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-the next day-
I woke up and made breakfast. I ate and in the afternoon, people were giving me dirty looks. This went on for 2 days and I couldnt take it. I texted Blake
Blake, can I hang out at your place? My whole house is giving me dirty looks and I don't know why
I'll walk to the park
I got out of the house and no one saw me. Blake picked me up and we end to his hotel. Selena and Cam and his wife were there too
Kate: What did they do this time?
She smiled at me
Me: They keep giving me dirty looks everyday and I don't know what I did wrong
Kate: Weird
I turned off my location so no one could find me. I stayed there for 2 days. And in the morning, I heard a knock on my door. I looked through the hole and saw Thomas and the whole hype and sway house. I opened the door
Me: What?
Thomas: Y/n!
Me: What?
Kouvr: Why are you here?
Me: Cause everyone gives me dirty looks everyday and now, I dont thin kyou guys want me there. Anyways, what are you guys doing here, there's like 38 people here. I have 5 minutes, I need to take a shower
Thoams: Look, we're sorry, it was for the vlog.
Me: For two days? Nope, not buying it
Ant: Fine. We'll tell you.
Me: Kay?
Ant: You broke Nick's heart?
Me: How?
Ant: You don't spend time with him, you don't hang out with him, and now he thinks you're cheating on him
Me: Oh my gosh I hate this, Alex and I are just friends. Wow, now you guys just people to me that you guys don't trust me.
Kouvr: It's not like that! We believe you
Me: Can we save the drama for later before you guys get kicked out
Thomas: Come on guys, let's go
I took a shower and went down with Alex to get breakfast. But sway and Hype house was there.
Me: Oh my gosh
Thoams: We seriously need to talk
Me: Can you guys just let us eat first
I said with frustration. We walked by them and we went down for breakfast
Alex: What's up with them?
Me: They just won't leave me alone
Alex: You have a big family
Me: That's why I won't let you go back with us.
We finished our breakfast and went up. To the lobby. They were still there.
Alex: I'm going to my room
Me: Kay
Thomas: Let's go
Me: Where?
Thoams: Home
Me: No
Thomas: Please
Me: No
Ant: Why?
Me: Cause my things are still in my room
Ant: Oh
Thomas: Ask Blake to take your things
Me: He doesn't have a key
Thomas: You know what, just go get our stuff
I went upstairs and took my stuff. And I went back down.
Thoams: Took you long enough
Me: Couldve took longer if I brought my things with me here
Thoams: what?
Me: Nothing
I followed thoams Mia and Ryland
Thoams: You're fixing what you've done
Me: What?
Thomas: You'll see
We arrived at our chalet
Thomas: Go to your room and apologize
Me: Ugh fine
I knocked on the door
Me: Nick, it's me
Nick: Go away
Me: Nick, if you trust me, please open the door
He unlocked the door. He instantly hugged me
Nick: Where were you?!
Me: At Blake's hotel
Nick: Why?
Me: I don't know, people here look like they don't want me here
Nick: They were just pranking you.
Me: For 2 days?
Nick: Nevermind
Me: Do you believe me?
Nick: Yeah
Me: Alex and I are just friends-
Nick: I know. And I'm worried about you
Me: But they say I broke your heart
Nick: By running away
Me: Oh
Nick: Promise you with do that?
Me: Depends if this house annoys me again
Nick: Okay
He smiled. I pulled out of the hug
Nick: Can you stay here, please
Me: Of course, it's under my name anyways

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