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-at night-
I slept for a good amount of hours.
Nick: Y/n, y/n, we're landing in Malaysia
Me: Oh, okay
It was 4pm Malaysia time. And we got off our flight. We were in Kuala Lumpur. We ate in the McDonald's and we took pictures with many fans. Then our flight got called. We went in the plane and flew off to Singapore. It was an hour flight. The flight attendant gave us food and we arrived Singapore. I got out of the plane and took my bags. I went out and saw some girls shouting. I waited for the boys and they found me
Nick: Y/n, We have to leave
Me: Wait, does the Uber app help?
Nick: I'll try
Me: Okay
He took out his phone and I saw some girls coming towards us
?: Um, hi...
Me: Hey
She looked at Nick and winked but he didn't see
Me: Can I.. help you?
Grif: Yeah
?: Omg you're here
Me: Of course
?: Can we make a Tiktok?
Me: Sure
??: Ugh, not with you
???: We want to make one with Nick. Who are you anyways
Me: Chill. Sit down, it's fine
I turned to Nick
Me: I'm going to go buy simcards
Nick: Oh, okay
He kissed me on my forehead. And I went to go buy simcards for us
Nick's POV
Y/n left. Sway Lopez's and Brandon were still with me
?: So, we can set up the phone here
Me: Okay
These girls are giving me bad vibes. I'm scared. We danced to Sunday best and some other songs. Then Y/n came back
Me: Hey Y/n
Y/n: He beb
?: You're ugly
Me: Did I ask for your opinion?
??: Ooh the world is going to love this
She was recording only the "Did I ask for your opinion part"
Me: People will only believe you for a short period of time. Trust me
??: Whatever you say loser
Nick: I think you guys should leave
???: Okay Nicky
Nick: Ew. Don't call me that. Go away
They just stood there
Noah: Girls, you have to leave.
They left.
Nick: You okay
Me: Yeah. Here
I gave them their simcards. Then our Uber came. We drove to a 5 star penthouse. We checked in and went to our penthouse. We kept our things and my phone blew up
Me: There it goes
Then I saw a tweet saying "I was just saying she looked beautiful and she said this" then I looked at the comments "She's so rude" one of it said the I saw another one "I was there too and you didn't say she was beautiful you said she was ugly and you called her a loser" many people said that too. Then I tweeted "By the way boo, many people were listening to our conversation, Nick, Lopez's and sway were also with me and they knew what actually happened" then Nick tweeted "Yeah, she said Y/n Was ugly and a loser. They only took that part because they want to say that Y/n Is a bad person" I continued unpacking. Then Nick came in
Nick: Want to go out and explore?
Me: Okay
We both went out while the rest stay.
We went to the school first.
Me: I'm Y/n Petrou
?: I'm Mr Ha
Me: Nice to meet you
Mr Ha: Nice to meet you too
We walked around and we went to his office
Mr Ha: Okay, so we have this one student named Andrea Hong
Me: Okay...
Mr Ha: She has been acting a little strange and really angry for some type of reason
Me: Stress? Depression?
Mr Ha: We just finished our exams
Me: Oh
We talked for a bit
Mr Ha: Both of your time to come tomorrow is before 730 am
Me: Okay
We went out and we went to go out and eat. We ate at a McDonald's and we took pictures with fans. We went back to the hotel and I took a shower and went to bed. Nick was still outside and he knocked on the door
Me: It's our room you can come in

Adopted by the Hype House (Nick And Vinnie Story)Where stories live. Discover now