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A/n: so this will involve where Bryce and Jaden get arrested but imma go spice it up.

After two weeks in America, Bryce called me and invited Nick and I to go on a road trip. We kindly agreed and we packed our stuff. Bryce pick us up in their mini van. After 21 hours of driving, we were in Giddings Texas. We got pulled over for some reason.
Bryce: Yo boys, if they search us, we're done for
Then, the cop pulled out our driver for no reason. It was Mr Tolby
Me: Excuse me Mr Tolby, what seems to be the problem?
Mr T: Oh, Mina.. I didn't expect you to be here but mind if we check out the van?
Me: Yes you may but sir you have to ask for consent before you can scope out everything
Mr T: I can do whatever I want
Me: Why? Cause you got promoted? I could get you down easily
Mr T: Alright, alright, can we just please scope out everything
Me: What if I say no?
Mr T: We will still scope out everything
My heart was racing
Me: Boys, get out
We all got out. Then, Mr S found something.
Mr S: Which one of you brought this
Bryce: Me sir
Me: Don't call him sir, he doesn't even have a good score
Mr s: Yes I do
Me: But not when I report you guys
Mr s: We have our rights to scope out everything because this man right here, has these in his hands
Jaden: And Mine
Mr s: Look like someone decided to take some too
Mr t: Mina, we've found a couple of things for quite a price
Me: What is it now?
I said stressed out
Mr t: Marijuana and drugs
Mr s: What are you names?
Bryce: Bryce Micheal Hall
Jaden: Jaden Isaiah Hossler
Mr S: Hossler and Hall you're coming with me. Petrou, you're gonna be under us for trying to cover up a felony
I was upset and stressed at this point. I stood up
Nick held me from charging at them
Mr T: Say that to the court
Nick stood up and hugged me while the boys were taken. We got into the van and everyone were stressed. We got to a park and peaked there for the night. I couldn't do anything and I had to be in the police station the next day. I didn't sleep all night while the boys were snoring off. I got a phone call from Blake. I went outside to answer it so that I didn't wake up the boys
Me: Hello?
Blake: I've never been this disappointed in you Mina
Me: Blake, you too?
Blake: But Im not fully sure that you've done it so can you explain to me?
Me: Mr s and t pulled us over for no reason and frikin checked us out without a consent, I confronted them but they took it the wrong way
Blake: Okay, I'll do everything in my power to make you up again
Me: There's no point, I have to go to court and I don't even have witnesses
Blake sighed and hung up. I was crying at this point and I sat on the curb crying my eyes out. Then, I felt hands around me, it was Nick. I cried in his arms
Nick: We heard
Me: We?
Blake G: We heard
Me: I thought you guys were sleeping?
Nick: And you moved away from me of course I woke up
Then, I got another phone call from Mr t
Me: What the fuck do you want?
Mr t: Come to court at 12pm.
Me: This is under?
Mr t: You
Me laughed
I hung up and I smashed my phone and Nick hugged me.
Nick: It's okay
Blake: That almost hit me
Josh: Not the time Blake
I cried my eyes out. And the boys except for Nick went back to sleep. I calmed down. Then, I got an idea
Me: Wait, I have an idea
Nick: What is it?
Me: We have to free out Jaden and Bryce first and they can go to court with me
Nick: But your court time is at 12
Me: I can bail them out
Nick: Oh yeah
I got a little excited. I planned everything out and it was 6am. I told everyone my plan and I could free the boys out. We got to the station and I instantly bailed them out but I did it anonymously. I told the boys not to tell them. We waited outside and the boys were released. I was a huge amount but it was worth it. I told the boys my plan at my court and they kindly agreed to my plan. I got to the court nearby and we talked.
Judge: We are here to settle about Minas case, defendant, you can start
I stood up
Me: Your honour, they were looking around in our van without consent.
Mr T: She was trying to protect Hall and Hossler from getting into trouble
Judge: Alright alright, attorney..
Bryce: She had no idea about this your honour, we his everything from her and way afraid that she would report us.
Judge: And do you have proof?
Bryce: The boys
Blake: We agreed to not show it to her.
Jaden: It's all our fault
The cops looked speechless.
Judge: order! Order!  This court rules in favor of the defendant who will stay above and plaintiff will be charged with false information. This court is dismissed
We all got happy and excited. The two cops got arrested. They were on blacklist so they couldn't get their jobs back. We all went back out and we continued our trip.

A/n: Hey.. BYE!

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