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I went out and we got in the car. I was cramped in with Noah and Blake (Grey). They were joking around. We were driving fast but I just stayed calm
Noah: You seem calm
Me: Why should I panic?
Noah: Cause we're going so fast
Me: Oh trust me, police cars are much faster
Noah: Wait, I forgot
Me: Aah, Of course you did
Noah: Starbucks?
Me: I don't care
I looked at my phone and there were many missed calls and messages from Thomas, Mia, Nick and Kouvr. I called Thomas
Me: Finally want to talk now huh?
Thomas: Where are you?!
Me: With sway
Thomas: Who is near you?
Me: To guys
I laughed
Thomas: Who?
Me: Noah and Blake are beside me
Thomas: Put on speaker
I put the phone on speaker.
Thomas: Am I on?
Me: Yeah
Thomas: Noah, don't flirt with my daughter
Me: Serious Thomas? He's over 18 for gods sale
Thomas: You would never know
Then he laughed
Me: I'm hanging out with them prally not gonna be back by. Not gonna kie, I don't know.
Thomas: Be back before 9pm
Me: Since when did you give me a curfew?
Thomas: Since you got your 5 months off
Me: Agh bye
I hung up
Me: Damn it
Everyone laughed
Noah: So, you and Nick
He looked at me up and down and biting his lip
Me: Oh shut up Noah Beck
Everyone laughed
Blake: You looking good though
Me: You guys seriously want me to back hand you guys
Then Bryce took out his camera
Bryce: Uuuuu they be fighting doe
Me: My other hand is ready
Bryce: Aight, let's see who's stronger
Grif: I wouldn't do that if I were you
Bryce: I mean come on. She's little
Then we got to the gates of sway (new sway this time)
Me: Wait, you guys moved?
Grif: Yeah. Let's go
I went inside with him. This looks nice
Grif: Yeah
Bryce: Aye, where's the promise
Me: Outside backyard
We went there.
Me: Just know that this is the sound that it's gonna make but louder
I smacked my hands and it was super loud
Me: Louder than that
Bryce looked terrified.
Me: You don't have to do it if you don't want to
Bryce: I'm bo pussy
Then he handed the camera to Griffin. He filmed us
Me: 1... 2...
I slapped him. He turn his head. He tried to kick me but I moved out of the way.
Me: You okay?
Bryce: Aggggg yeah
Me: Your face is red. Extremely red. Let's put an ice pack on your face first
We cut the cameras and he put an ice pack on his face
Me: I told you, you don't have to do it
Bryce: Can I smack the fuck out of you
Me: Sure
Bryce: YES!!
We went outside and we started filming again. Bryce slapped me. It made a sound
Me: You serious? That's it?
Bryce: My hand hurts
Me: I guess I'm the stronger one
Bryce: Damn it
We walked inside and sat on the couch. Then I heard the doorbell rang. Griffin opened it
Grif: Oh my gosh
I looked behind me. I laughed
Me: This is now Area 51, you can leave.
I said while laughing and walking to the door
Grif: Come in?
We all sat in the living room. We sat there and it was an awkward silence for 50 minutes.
Avani: Guys, wanna play 7 minutes in heaven
Everyone: Yeah!
Avani: Y/n?
Me: No
Avani: Please
Me: Fine
We sat in the circle. Avani spun the bottle and it landed on Anthony. They went to the bathroom and after 7 minutes, Noah called them out. They both sat back in the circle. And Noah spun the bottle and ho ho ho a coincidence that it landed on me
Me: I Already knew this was coming
I put my hand on my head. We went to the bathroom. Noah sat on the toilet and I sat on the sink. Both of us were on our phones.
Me: Wanna make a tiktok. I brought my phone.
Noah: Sure
We mad EA tiktok and I captioned it "Can we get out now before the comments start attacking me?" I posted it and I sat back on the sink Noah sat back on the toilet. Then Anthony barged in
Ant: I thought you guys would do something
Me: Unlucky for you
We got out and I was still on my phone. I was going to sit down and I got a call
Me: Ho..ly
I answered
Me: Hello?
No answer
Me: Doctor Francis?
Fran: Y/n, Your brothers are in the hospital and a woman and a man are going to visit them. Should I allow that?
Me: Do not let anyone in yet. What are the names of the patients?
Fran: Ondreaz, Tony Lopez and Brandon Avery
Me: They were just discharged from the hospital last week
Fran: Yes but something happened to them but we don't know what
Me: Are they in my room?
Fran: Yes
Me: I'll call Aiden to guard the door
Fran: Bye
Me: Bye
I hung up. Then I called Aiden.
Me: Aiden, are you free?
Aiden: Yes actually. Why?
Me: You mind if you help me guard my hospital doors? My brother's are in there and I don't want anyone getting hurt
I didn't realize that I was in tears.
Aiden: Okay
I hung up. I didn't know that everyone was staring at me.
Me: The boys are back in the hospital again. And we need to go there. There are random people trying to get in their room
Everyone: Okay
We all got in our cars and drove off. We arrived at the hospital. I ran to my room. And to my horror I saw

A/n I'm staying in a hostel... Sorry I was gone for 3 weeks lmao

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