled at him
Bran: Yes
Brandon gave me a hug.
Everyone: Aaawwww
Bran: Not more than 5 people staring please
Nick: Like sister like brother
Everyone laughed
Thomas: Okay everyone can do your things now
Everyone went down except for Tony me Nick and Brandon.
Tony: Hey Brandon, you look cool. I want you to try on my old clothes that I have.
Brandon: Sure
It was me and Nick left. We went to our room and I took a shower and put on some clothes. After that, Nick took a shower and put on some clothes. Then someone knocked on my door. It was Ondre and Brandon.
Me: Hey, come in
They walked in
Bran: Wow, you seriously live here?
Me: Yes. And you're going to be sleeping in this bed tonight
Brandon jumped on the bed and he instantly fell asleep.
Me: Thanks Ondre
Ondre: No problem. Hes a chill little guy.
I laughed and he went out. I went next to Brandon. I smiled looking at him.
Nick: Y/n
I came over to Nick. And sat beside him. We leaned against the head board and watched Netflix. Nick fell asleep and I smiled looking at him. I turned off my iPad and shakes him lightly.
Me: Hey Nick, lay down properly, I don't want your neck getting sore the next day.
He laid on the bed and I put my head on his chest. He put him hand under my head. And I drifted to sleep.

A/n: I have more than 50 chapters so far. If you guys want me to post them please comment or vote this chapter thank you :) ❤️

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