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Blake: Hey champ, I know it's 3am and I said we don't need your help but. We seriously need your help
Me: Okay, what's going on?
Blake: We have this guy named Alejandro. He is an abusive guy. He is 16 (pretend) and I really really need you to do this dumb thing
Me: Um. Depends what it is
Blake: Flirt with him
Me: WHAT?! NO!
Nick: Calm down
In call
Blake: Can you tell Nick so he doesn't get mad
Me: You tell him
Then I handed the phone to Nick
Nick: Oh, ok, yeah, yeah. Here
Me: And?
Blake: He agreed
Me: Fine
I hung up
Me: I signed up to save people not flirt with a guy.
Then I texted Blake
Me: Blake, I can't do it
Blake: But Nick agreed
Me: I know. But the problem here is what the fans are going to say. Once I text ale, he is going to leak it. I know him
Blake: What do you mean you know him?
Me: He used to be in my school. He's a snitch and bully
Blake: Oh
Then I turned off my phone and went back to sleep.
-at 7am-
I woke up on my bed. Nick was still asleep and I slowly crept out. Then Nick held me tighter
Nick: 30 more pleaseee
Me: Okay
I lay back down and put my head on his chest
Nick: You know you can just do it right
Me: You looked through my phone?
Nick: Yeah, I'm sorry
Me: It's fine, I don't have anything to hide. Only if you mess with my important documents then I'll be mad
Nick: Okay
I kept thinking and thinking and I fell asleep. I woke up again from movements.
Nick: Did I wake you up?
Me: Yeah
I rubbed my eyes and got out of bed. Nick took a shower while I made our bed. I made breakfast for the both of us. Then I got a call when I was about to take a bite of my breakfast
Blake: Y/n, i need you to go undercover in a school before it goes out of hand
Me: Okay! Im glad to help
Blake: I'm picking you up now.
Me: Okay
I just changed my clothes and took my backpack with me. Then Nick got out of the shower
Nick: Where are you going?
Me: I need to go undercover in a school.
Nick: Okay, stay safe
Me: Okay
I kissed him on his cheek and headed downstairs. I saw Thomas, Mia, Jack and James downstairs
Me: Hey guys
Then I saw Blake
Me: Um, I have to go now. Sorry
Thomas: Bye
Me: Bye
I got into Blake's car and we went to a middle school. Everyone knew me there. I just ignored people and headed to the principles office. He gave me a locker key and gave me a schedule
Mr N.: All the teachers know you and know why you're here
Me: Okay
I got out and went to first period. The teacher introduced me and she asked me to sit next to a girl, she looked popular. I just sat down and didn't do anything. The teachers didn't pay much to me. I didn't have books and I didn't take notes. The teacher keeps walking down my isle and I just nodded. Then it was 2nd period. It was Math and kept my "stuff" in my locker and went to 2nd. A guy walked up to me
?: H-hey
Me: Hey
I kept walking
?: Y-youre Y/n Petrou?
Me: Yeah
?: What are you doing here?
Me: I'm 14 and I have to go to school
?: What's your next class?
Me: English
?: Same! I can walk you there
Me: Sure
We walked to English class and everyone looked at us
Mr G: Y/n, You may take a seat at the back
Me: Okay
I put my head on my hand. I didn't have to do anything. Then I heard a loud thud. Everyone fearked out
Me: Guys, don't freak out
Then we heard a gunshot
Me: Everyone get to the corner of the room
Everyone went to the corner. I got out of the classroom and headed to the sound. It was in the janitor's closet. I opened it and there I saw

A/n: I'm going to be gone for 3 days because I have to go back to school. I go to a boarding school. I'll post as much as I can after.. byee

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