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I lead them to my room and grabbed my backpack... I pulled out a smaller bag and grabbed a metal stick... I handed it to Micheal and I asked him to push the button and a bow staff appeared. I grabbed my metal numb chucks and gave them to Thomas. I grabbed my normal numb chucks and gave them to Ondreaz. I grabbed ninja stars and handed them to Tony. Then I gave Patty my throwing knives and I opened my closet to reveal a blunt katana... I asked all of them to put on a bulletproof vest under their shirt
Thomas: How could you afford these
Me: I have my ways.. now let's not argue about this.. our house is in danger. The intruders are currently checking our rooms, I'll pretend to sleep in my room so when I pretend to get up, they'll tend to choke me
Thomas: How many people are in the house?
Me: Two. Ok now then Thomas you should go to Alex's room cause it's opposite mine and nicks room and since there are two people, one will check my room and the other will check Alex's room. Micheal, you Patty and Paper are going back upstairs just in case one of them goes up there. Tony and Ondreaz, You both go to Taylor's area and protect there... Got it?
Everyone (except you ofc): Got it
Me: Now go.. quietly
It happened differently this time, the both of the house intruders went into Alex's room and steal some things, Thomas pretended to wake up but he didn't have time to move, the two house intruders put a cloth on his face and ran away to my room, they didn't expect anyone in there so they searched the things I pretended to fall asleep and they took all of my trick weapon (trick weapons are the opposite of weapons). The robbers then went to the fourth floor. Micheal, Patty, Paper, Tony and Ondreaz all passed out from the cloth. I was so mad so I ran upstairs.
Me: What do you all want?
The robbers turned around and saw me
Robber #1: Y/n y/n y/n look who's here
Me: Who are you
Robber #1: You don't know me but I know you
Me: Look what do you want
Robber #1: We want Chase Hudson
Chase: I'm here, now what?
Robber #1: Get here
Chase gets closer to the robber. The robbers threatened to kill me if I moved
Me: Okay, what if, you kill me, then you let him go
Chase: No, y/n you can't
Robber #1: A deal is a deal
Me: Ok fine, but you have to let go of him first
The robber let Chase go
Robber #1: So are we going to do this or what?
Me: Ok, but first, put your gun down
Robber #1: What?
Me: Come on don't be a pussy, PUT THAT GUN AND OTHER WEAPONS DOWN
Robber #1: Are you going to fight me? Hahahahahahah nice try
Robber #1: NO
Me: Okay fine, you can let your other buddy join but you have to let your weapons down
Robber #1: A deal is a deal.. I'm warning you
Mia: Y/n please no
I ignored Mia and fought those two robbers.
It was all going to end when they pulled you my trick gun.
Me: Fine, shoot me, I'm warning you, are you sure you want to do this
Kouvr: Y/N NO!
Me: Go on, shoot me
He pulled the trigger and he shot himself
Me: Welp, I warned you, next time don't be stupid
I knew robber #2 was behind me, I knew he had a knife. I did a tornado kick and accidentally cut my left foot. Everyone rushed to me and asked if I'm okay
Me: You're all coming to me.. why not the rest, they're the ones who are unconscious
Mia: What happened to Thomas?
Me: They put a cloth on his mouth and he accidentally breathes in the chemical.
Me: Now, nobody touches anything from what the robbers had brought, it might be dangerous. Then, I had a headache and blacked out.

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