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The next day, I got up by a phone call. I groaned and answered it
Me: Hello?
Charli: Hey
Me: Why are you calling me at 8am
Charli: Cause I'm bored and I wanna go out with you today
Me: What time?
Charli: Wait, you're agreeing?
Me: Yeah, what time?
Charli: 10am pick me up and we're going to Nordstrom
Me: Okay. Bye
Charli: Bye
I hung up. I saw Vinnie playing games and I got up and went to my room
Vin: Where you going?
Me: My room
Vin: Any plans?
Me: Out with Charli
Vin: Okay
We kissed
Vin: Love you
Me: You too
I left his room and got ready. I got my car keys and left. I went to Starbucks and got my mocha frapp and I went over to Charli's. I rang the doorbell and mama D'amelio answered
Me: Oh hey Ms D, I'm here to pick up Charli
Heidi: Oh hey, come in
Me: Thank you
I went in and waited on the couch. Charli came down and we left.
Me: So, where are we going?
Char: Dunkin
Me: Okay
We went to Dunkin and I payed.
Char: Hey, I was gonna pay
Me: Too late
Char: damn it
I gave her, her coffee and we went to Nordstrom. We had fun and messed around. We took pictures with fans and Avani and Anthony was there. They decided to join the group when I got a phone call from chase.
Me: You guys go ahead, I'm picking this up
Char: Okay
I answered the phone
Me: Hello
Chase: Hey, so. We kinda have a problem
Me: What is it.
Chase: So basically your jet brokedown and we're stranded here
Me: Not surprised
Chase: what do you mean?
Me: it's the cheapest, what do you expect. I'll get a new one and I'll call you later
Chase: Okay. Bye
Me: bye
I hung up. I caught up with the group and we hung out basically. Avani and Anthony left and Charli and I got a bunch of stuff, I used my card to pay for everything and Charli wasn't happy. I just laughed it off and we went to toys r us. She got a bunch of Legos, slime, kinetic sand and mini brands. Then, we went to the tech store. I got Vinnie a new headset and he said he wanted a throne? What? I got a "throne" for him and I basically carried most of the things. I carried a backpack with me so I didn't have to hold many things. After a long day, we went home. I sent Charli back home. She thanked me and I left. I went to the other store and bought m&m's. Then, I got a phone call
Me: Hello?
?: Is this Mina petrou?
Me: Who is this?
?: I'm sorry but your biological parents had died in a car crash

(Did I write a chapter where her father died? I don't think so.. if I did, just pretend I didn't)

My heart broke.
Me: W- w- what?
?: They passed on the way to the hospital. We are so sorry
Me: I- thank you for the info
I hung up. Tears left my eyes. I payed for my things and put my hood up. I got my stuff and went outside. Then, I got swarmed by paparazzi. They were asking me questions
Hf: So, how are you and Vinnie
Me: I don't want to talk about anything right now, can you guys kindly leave me alone
They kept following me to the car. I got into my car and quickly drove away fastly. I got to the free way and drove to hype house. I wiped my tears and got all my things out of the car. I went to my room and set things down. I got Vinnie's stuff and went to his room. I opened the door and saw him laying on the bed
Vin: Hey, are you okay?
Of course he saw the vid. He gave me a big hug and I dropped the stuff
Me: Yeah, I'm okay
Vin: You can tell me
Me: My biological parents died
He rubbed my back and I calmed down.
Me: It's okay Vinnie, I'm okay. I have my second family
I smiled and he looked down at me and smiled. We kissed.
Me: I bought you things
Vin: Aw, you didn't have to do that
Me: But I wanted to
I showed him his thing
Vin: no way! You got me a throne!!
I helped him assemble it and I set it at the corner of his room. He sat in it
Vin: Best thing ever
He hugged me. He pulled away
Vin: We need a mark on your neck later
Me: But no doing it
Vin: wants palnning to
Me: Good
We laughed. I got ready for the night and went to Mia's room. I opened the door
Me: Has she eaten yet?.
Mia: Yeah
Me: Okay
I closed the door and went to Vinnies room. We cuddled and Vinnie did his thing.
Vin: There we go
We laughed it off. We deep talked after that and I fell asleep.

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