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The next day, i woke up at 8 and got ready. I got my keys and Vinnie stopped me.
Vin: Minnaaa, i want a kiss
I kissed up on his lips. I moved the strands of hair from his face and onto his head.
Me: I'm going now okay?
Vin: Okay. Be safe
Me: I will
Vin: Bye
Me: bye
I left and went to sway. It was 9.15 at this point. I rang the doorbell
Me: hey
Kio: Hey
We hugged.
Josh: Hello there
Me: Hi Josh
We hugged and let go. They invited me inside and i waited in the living room. Somehow, Blake, Jaden and Josh are coming too. They got done and we went in my car

Me: Where we goin?



Me: you guys are wild

We laughed. We got to the mall and went out to eat. We went to Crossroads. We ate and Travis hung out with us. Then, we had to leave so we said bye to Travis. But he stopped Jaden and I.

Travis: By the way, we were invited to a birthday party for a16 year old boy.

Me: when?

Travis: Tomorrow, I was gonna text you both just now

Me: I'm down

Jaden: Yeah

we left and we went to sway. we hung out the rest of the day. Then, I got a call from Nai.

Me: Hey

Nai: Hey, do you hate me?

Me: What's the correct answer?

Nai: Yes

Me: Is my dad or Vinnie holding a gun to your head?

I heard my dad and Vinnie laughing at the background

Me: I knew it

Nai: Come home and send help

Me: Okay

i hung up. I legit called 3 cop cars for a bit. The cops probably hate me by now. I told sway i was leaving and promise to hang out another time. I left to hype. The cops caught up with me an dwe went to Hype. I opened the gates and we went in.


Me: I wasnt joking

We laughed.

Thomas: So, we did something

Me: Guys, arrest him

they pretended to cuff him and we laughed. we went to Vinnies room. There were pictures of nai on his wall. I walked back out.

Me: This is getting weird, you guys can leave.

I gave them stacks of cash and they left. I went back upstairs and say Vin and Nai making an awkward tiktok. They awkwardly hug and they pushed each other away. Nai saw me and filmed us.

Nai: Tell them you dont hate me

Me: Let's go cuddle Nai, its getting late

Vin: What about me?

Me: MICHEAL!!!!!

MIcheal: What?

Me: Vinnie wants a cuddle buddy

Both Nai and i left the boys and we ended up hanging out for a good 2 hours and she had to leave. Then, Vinnie came in my room

Vin: Hey, I'm sorry for that

Me: It's okay. It's just a stupid joke

Vin: Okay

He plopped onto me and we cuddled

Adopted by the Hype House (Nick And Vinnie Story)Where stories live. Discover now