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I woke up in the morning by Jett entering

Jett: Good morning

Me: Why are you here?

Jett: I'm just here to get my laptop

I sat up and went to the bathroom. I did my thing and washed my hands. I went in the closet and changed into Vinnie's shirt. I got out and saw Jett on Vinnie's bed playing with Hera. I went outside and went downstairs. I passed my dad and Alex

Thomas: Morning

Me: Morning

We got breakfast and I realized that I had nothing to do since Vinnie isn't here. So I decided that I wanted to go shopping a bit. I finished up breakfast and got my keys and wanted to head out but Kouvr and Mia stopped me.

Kouvr: Hey, where are you going?

Me: Pavilion maybe, I don't know

Kouvr: Can we come?

Me: Sure, I don't say why not

Mia: Okay, let's go

We went out and got to Pavilion. We shopped for a few hours and we got home. We brought our stuff to our rooms and I got Vinnie and Hera some things too. I set up her cat bed and gave her some food. Beanie came in and was a little jealous. I pat her head and went to Brandon's room

Me: Can you take care of Hera for a bit?

Bran: Sure..

I sat her on his lap and we went to Blake's room. I saw Mia there and went to her.

Me: heyyy, can I hold her?

Mia: Sure

She gave me her baby

Mia: did you know that Thomas was planning on painting your boyfriend's room pink tonight?

Me: Actually?

Mia: Yeah

Me: This is gonna be fun

Mia: Yeaaaaa

Me: Hi Blake..

She babbled some words and I carried her in my arms.

Me: whens the wedding?

Mia: In a few months

Me: Oh, okay

Mia: Blake's tired

I saw Blake yawning. I set her down and Mia took care of her. I got out with beanie and decided to just walk around a park. I took my inline skates and put them in my car. I got beanie in and Brandon joined with his skateboard. Beanie got in the car and we went to the park

I parked the car and we got out. We took a stroll and I got beanie a tennis ball. We threw it around the grass. Beanie got it and we had fun. Then fans saw us and we too pictures with them. then a karen came by

Karen: excuse me, can you please put your dog on a leash?

Me: Um, sorry, was she bothering you?

Karen: NO, but the fact that she isnt on a leash is bothering me

Me: Then go somewhere else

Karen: No, not until you put her in a leash 

Me: No

We waled away and the Karen was going balistic. 

Karen: Oh come here doggy

She wanted to lead Beanie on the road. 

Adopted by the Hype House (Nick And Vinnie Story)Where stories live. Discover now