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Everyone went silent
Me: Griffin, Nick, Thomas, Micheal follow me to the hospital. The rest you guys could go to sleep and we'll tell you guys later
Everyone: Okay
I sat in between Micheal and Nick. Nick was holding my hand the whole ride. Then we got to the hospital. I went to my room and saw 3 of them on hospital bed. I felt tears rolling down my cheeks. Then their doctors came in
Me: Hey, Dax. What happened to them?
Dax: Car accident
Me: Are they okay?
Dax: We still need to do surgery
Me: Can we do it?
Dax: It's going to cost a lot
Me: I don't care
Dax: If you say so
He called some of his friends and I saw Dallas talking to Griffin. We did surgery on Ondre first because he was the driver. Then Tony. Brandon didn't need surgery because he was fine. We took them back in my room.
Me: How much is it going to cost?
Dax: 100,000 dollars
Me: Okay
I payed and went back to my room. I sat on the couch and fell asleep because I was so tired. I woke up from noises around me. It was the whole Sway and Hype. I lay my back on the couch and everyone looked at me. I put my hood up and covered my eyes. I fell back asleep. I woke up again from movements next to me. Nick was trying to stand up. I checked the time and it was 130 pm. I put my hood down and Noah sat next to me
Noah: Hey!
Me: Hey
I said tiredly
Noah: You're tired
Me: Slept at 7am what do you expect
Noah: Oh
Then I remembered Thomas's gift. I secretly gave him 1 million to his card and 2 million to the hype card. Then he looked at his phone.
Thomas: Okay, who sent me 1 mill?
Larri: I don't have money like that
Chase: Neither do we
Thomas: Y/n.....
Me: Fine, I did it. And I transferred 2 million from mine to hypes card
Thomas: Really?!
Me: Yes
He went over to hug me
Chase: How rich are you?
Thomas: You want to tell all of us?
Me: No... That's rude
Thoams: She has over 100 million
Thomas: I had to
Micheal: Wow, you're that rich?
Me: Shut up
Everyone laughed. We celebrated Thomas's birthday in the hospital. Then Jaden walked up to me. He looked sad
Me: What's wrong?
Jaden: I got fired
Me: Whatever, he is a criminal anyways
Jaden: What do you mean?
Me: He sells people music and don't give creds. Search him up in the police files, he is number 5 in all the cases
Jaden: Why didn't you tell me?
Me: You seem like you really liked him. Not really
Jaden: I lost my job and song
Me: No you didn't cause I just hired you a new producer and bought you your own studio and you're welcome
Jaden: Thank you!
Me: No problem
I turned off my phone so that no one would disturb me. I knew it was a bad idea but I did it anyways.

Thomas turned on the news.
TV: Firemen are struggling to take people out of the burning building. Y/n has been reported missing
Thomas: What did you do?
Me: I knew this was a bad idea
I got out and put on the coat. I called Blake.
Me: Hospital
He got to the hospital and we both rushed to the fire. I got out 5 people and got a few scars.
Blake: Do not do that again
Me: I know, I'm sorry
Ral: Why did you do that?
I didn't say a word
Ral: I get that you want to spend time with your family but you can't do that.
Me: Okay...
Then Blake sent me back to the hospital. By now, it was already 11pm. Everyone looked at me. I collapsed on the couch and texted Zack (head police)
Me: I'm sorry, that won't happen again
Zack: It's fine
I left him on read and everyone knew I was on so much pressure.
Me: Ugh, this sucks
I threw my phone to the side and put my hood up and covered my face. Then I got a call
Blake: Y/n, we need you. I'm picking you up
Me: Okay
Nick: Where-
Me: I don't even know
I got out and went to Blake's car.
Blake: Are you okay?
Me: Yeah...
Blake: We're going to the police station and we have a missing report
Me: Okay
We got there and I did my thing. I got to the location and as usual. I beat the guy up. He got arrested and I ended up with a few bruises and more scars.
Blake: Sorry for telling at you
Me: It's fine
Blake sent me back to the hospital. I put my hood up to cover my face. I sat back on the couch and everyone looked at me. Nick sat next to me. He lifted my head slowly. He saw my face and he put my hood down. He knew I was using a shirt underneath
Nick: Take your hoodie off
I looked at him. And took it off. Everyone looked at me. They looked worried. The bruises and scars were worse than before. I just sat there and put my hoodie back on. Then I got a call. It was from Dallas
Me: I'm still in the hospital
Dallas: Okay
He hung up. He went in my room and he took me to the surgery room. I did the surgery and got back to the room. It was 1am already. Then I got another phone call. It was from Aiden
Me: Whatever you want, pick me up in the hospital
Aiden: okay
I hung up. I got another mission. I beat the people up and got back to the hospital. By now, I was tired. After one week, I was busy everyday. Busier than last time. I barely go back home.

-On Sunday-
This is suppose do be my day off. I've been working for 2 weeks straight. I am so tired. I got home and went to my room. I saw Nick sleeping so I took a shower. I put on a short sleeve shirt because all my bruises and scars healed. I got upstairs and some of them were happy to see me. Then, I got a call
Blake: Y/n i need you
Me: Ofcourse you need me. Where now?
Blake: I'm picking you up
Me: Of course you are
I hung up. Everyone were already up and we were eating. I threw my phone to the wall because so was so frustrated.
Thomas: Y/N PETROU!!
Me: Whats the point of staying here anyways. See you guys, in like 2 week probably
I walked down the stairs and went in Blake's car. I got home at 2am. Everyone were still there. I walked upstairs and transferred my simcard to the extra phone I had. Then, I got a call
Me: I swear to god I'll throw this one
I answered
Me: I'm at home, I don't care, pick me up, bye
Blake: Okay
I hung up. I wanted to throw the phone but Griffin stopped me
Grif: You're not doing that again
I gave him my phone. I went downstairs. I got into Blake's car and yet, another criminal. I got home at 10am. I was praying that I didn't have another emergency. Then, my phone rang
Me: Oh my gosh can't I just have a break!!
Everyone looked at me.
Me: I'm seriously going insane
I answered the call
Me: What now?
Blake: Picking you up
Me: Hype House
I hung up. I slammed my phone on the counter top and accidentally cracked my phone
Thoams: Y/N!
Thomas: How dare you raise your voice at me
Me: Shut up
Thomas: You're grounded
Me: You know that's not going to work. And I pray that I can get grounded.
Then I left. Another kidnapper. I came back home. And always, I took a shower. I went up the stairs and everyone were looking at me. I sat down. I didn't know what to do. Then I got a call from my lawyer
Me: Hello?
L: Hello miss Y/n Petrou. I would like you to come to my office to fill in your will
Me: Oh, okay. Thank you
L: Bye
Me: Bye
I hung up.
Me: Can you send me to my lawyer's office
Nick: Sure
We got in his car. Thoughts were racing through my mind. What if I die? I'm too young to be having one. But I have millions. I kept thinking until we arrived
Me: You should stay here
Nick: Okay
I went upstairs. I filled in the form and I gave most of the money and stuff to Brandon since he is my actual brother by blood. I thanked my lawyer and I got out of the office
Nick: What was that about?
Me: My will
Nick: Oh. Mind asking who does it go to
Me: I can't tell. Sorry
Nick: It's okay
Then I got a call from Blake
Me: Again?
Blake: Yes
Me: Nick is driving me
Blake: Okay
I hung up
Me: Send me to the police station
Nick: Okay
We drove there and arrived
Me: Thanks, bye, love you
Nick: Love you too
I went inside and Blake took me in.
Blake: I know you've been working hard so, me and the team had transferred 10 thousand to your account
Me: Really?
Blake: Yes. And you're getting 5 months off
Me: Thank you
I stood up and got out. I saw Nick was still there. I knocked on his window and opened the door.
Nick: That was fast
Me: It's nothing, I got months off
Nick: Cool
I put on the seat belt and I fell asleep

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