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I woke up the next morning at 1030. And oh my gosh I forgot about the promise. I went out of the room and saw all the hype house and sway members down there
Me: How did you all fit in here?
I laughed
Avani: We had to kick out Thomas for a bit because he is too buff
Bran: Y/nnnnn
He came and hug me
Me: Hey buddy
Everyone: Awwww
Then Cam got out of her room
Me: Morning Cam
Cam: Mor- OH MY GOSH
Me: Shhh Selena Is still sleeping
Selena: No I'm not
Me: Oh wait what? Oh
We all laughed
Me: You weren't kidding when you say you'll come here with everyone
Avani: I mean like, it's 1030
Me: I need to take a shower first. Cam, why won't you keep our guest company
Cam: Uhm okay
Me: Guys, this is Cameron you can call her Cam. I want to take a shower now. Bye
I took a shower and put on clothes that I had left here just incase. I got downstairs and saw all off them having fun.
Me: Well y'all are having fun
Brandon: Oh course!
Then Blake pulled me aside
Blake: We have to go to the an abandoned building. Kids went missing there
Me: Okay
We went to the living room
Me: Guys um, I have to go out. Blake got an emergency call
Avani: Okay
We went out. We arrived at the abandoned building.
Avanis POV
Cam: I hate this. He never spends time with me or Selena. He always works for 6 hours a day
Me: Well, at least you get to see him for a day. Y/n sometimes don't even come back for 12 to 24 hours.
Cam: Wow, she's so cool
Thomas: Hey, want to make a vid for y/n. Just a message for her
Avani: Sure
Anthony: I'm down
Sway Boys: Yeahhhhhh
You'r POV
We got inside and we saw 20 other men. I fought them like they were babies. At the end of the fight, I got a black eye. Blue spots on my feet, arms and legs because they had metal weapons.
Blake: Champ, you okay?
Me: Yeah
Lance gave me an ice pack for my eye. I held it on my eye for 15 minutes and I gave it back to him cause it was melting fast.
Blake: You ready to go back to my place? Cam said that their still there
Me: Yeah okay
I got in the car and I we arrived after 4 long hours. We got home and I put my hood up. And entered
Avani: You okay?
I put my hood down and looked at everyone
Anthony: Yo, you okay?
I stayed silent and put my hood down. Avani offered me a seat
Dar: It's better if you're dead
She got out and kicked my foot out of all the places, she kicked my foot. I couldn't take it anymore. I stood up then Anthony held me back. I pushed him on the couch and went to Darianka. I tornado kicked her on her neck and it hurt my foot a little. She fell to the ground and I saw that everyone was staring at me. I put my hood up and went to the guest room turned off the lights and sat behind the door. After 50 minutes, someone knocked on my door.
Avani: Hey Y/n, it's me, Avani. Can you open the door please?
I opened the door
Avani: You okay?
Me: Not gonna lie I feel so good but I don't know about them thought
I looked down and smiled
Avani: Darianka is fine and she's getting kicked out. Come on, let's go home
Me: Okay
I went I the car with Anthony, Avani and Nick
Anthony: You okay?
Me: Yeah
Anthony: What happened
Me: I fought with 20 other men. Got a black eye, and purple spots on my feet, back and arms. They used metal weapons and got to get a kick at the worst spot ever.
Nick: Y/n. Y/N Y/N!
Me: What?
Nick: You're bleeding your foot, is bleeding
I pulled up my pants. Darianka accidentally cut my bruise and now it's bleeding really bad.
Me: Darianka.... Ant, can you drive faster
Ant: Okay
We got home fast and I went upstairs
Me: Nick, can you take my medical kit inside
Nick: Okay
I sat on my bed. The door was wide open and people came running to me. I cleaned off the blood and put salt on my wound. I put my head on my knee as it hurt so bad. I couldn't take it so I washed it off and bandaged it up
Kouvr: Ow Y/n, You okay?
Me: Yeah
Nick sat next to me as I was trying to seal the wound.
Nick: Can we see the rest of the bruises?
I took off my hoodie and under it I was wearing a bra and tank top. I took my hoodie off and I turned around
Mia: Oh my-
Then she gagged.
Bryce: Doesn't that hurt?
Me: If you're used to it then no
Bryce: what do you mean used to it?
Me: It's obvious
Thomas: Yeah Bryce Hall
Bran: That doesn't look like it hurt
Me: Yes! See, he gets it
Nick: What if I punch your back?
Me: Do it
Me: No, you can actually punch me
Nick: You're kidding
Me: No, it doesn't hurt
Nick: At all?
Me: Not at all
Nick: Ok but I don't wanna do it
Me: Okay
I laughed
I put my top on and everyone went upstairs. I went upstairs too. I saw Darianka there too.
Dar: Shouldn't you be in the hospital?
Me: Shouldn't you be in jail? Or a mental hospital?
Dar: Nick belongs to me
Me: Kay.
Dar: And don't go near him
Me: So, you are arguing with me about Nick? Isn't that stupid?
Me: You kicked me so it's fair to kick you back.
I said while sitting on the counter
She tried to lunch me. I grabbed her hand and flipped her with only one hand
Me: Wow, you're so light
Everyone was staring at me
Me: What? She tried to attack me and I had to do something about it
I went down to see Darianka and took out my medical kit
Me: Hey, you okay?
I checked her pulse
Everyone, She's fine
Everyone laughed again
Me: Darianka, get up
She got up
Me: Now, you have two options. One, is you leave or two, I make you leave
Dar: I'll go for number one
She left and everyone stared at me again
Me: What?
Ant: You realized that you just help an enemy of yours
Me: She's not my enemy. I don't hate her, I don't hate anyone. I just asked her to leave or I'll make her. And plus I don't kill people in a fight
Ant: You're so calm and I like it.
He wanted to hug me
Me: Aaak Aaak aak.. no
Ant: Oh yeah
We high fived.
Ry: You guys want to play truth or dare?
Dixie: Sure
Charli: Sure
Avani: Y/n, come on
Me: Fine
Ant: Yeah you go
Avani: You too
Ant: Damn it

Adopted by the Hype House (Nick And Vinnie Story)Where stories live. Discover now