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I walked into Brandon's room and gave him the stationery.
Bran: Thank youuuu!
Me: You're welcome
Bran: When am I going to school?
Me: I'll ask Thomas Okay?
Bran: Okay
I went upstairs and saw Thomas
Me: Thomas, Brandon says he wants to go to school
Thomas: But we can't send him, it's too risky
Me: I know
Thomas: Online school?
Me: At this age?
Thomas: Yeah
I yelled from the stairs
Brandon: YEAH?
Brandon: OKAY
He came upstairs.
Brandon: What's up?
Me: Brandon, Thomas is going to enroll you in online class. Is that okay for you?
Bran: Yeah. At least I get to learn. My foster parents didn't even put me in a school
I felt bad for him. I smiled
Me: Okay so
I looked at Thomas
Thomas: You guys have class next week.
Bran: Yaaaayyyy
Me: Okay
Brandon went to his room
Thomas: Y/n wait first. I want to give you something
Me: Okay
We went to his room
Me: Hey Mia. Hey Larri
Mia: Heyy
Larri: Hey bitch
Then Thomas took something out from his drawer. He gave me a necklace that has a black belt on the front and around it, it has all the other belt colour.
Me: Oh my gosh thank you
Thomas: You're welcome
I hugged him. And went out. I went upstairs to Nick's room.
Nick: Hey Y/n
Me: Hey
I passed him and went to my weapons drawer. I wanted to do a night train. I took some weapons. Then I went to Brandon's room
Me: Hey, I'm going to... the..... gym
He wasn't in there. I went downstairs to Ondreaz's room. I knocked. And Tony answered
Tony: Hey Y/n
Me: Is Brandon there?
Tony: Brandon
Bran: What
Tony: Come here, Y/n is looking for you
Brandon came
Bran: Hey sis what's up
Me: I'm going training. You want to come?
Bran: Sure!
Tony: Can I come to?
Me: Yes Tony
I laughed
We went upstairs to the gym. Tony did his own workout with Taylor, Ondreaz, Micheal and Thomas. Brandon and I went to the back of the gym. We did our warm ups.
Me: You still remember?
Bran: Yeah
Me: Okay so, 1 2 3 and 1. 2. 3. 4. 4. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 4. 6. 3. 1. 2. 1.
We accidentally scared everyone. I laughed
Me: Sorry guys, it's a habit
We all laughed
Me: Ok Brandon, lets add 6 8 4 3 at the back
Bran: Okay
Me: 1 2 3 and 1. 2. 3. 4. 4. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 4. 6. 3. 1. 2. 1. 6. 8. 4. 3.
Tony: Chill Ondre
I laughed. Then I taught Brandon how to use the weapons
Me: Which one you want to learn first?
Bran: Bo staff
Me: Okay then
I took the metal one and he took the training one. Then Chase came up to us
Chase: Can I borrow something.
Me: Sure, what do you want?
Chase: Can I borrow the nunchucks
Me: Sure
I gave him the training ones
Chase: What? Can I use the metal ones?
Me: No, sorry Chase. Even these training ones hurt.
Chase: Oh, okay
Chase played around with the nunchucks. Then I taught Brandon to use the Bo staff. I demonstrated to him and taught him.
Bran: This seems easy
We did a little routine
Me: Got it?
Bran: Yeah
Me: 1 2 3 go. Front. Back. Right. Left. Back. Up. Right. And stand
Bran: HAIK
Me: Okay but next time can you make it more stable. If you wobble, the Bo staff could fall.
Bran: Can you do it?
Me: You want me to do it?
Bran: Yeah
I showed him
Bran: Ohhhh like that
Me: Got it now?
Bran: Got it
Then Chase came to me.
Chase: Can you teach me how to use these nunchucks
Me: Sure
I taught Chase how to use them
Chase: You weren't kidding when you say these hurt
Me: Now you know why I don't let you use the metal ones
Chase: Don't that hurt
Me: For me, no
Chase: Oooookay
Me: So you got it?
Chase: Yeah. It's
Me: Yes. Now try front, left, front, right, right hip, left hip and stand right? faster but not too fast until you hurt yourself
Chase: Okay
I stepped away from Chase
Me: Wait, put these straps on. If not, you might let it go
Chase: Okay
Me: You can do it now
Chase took a deep breath
Me: Front. left. front. right. right hip. left hip. Stand
Chase: Wait I messed up
Me: No you didn't. But you have to bend your hand more so that the nunchucks don't hit your hand
Chase: Okay. Can you demonstrate?
Me: Sure
He handed me the training ones
Me: No need, I have my own
Chase: If you say so
I demonstrated it for him
Me: Like that
Chase: Okay
Chase wanted to go try
Connor: Hey guys, get ready. We're going to Boa
Me: Okay
Chase: Can I try first
Me: Okay
Me: Front. left. front. right. right hip. left hip. Stand
Chase: Wow my back hurts
Me: Good job Chase
Chase: Thanks
Me: You go and take a shower and so to my room. We need to put aloe on your back
Chase: Okay
I went to take a shower and put on some clothes. After 15 whole minutes Chase entered my room.
Me: Took you long enough
Chase: It hurts
Me: Take off your shirt
There were red and blue spots.
Me: Chase, why didn't you tell me before we did the whole routine. You couldn't have bleeded so badly
Chase: It was fun
I took out my medical kit and spread the aloe gently
Me: If it hurts, tell me
Chase: Okay
I rub the aloe gently.
Chase: Owe. I'm gonna cry. Can someone hold my fucking hand
Then Brandon came in
Bran: Hey Y/n, what are you doing?
Me: Spreading aloe on Chase. Why?
Bran: I want to see
Me: Brandon, I have a job for you
Bran: What?
Me: Can you hold Chases hand
I laughed
Bran: Okay
He held Chases hand and Chase smiled. I put more aloe Vera on. And after 3 minutes. The bruises were gone
Me: That worked faster than I thought. I thought it would take 5 minutes
Chase: What?
Me: Chase, you have to trust me. Stretch
Chase: What?! No!
Me: Chase, trust me
He stretched
Me: See, that wasnt so bad
Chase: Wait what?
Me: This is special aloe vera
Chase: Oh
Me: You can go now
Chase: Thanks sis. Thanks lil bro
Bran: Lil bro?
Chase: I'm your brother now
Bran: Really?
Chase: I can be one
Chase said with a smile
Bran: Ok big bro.
I smiled at them and Nick came in the room
Me: Brandon, you should go play with Ondreaz
Bran: Okay
He went out the door. And as soon as I turned around, Nick hugged me
Me: Nick, it's fine. I was being rude the whole day, I shouldn't have listened to you when you wanted to talk to me
Nick: No, it's my fault. I hurt you
Me: It's okay. Now come on, Thomas is probably waiting for us downstairs
Nick: Oh yeah
We both got downstairs. And Thomas Mia and Charli were waiting for us
Thomas: About time
Me: Sorry
I laughed
Thomas: Come on, let's go
Thomas and Mia sat Infront and I sat between Charli and Nick. Charli was smiling the whole time and Thomas took out his camera
Me: Thomas, no vlogging and driving
Thomas: Hi good-
Me: Aap
Thomas sighed
Thomas: Hi good-
Me: No vlogging and driving
Thomas: Y/n, shut up
We laughed
Thomas: Hi good mor-
We all laughed
Then he filmed the part. I didn't realize it. I leaned over to Nick's shoulder I looked at my phone then looked up. Thomas was pointing the camera towards me and Nick. I showed a peace sign and they laughed. Then Thomas stopped the camera and parked at a parking space at Boa. We got in and got a seat. I sat in between Nick and Brandon. They ordered food and sometimes I catch both me and Brandon staring out of no where. Once, I stared for a few minutes
Nick: Y/n, Brandon! Whats wrong?
Everyone stared at us. I heard a loud ring in my ear and Brandon did too. Everyone kept looking at us like we're pcyhopaths. I got up and walked to the noise. I walked to the 2 men on their laptops and the ringing got louder.
Me: Brandon, you want to come
Bran: Okay
Me: Try to hold it in
Bran: Okay
We got closer and closer and the two men started attacking us. Me and Brandon defeated them like they were kids.
Me: Nick, go to my phone and search for Ryan L.
Nick: Okay
Me: And call Blake too
Nick: Okay
Tony: Is everything okay?
Me: These men are trying to hack our chips but clearly it wasn't working because it has a very powerful firewall
Ondre: I can hear it too
Me: Guys, brace yourselves. This is going to hurt. Tony, call Thomas and Connor here
Paper: On my way
Tony: Thomas, go to Y/n
Thomas: Okay
Me: Pin them down, I have to argh
The ringing got louder
Nick: Y/n that's so loud
Tony: Oh my gosh Y/n
Me: Why are you all calling for me. I didn't do anything
Ondre: OW
I got in their laptop and cancelled the access. And the ringin stopped. Then I felt liquid running down my right ear. It was blood. The bionics got them too. And I saw Brandon unconscious.
Me: I never had to do this but
I punched one guy in the face and he passed out. Then Blake came.
Blake: You okay?
Me: Yeah
Then Ryan came with his laptop.
Ryan: Y/n, Your friend called and say you needed help.
Me: Yeah, I need you to throw all the data in this laptop and check our ears.
Ryan: Okay
He see deleted all the data from the laptop. Then he checked our ears
Ryan: Yall are good, it's just the vibrations causing your ears to bleed a little.
Me: What about him?
I pointed to Brandon
Ryan: He's fine, he just needs a while and he will wake up
Me: Thanks Ryan
Then Thomas came up to me
Thomas: You okay?
Me: Yeah
Thomas: The owner talked to us and he got us a free meal
Me: What?
Thomas: He came in and told us when you were fighting
Me: Oh, okay
Thomas: The owner said thank you for saving people's lives
Me: Ugh I'm so tired of all this
Thomas: What if I make it up to you
Me: Make up for what? You guys didn't do anything wrong
Thomas: We know. Come on, let's go back
Me: Okay
I sat next to Nick.
Nick: Hey, you okay?
Me: Yeah
Brandon woke up
Bran: What happened?
Me: You slept on the floor
Bran: What!?
Me: Yeah. You were so tired
Bran: I am
Then he leaned over to Ondreaz's arm and fell asleep
Everyone: Awww
Me: Now Ondre, you better not move
Everyone laughed
Ondre: I won't
We are our food and we sat there for a few minutes
Bran: No!
We all looked at him. Then he ran to me and hugged me
Everyone: Awwww
Me: What's wrong?
Bran: Thomas is so scary, he tried to hug me
He whispered to me and I tried not to laugh
Me: It's okay, Thomas looks big but his hugs are like teddy bears. Ask Mia, Thomas always gives her hugs
I whispered to him
Bran: And Chase tried to pick me up
He whispered again
Me: It's okay, Chase doesn't hurt people. He likes you he doesn't want to hurt you. If he does. He is your friend not your brother anymore
I whispered back and he looked at Chase
Chase: Why are you looking at me
We both laughed
Me: Okay, now go back to Ondreaz
Bran: Okay
I held in my laugh
Thomas: Okay okay, now let's go back home
We went our separate ways and as usual. I followed Thomas.
-in the car-
Thomas: What's wrong with Brandon?
Me: Trust me, you do not want to know
Thomas: Just tell us
Me: Okay...
Me: He was scared of you because you wanted to hug him and scared of Chase because Chase wanted to pick him up
Thomas: Why?
He said while laughing
Me: He said you look big and Chase is too tall
We laughed
Charli: You guys are too big and tall
We laughed again. Then we arrived at the Hype house. I went to my room and took a shower and threw on a hoodie and short pants. Nick took a shower and I went on his bed.
Nick's POV
I took a shower and put on clothes. I came out and saw Y/n already on my bed. I crept in and she put her hand around my smotach hugging me. I put my hand under or head
Me: Y/n, I love You with all of my heart and I want to let you know that I will never cheat on you I will love you until the day I die.
She stayed silent. I looked over and saw that she was sleeping. I kissed her on her forehead and closed my eyes. I slept and after a few hours, I felt her moving
Me: Y/n, Where are you going?
Y/n: I'm going upstairs. I want to clear out my mind. I'm so stressed out
Me: Okay
She got out. Minutes later, I went up with her. I saw her sitting at the pool. I sat beside her.
Y/n: Hey Nick
Me: Hey.
We stayed silent the Y/n broke it
Y/n: You know how it feels like if someone you loved abandoned you?
Me: No
She looked at me and gave me a hug. I hugged her back and I pulled out of it
Y/n: You know Nick, I think youre the first person that I know who actually loves me.
Me: Awh really, don't say that, the whole hype house loves you
Y/n: I don't think so. I caused them so much trouble and sometimes I feel like I want to run away because I don't want you guys to be in danger
Me: No, don't do that, we all love you. We don't hate in this house
She hugged me
Me: Come on, I know you're cold let's go inside
Y/n: I'm not
Me: I can see and feel your goosebumps from here
Y/n: Okay, fine
We went inside and went to our room. We both went to the bathroom to wash our feet. We got to bed and our door knob was turning but it didn't open because it was lock. Then I heard a knock
Me: Y/n, I need to get the door
Y/n: No it's okay, I'll get it

Adopted by the Hype House (Nick And Vinnie Story)Where stories live. Discover now