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Kelly: Y/n, I'm flying you to Singapore
Me: That's pretty straight forward.. what will I do there?
Kelly: You will be going undercover as a student. Since you're the smallest and youngest
Me: Can I bring my family?
Kelly: I'm sorry but no
Me: Oh okay. Thanks. When will I be going?
Kelly: Tomorrow
Me: Uh, okay
Kelly: Be at the airport by 3pm
Me: Okay
Kelly: A bodyguard will be flying with you. You'll be in business class
Me: Okay
Kelly: That's all, bye
Me: Bye
I hung up. I just stood there looking at everyone
Nick: Y/n?
Me: I have to fly to Singapore and you guys can't come with
Thomas: What about-
Me: What?
Thomas: Nevermind
Me: I'll provide money for y'all don't worry
Thomas: Okay. When will you be flying?
Me: Tomorrow 3pm
Thomas: WHAT?
Me: Yes
Nick: Well, you should get packing
Me: Okay
I packed my things and I sat outside on the balcony. I sat there for 4 hours
Nick: Y/n?
Me: Oh hey
Nick: You okay?
Me: Yeah
He sat next to me
Nick: You know we could still communicate
Me: Yeah
Nick: Come on, it's hot out here
Me: Okay
I went inside with him. I lay on the bed and drifted to sleep
Nick: Y/n, Y/n
Me: I'm up
Nick: Come on, let's go. We're going to Boa
Me: Okay
I took a shower and put on a hoodie and leggings. I got out and Nick was already waiting. He smiled at me
Nick: Come on, let's go
I followed him. We went into his car. He drove an Audi and we got there before everyone. We got valet and we went inside. We sat down and Hype came shortly after. We ate and talked. Then we left. I took a shower and went to sleep

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