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-the last day-
In class
Me: Guys, I'm sorry but this is our last class. I'm going to miss you guys
Everyone were talking
Me: What if, we make tiktoks for half of the time?
Everyone: okay!
We trained and we made tiktoks. I said goodbye to them and I left to my room. Finally I could go back to LA. I packed all my things and the next day, we all went in the Swype plane. I was a little sad but relieved at the same time.
Me: Bye guys, thanks for everything.
I gave them each a 10,000 dollar cheque.
Caleb: Wow, thank you
Me: You're welcome
Corey: Thank you
Me: You're welcome, I have to go now.
Them: Bye
Me: Bye
I went on the plane and I sat next to Nick. I slept on his shoulder and I felt that his head was on mine. I woke up from the sound of drifting. We were landing somewhere. But it definitely wasn't la. I got out with Nick and it was freezing. Luckily I used a hoodie. We ate and took some pictures. We got on the plane and we took off. I snuggled up with Nick and we watched a Netflix show. Nick fell asleep and I listened to music. I realized that I was having a minor cold. I took out a wellness shot. Then Nick woke up
Nick: You okay?
Me: Im having a minor cold. No Biggie
Nick: Oh. Okay
He went back to sleep. I felt better after 30 minutes. My headphone were still in. I drank some water.

-skip to LA-
We arrived in LA. I got off the plane and took our bags. Paparazzi were already waiting. He asked us questions until our ubers arrived. I got in the Uber and we arrived after 30 minutes. We got out and we were in a whole new place. It looked luxurious. I got inside and Nick lead us to our room.
Nicks pov
I'm planning to prank Y/n, I lead us to our room and all her things were there. I went over to Thomas.
Me: Can I prank Y/n?
Thomas: Yeah, What do you have in mind?
Me: What if I pretend to lay on the floor unconscious and see what she'll do.
Thomas: What if she tried to "save you"
Me: Then you'll come in our room
Thomas: Okay
I went back to our room and set up the camera. Y/n Was taking a shower and I lay on the floor. Then she went out of the closet
Your POV
I got out and saw Nick unconscious. I checked his pulse, he was still breathing. I carry him to our bed. His temperature is normal and he seemed fine
Me: Nick?
I tried waking him up. I did a check up on him. He was perfectly fine. I got up and went out.
Thomas: Hey, Y/n
Me: Hey
Thomas: Where's Nick?
Me: Sleeping
Thomas: Oh, okay. Can I go in your room?
Me: Yeah, sure
Thomas and Nick walked out
Nick: What if I was dead?
Me: You weren't
Thomas: Your man's literally passed out on the floor
Me: He is perfectly fine. I just assumed he was sleeping. You were breathing, you're not hot.
Thomas: You have a point
Me: Next time, scaree harder
Thomas: What? I thought we had you
Me: Nope
Nick: Let's try again next time
Me: Okay
I gave him a 5 second smile
Nick: What was that for
Me: Nothing
Then I got a notification from apple
Apple: Your phone is being tracked
Me: Holy fuck
Nick: What?
Me: Someone is tracking my phone
I ran down to my iPad and quickly blocked the person and 1 thousand others.
Me: Oh my gosh
Then everyone barged in my room.
Everyone: Y/N!
Me: What?
Calvin: Someone is tracker all our phones and texting us.
Me: Okay
I took all their phones and I secured their phones. I managed to find the tracker. Then I sent 20 messages from 20 different numbers. Then I got a response
Me: Don't track us again or this will happen to you
?: Who are you?
Me: This backfired
?: Shit
Then I got an Instagram DM
Me: You guys, I'm connecting to Apple TV
Everyone: Okay
?: Hey! You live in ***********
Me: Yeah!
?: What if we play a game
Me: Okay
Micheal: Y/N NO
Me: The game is just starting
In dm
?: You're number is XXX-XXX-XXXX
Me: Your full name: Jackson Eric
Your address: ****************
Your phone number: XXX-XXX-XXXX
Your mom's name: Sabrina Moses
Your mom's phone number: XXX-XXX-XXXX
Your Dad's name: Taylor Eric
Your dad's phone number: XXX-XXX-XXXX
Your grandparents name: Welson and Brenda
Their address: ************
Your birthday: 13 July 2000
Jack: Wow, I'm sorry, it was just a joke, hope you're doing well
Me: No, the game is just starting right?
Jack: The game ends here, I change my mind
Me: I'll ask your mom
I called his mom.
Sabrina: Hello?
Me: Hello? Is this Sabrina?
Sab: Yes
Me: Is your son Jackson?
Sab: Yeah
Me: What does he do for a living?
Sab: He is working McDonald's
Me: He is a hacker and he tried to track mine and my friends phone. You may have to take away that computer of his
Sab: No, he Is an angel
Me: I'm sending you a screenshot
I sent her a screenshot
Sab: Oh my gosh, I can't believe it
Me: You have a nice day. Bye
Sab: Bye
We hung up
Me: The game was easier than I thought
Everyone laughed. I disconnected from Apple TV. Then I got a call from Blake
Blake: Y/n, I know you just got back but this is really important
Me: Continue...
Blake: Can you come down to the fire station
Me: Ok
Blake: I'm picking you up
Me: Okay
I got ready and walked downstairs. I forgot to tell Blake our new address. I called him
Me: Blake, my address is ************
Blake: Okay
He came after 5 minutes. I got in his car and put on my gear. We got to an abandoned building and heard screams. I went inside and saw a girl tied up. Her wrist were bleeding from the ropes. I wanted to untie her but I saw a guy standin next to her. Punching her. Then he turned to me
?: Well well well. I see you've found me. Who are you anyways?
Me: A person who could put you in jail
?: Nice one kid
I walked over to him and I beat him up. Blake untied the girl and I put a towel on her. I checked her up and ambulance came. They took her and she was barely talking
?: Please, let me die
Me: You will not die, I promise you will have the best life after this okay?
?: I can't, I'm in debt and now I have to be with these people
Me: No you will not
Then she opened her eyes
?: Are you... Y/n Petrou?
Me: Yes, and I promise, you will have the best life
?: I'm sorry
Me: For what?
?: I'm a hater of yours
Me: It's fine, life isn't perfect. I can handle the hate now. But promise me that you'll live okay?
?: Okay
She smiled at me. Then I saw her having troble breathing
Me: Are you okay?
?: He punched me on my chest for about 10 times a day
Me: Get the oxygen mask
They put the oxygen mask on her
Me: Do you have any loved ones? Or anyone who could help you?
?: I have 4 brothers I don't think they love me anymore.
Me: Can I have their phone numbers?
She gave me her phoke
?: Call... The.. one.. named Jaden. He is your friend
Me: Jaden Hossler?!
?: Yeah
Me: Okay. Please keep your eyes open
Then they rolled her out of the ambulance. I called Jaden
Me: Hey Jaden
Jaden: Hey, what's wrong?
Me: I know I've never called you an dthis is weird as fuck. But I need you in the hospital. We found your sister and she needs help. We need her to stay awake so she doesn't slip into a coma
Jaden: You found her?! I'm coming right now
I hung up. He arrived in 2 minutes.
Me: Follow me
I brought him to his sister. He looked devastated
?: Jay, you're here?
I did my thing
?: I'm tired, can I go to sleep now
Me: Wait... Okay you can sleep now
She closed her eyes and fell asleep.
Jaden: Thank you Y/n
Me: No problem. You guys should tell me when you guys have missing people.
Jay: Okay
Then 3 other boys came in
Jay: Hey guys. Meet Y/n, She saved Jess
?: Our saviour. I'm Ross
?: I'm Henry
?: I'm Connor
Me: Nice to meet you guys
Con: Thank you, so much
Me: No problem. That's what I do
Then Noah (Beck) came in
Noah: Y/n Um-
Me: What?
Noah: I need your help. My brother is about to pass out.
I followed him to his brothers room
Me: You need to help us stay awake okay?
?: I can't
Me: If you do, you're going to have the best life. I promise
?: Really?
Me: Yes
I smiled at him. The doctors did their thing and me and Noah entertained him.
?: Can I sleep now?
Me: Yes.. you... can
He went to sleep.
Noah: Thank you Y/n
He hugged me
Me: Can you put me down? I can't breathe
Noah: Oh, sorry
Blake went to go on a mission so I had to stay at the hospital
Me: Mind if i stay here for a bit. My ride is on a mission
Noah: Sure
We sat on the couch and we got to know each other better. His brothers left after 1 hour. It was just me and Noah
Noah: Want to make a tiktok?
Me: Sure
We did his dance (I forgot what's it called the one that goes "cause hats how you do shit dont" yeah you know what I'm talking about) then we did the hatchback. He posted the first one captioned "My hero" then the second one "Besties". Then comments flooded with "Ship"
Noah: Hey, Nick responded
Me: Really?
I went to his page
Nick: Give me back my girl
I responded with
Me: In always yours lol
Then Blake came in the room
Blake: Y/n, You ready?
Me: Where are we going?
Blake: Fire station
Me: Okay.. bye Noah
Noah: Bye
We went to the station and I got in my suit. I connected my phone to the headset and Nick called me
Nick: Where are you?
Me: Fire station
Nick: We're going to Boa, if you're coming home, call me first.
Me: Okay
Then we headed to

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