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We went outside and played
Ry: Okay first, Avani, truth or dare?
Avani: Truth
Ry: Who's more good looking? Me or Anthony
Avani: Y/n
I looked up
Me: Huh? Wut?
Everyone laughed
Avani: Y/n, Truth or dare?
Me: Dare
Avani: Let everyone punch you behind your back
Me: You want to kill me don't you? Nahhh I'm just kidding. Let's get this over with
Everyone: NO! AVANI!
Me: Guys, it's fine. You can just do it. Or, we can call Thomas out here with a blindfold and ask him to punch me as hard as he can. Then you guys can do it.
Everyone: WHAT?
Tony: I'm down
Avani: Um you sure?
Me: Yeah!
They got Thomas out with a blindfold
Avani: Ok, so Micheal is Infront of you and I want you to punch him as hard as you can
Thomas: Owhhh bet
He punched me 5 times and after he was down, I pretend to fall
Me: Nah, i'm just joking
Me: Hey Thomas
Thomas: Was I punching you this whole time?
Me: Yea
Thomas: Doesn't it hurt
Me: No? Okay! Everyone! Line up
Avani: Why are you willingly doing this
Me: Cause it's easy
Everyone punched me and when nick came up
Me: Do it
Nick: Really?
Me: Yes. You saw Thomas punch me
Nick punched me
Me: Owww
Nick: I'm sorry
Me: I'm just joking
I laughed
We sat back down
Me: Okay, Tony, truth or dare
Tony: Dare
Me: Kiss Nick
Tony: What? Oh okay
Me: ToNick
Everyone laughed
They kissed
We all laughed. Then Thomas came outside with the camera
Thomas: What happened?
Me: ToNick for life
Everyone laughed.
Thomas: Y/n, people say that you're dating Nick is it true
He said that while giving me a suspicious look
Me: Uhum
I hid my face. And everyone laughed
We all went in the kitchen and eat dinner
Thomas: You okay?
Me: Yeah, why?
Thomas: I mean like, I punched you just now
Me: I'm fine
I smiled. And my phone got a notification
Y/n, I know we said we didn't really need your help but we seriously need you in the hospital. A patient here lost a lot of blood and she is crying uncontrollably. And shes saying your name
What if it's another person?
No, she's saying Y/n Petrou over and over again
Okay, I'll come but how am I going there
A white Jeep is coming. Raven is in it
(I coughed)
You gave her my location?
Yeah, sorry but this is urgent. And bring Nick she sometimes say his name too
Me: Nick, we have to go now. Someone in the hospital needs our help
Nick: Me too
Me: Yes you too
Nick caughed almost choking
Me: Eat quickly my friend Raven is picking us up
Nick: Okay
We ate and everyone was confused
Thomas: First you, now Nick?
Me: Chill out Thomas
I drank and went downstairs and put on a hoodie and a tank top. Nick put on a shirt. And we both got downstairs and wait. After 5 minutes, Raven came.
Me: Hey Raven, long time no see
Raven: Hey Y/n, Good to see you. Come in. And who is this?
Me: That's Nick. My-
Raven: Your boyfriend
I smiled
Raven: Oh, did I make this awkward. Sorry
Me: It's fine
Then my phone buzzed
Nick Austin
Hey um, I'm sorry
It's fine Nick
I know you're not fine
I'm fine
Really? You aren't mad anymore?
No, I just needed time alone so I can figure things out. And I remind myself at the end of the day, is it even worth it getting mad or sad about this situation. And we can just talk about it anyways and why did you kiss Darianka in the first place?
I didn't want to, you came in the wrong time, she kissed me not me
Oh, okay
Raven: Okay, we're here
Me: Okay, thanks Raven
Raven: No problem
Nick and I went inside. And on the hospital bed, we saw

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