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It was from Aiden
Aiden: Hey, Y/n, I'm picking you up
Me: I'm at Blake's. What's wrong?
Aiden: It's Corey (your childhood Bestfriend) he is in the hospital and he needs to be treated stat
Me: What happened to him?
Aiden: He got in a car crash with his foster parents. We need to save him before he dies
I stopped for a little
Me: O-okay
I felt a tear roll down my cheeks
Aiden: I'm already here
Me: Okay
I looked at Nick. I gave him the sorry eyes. Then I got ready. I got out of my room
Me: You guys have to leave. I won't be here till tomorrow
I said trying to hold back my tears. I got out and got in Aidens car. We drove there and I got ready in my suit. I did surgery on his head to get the shards of glass out. At 4am, we were finally done. I was relieved and we rolled him into his room. I sat on the couch and he finally woke up
Corey: Y/n
Me: Hey, You okay?
Corey: Did you just... Saved me?
Me: Yes I did
Then his parents came in
Me: Hey Mr and Mrs Jackson
Mr J: Hey
I got out and went to receptionist. Then Blake came up to me
Blake: Sway are still at my house
Me: Really? You've gotta be kidding me
Blake: Yes but we need you at the fire department
Me: Okay
I got in his car and we to the fire departmebt. Then my phone rang, I connected it to my headset.
Me: Hello?
Micheal: Y/n, Where are you?
Me: I'm exiting the fire department. Why?
Micheal: Um, Thomas
Me: What about him?
Micheal: He went to target and is trapped somewhere in there. He can't get out
Me: Okay
We arrived at target. Surprisingly
I got in and went to go find Thomas. After 5 minutes of walking, I found him, Mia, Nick, Connor and Patrick.
Thomas: Y/N!
Me: You have to get out of here
I took out a fireproof blanket and tried to get them out. We walked to the exit and I heard a girl crying.
Me: You guys go, I have to go find her
Everyone: Okay
They got out and I went to find the girl. She was in the Starbucks under a table
Me: Hey, it's okay. Come on
I let my hand out. She took it I turned her around and I pulled her into a tight hug then an explosion from the starbucks happened. I rushed her out and took her to the ambulance. I coughed from all the smoke and I sat at in the ambulance. I sat there for 4 minutes and I got another mission. I got to the location and it was

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