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(this Madison beer isn't actually Madison beer...)
It's been a year since I had faked my death. They announced it after 2 weeks of me missing. I got out of bed with a super quiet house, as usual. It was 8am and I poured myself a cup of coffee. I looked at my phone and saw that they had captured the gang. I got happy and I finally could go back. Then, there was a knock on the door. It was Blake.
Me : Hey
I said with a smile
Blake: You saw the news?
Me: Of course!
Blake: You can go back now
Me: Let's make it a little special
Blake: How?
Me: Come in
We went inside and I explained my plan.
Me: We could use a court, you know, because there's many people. And yes we still need to press charges. So there will be a judge. And I'll come out of the room from behind and surprise them.
Blake: Okay, that will be today at 3pm
Me: Sure!
Blake: Okay buddy, go get ready
I smiled and he went back to the station and I got ready for the day. I haven't come out of my house since I left sway. I got my mask and I took my glasses. I then got picked up by 6 fbi agents which was obnoxious to be honest. We went to the court.
Thomas's pov
(When Mina was missing)
I couldn't sleep that night. It was 2 months and we've been falling apart. Tony, ondreaz, tayler, Nate, Kelli Anne, Chase Mattson left the hype house and instead lived in a thriller compound. Chase, Nick and Ryland moved out to a new house. Things weren't normal. Everyone couldn't get through her death and we never get to talk to her. All of us were devastated and by the looks of it, Nick and Madison didn't seem to care at all. They're happy and smiling while all of us looked depressed. She was important to us and we never forget about her. Police, FBI and soldiers are searching for her body but there was no luck.
(After 2 months)
Today, I decided to book a fan y restaurant for all of us so that we could stay happy and move on. But mostly, we talk about Mina, Nick and Madison. We hated Nick and Madison because they seem like they dont care at all. We all went back that night and we just stayed silent. We were behind on bills but we still manage to pay them becuase we faked our happiness online. Many fans seem to be sad and angry at us becuase we looked so happy and thought we didn't care about Mina. We addressed that online and many people seem to finally care about us. But the haters are still hating on her and said that she deserved it. Cops took down their accounts and charged them. We got checked up on cops a few times and sometimes, the doctors came to see if we're doing okay. We got therapists and after a few months, we were fine. We moved on, but not officially. Vinnie and Nailea are together and all of us were happy about them. Nailea moved I and shared a room with Vinnie. Paper keeps flying to Seattle to meet his girlfriend. Alex and I were still doing YouTube and after a few months, we were back on our feet. And today, I got a phone call from Blake (swat guy)
Blake:  Hello Petrou, you have to attend court for the death of Mina Petrou... Bring the whole family too. Sway LA, Thriller house, and people who she used to live with. And go to (a court address) by 3pm
Me: O- okay
I hung up. I was relieved that I get to meet the person who killed my daughter. I just wanted from meet the person and ask "why?". It was 1pm and I got ready. I called everyone to Hype and we went to court. We went inside and saw a woman there. I sat down up front and the rest at the seating area. We sat there in silence. Then, the judge came. We all stood up and we sat down
Judge: Settle down, and before we start. We have a special guest joining us today
Someone came out from the door and I couldn't believe who it was. Tears streaming down my face.
Mina: Well done Madison
She clapped her hands
Madi: I thought I asked my special employee to exhacute (how to spelllll) you?!
Mina's pov
Me: Me too
We all settled everything and the gang went to jail for life. I was sent back to the back door to get a cup of water. I went back out again and saw that there was no one there. I went out the door and saw everyone huddled up. They looked at me
Me: Can I get a hug or something?
They all hugged me
Thomas: How?
Me: I don't know
Thomas: Why?
Me: Just because
All of us were in tears. Then, i saw a paparazzi can
Me: Guys, paparazzi
I thought of something
Me: You guys, go I'll meet you at hype.
Thomas: Okay
I ran inside the court and went out through the back door. I got a ride with Blake and we went to Hype. I rang the doorbell. Thomas opened the door.
Thomas: You still have explaining
Me: Okay okay
We went in and I sat down on the couch next to Nailea and Vinnie.
Thomas: Why did you leave?
Me: Dangerous people aka Madison was after me for some reason. And they were planning something but they didn't know one of their recruits was a cop so I had to hide
Thomas: What were they planning?
Me: I don't know
Nick: I know
We all turned to him and he looked guilty
Nick: I was in it
Me: Wow, shocker
Nick: I didn't actually want to do anything with it but, she forced me into it.
Thomas: But you looked all happy about it
Nick: I wasn't. She forced a smile on me. I've been depressed and i-
Me: You..
He showed his wrist and I felt bad. I looked down.
Thomas: You shouldn't have come to us
Nick: She didn't let me. I've wantes to talk to Vinnie a bunch of times but I couldn't she just pulled me to the side and threatened me
(Pretend Mina is 21)
Vinnie: Alright alright, can we just be happy that Mina is back?
Bryce: Yeah
Blake (Gray) pulled my arm and I went flying and he hugged me. I hugged back
Me: I missed you too Blake
Blake: What are y'all looking at
Me: Blake you literally made me fly
Blake: True but I wanna hang out with you
Me: I can't go out. No one knows in still here
I let go
Me: You're not letting go aren't you?
Blake: No
Me: Dude get off me. I can't breathe
Blake: Fine
He let go.
Me: That, I was joking
Everyone laughed
Bryce: You don't know how many fan edits he made about you
Me: You actually did that?
He turned red
Blake: No
Thomas: Alright, alright, why don't we hire a chef and we all could eat.
Tayler: I call thriller be used it's huge
Thomas: Thriller it is...
We got ready and went to thriller. I went out and saw that everyone were looking at me
Thomas: You'ce never worn anythin like that
Me: I used to have bruises so...
Thomas: Right
Me: By the way, did anyone drive my rolls while I was gone?
Everyone went silent
Me: What did you do?
Thomas: We kinda, did something
I looked in the garage. It was covered in paint
Me: You had one job and was to keep it white
Thomas: It wasn't my fault that I didn't know that you were still alive
Me: Fair.. I kinda like it black
Thomas: Thank god
Me: Now who's driving me?
Thomas: I thought I sent you to go get a license
Me: Do you trust me driving after 1 year not knowing how to drive?
Thomas: I'll follow
Me: Fine
The rest moved their cars and I reversed. We went to thriller and I parked in their driveway. We went inside and everyone promised to not tell anyone. We are dinner and talked. We finished and we just talked to each other. Then, Thomas got a call.
Thomas: Yeah, yeah. Mhm okay, bye
He looked up
Thomas: Mina, Blake said code 68
I almost chocked. It was a code for someone escaping (jk idk).
Me: You've got to be kidding me
Thomas: What does that mean?
Me: Madison escaped
Everyone panicked. After 30 minutes of silence. Nick spoke up
Nick: I have a plan
We all looked at him. I looked at him dead in the eyes
Me: Go ahead Austin
Nick: she has this special place in Texas. That's her hq and comfort place. It's filled with guns. And a 629-
I cut him off
Thomas: Language
Me: Sorry
Thomas: What is that anyways?
Me: A bomb that could literally blow up the whole United States away
Everyone looked at me
Me: Do I look like I'm joking
Tayler: Yes you do
I took out my phone and showed them a picture of it. Everyone freaked out
Me: Version 1 or 3?
Nick: 3
Me: Holy- we're doomed
Nick: 86 (blows up the whole world)
Me: Stop-
Nick: 78 (as big as Lebanon explosion)
Me: Austin!
Nick: 32 (high radiation)
Nick: 820 (a size of a military base..)
Me: FUCK!!!!!... We're done. We are absolutely done. It doesn't have a keypad to stop
I smiled sarcastically
Nick: 90 (stoppeble)
I sighed in relief
Me: Can you say that earlier?!
Nick: I just wanted to see how you reacted
Thomas: What does that mean?
Nick: 263?
Me: 263 Nick...
Thomas: Can you guys stop talking in numbers
Me: No
Me& Nick: NO!
Kouvr: Aw!
Me: Kouvr-
I got cut off by a phone call
Me: What?
Blake: Thomas told you?
Me: 86,78,32,820,90
Blake: Thank goodness
Me: What are we gonna do about it?
Blake: Go there and stop her
Me: It's in Texas
Blake: Who told you these?
Me: Austin
Blake: We might need him. We're flying with 3 planes
Me: Like the huge airplanes you mean?
Blake: Yes, pack everything and tell Austin too. We're leaving in 50
Me: Okay
I hung up.
Me: Austin, pack up. We're going to Texas
Thomas: What about us?
Me: You guys stay in LA. I'm taking my plane and it's gonna be filled with FBI agents and Swat teams.
Thomas: Can we take your jet?
Me: No. Don't come no matter what
I stood up
Me: Austin!
Nick: On it
He shot up. We went to my car. I had a sticker to say that it was me. I turned on my sirens and we got passed cars. Nick was driving so it was pretty fast. We went to hype and we both packed. Then, a swat jeep was outside. We got out and load our bags in. We went to the airport and we instantly got into my plane. People looked at us. I didn't bother and we went to my lounge. We went to Texas after 5 minutes. I sat alone and I texted my head on the seat. I fell asleep after that. After 2 hours, I woke up  and we were landing. I rubbed my eyes and put on my seat belt. We landed and I took my stuff. We waited for the other flights. After 30 minutes, they were all with us. Each of us at least held 4 guns and 3 pistols. Everyone looked at us when we went to the lobby. I was behind everyone and suddenly, people were taking pictures and were asking questions like "Why did you faked your death" "where are you going" I just avoided them. I went inside a car, provided for us. We rented a hotel and it was huge. We got to our rooms and afte rthat, we instantly went to a military base. We stored all our weapons there. We didn't want to store the weapons in the hotel just incase one of us left one in the hotel. At 3am, we all went back to the hotel. I took a shower and put on comfy clothes. I then fell asleep. At 5am, I got up from my alarm. I got ready quickly and knocked on Nick's door. He opened the door and looked like a mess.
Me: Get up, we're going to the station
I said while yawning
Nick: Okay...
I turned away and walked to my room. I sat on my bed and Nick texted me
Nick: Hey, I'm already in the lobby
Me: Okay
I turned off my phone and went downstairs. We went into a black heep and Nick was driving it. We went to the station and planned everything out for 3 hours. It was 9am and we rested before we make a move. Then, it was workout time. We did our 1 hour workout and training. Mostly training for Nick trying to help him with the guns. And then, it was action time. We went to the location and we raised it with polices, swat teams, agents and soldiers. We went inside and we met up with none other than Madison. We surrounded her with police officers and agents. Lasers were pointing on her. Nick was beside me
Madi: Hey Nicky, I see that you've told them
Nick looked nervous
Me: Stay strong, think of what she had done to you
I whispered to him
Nick: Okay..
Me: Guns down
They point their guns on the ground.
Madi: Come on Nick, why don't you join me and we can share the prize of 300 thousand dollars.
Nick looked at her and looked at me
Me: Nick, no
Nick: I'm sorry, but 300 thousand is pretty much
Me: Fine nick, pick her and let me die
He walked up to Madi. He stood beside her.
Madi: Do it
I stood up and held my hands out.
Me: Boys, trust me. Guns down
Nick winked at me twice. I got the signal. He reached out to his belt and took out a pistol. He made it so quietly
Madi: Babe, do it
He let the shotgun down and sighed
Nick: I cant do it
Madi: Why?
Nick: Cause I have to do this
He shot her in her stomach. She fell.
Me: Good gob Austin
065: Ambulance and some of her servants are here too
They arranged everyone and and sent Madi to the hospital. We went to our hotel and I washed off. That night, we flew back to LA.
-in LA-
We got into Kouvrs Jeep. We went back to hype and they all cheered for Nick. I was just at the side. I just went to my room. Then, there was a knock on the door. I opened it and saw Vinnie
Vin: Hey, you did good too
Me: It's a usual thing so I don't care anymore
Then, I saw Brandon. He stayed with Ondreaz I his house so I seldom see him.
Me: Brandon!
Bran: Mina!
He hugged me.
Me: Ugh, you're getting so big!
He's 9
Bran: I've missed you
Me: Me too
Ondre: I'll leave you guys be
Vin: Me too
They left and Brandon went into my room
Me: so, how are you?
Bran: I'm good, I got online school
Me: That's good!
Bran: But I really want to go out on missions
Me: Aw, you'll join me one day
Bran: Okay!
We went to the living room and we hung out for 3 Horus and ondre, Hannah and Brandon left. Bryce came over and I was supposed to hang out with them probably. I followed them to film a bit. They were asking strangers about me. Many people say that im cool and they feel bad for me or they respect me. And then, paparazzi came. There was like 20. The bius tried to get them off us bit no matter how hard we try, they wouldn't budge. I decided to take matters into my own hands.
Me: Guys, will you kindly leave us alone, we need to film things.
We tried walking them away but they wouldn't leave us alone
Me: Guys, can you seriously leave us alone!
They didn't budge, they kept asking questions
Me: Guys! Leave us alone please!
They still didn't budge. I questions that they were asking us and those questions really broke my heart
Bryce: Yo, leave us alone, she spoke
Addi: Leave us alone, she's already in rage
Some of them left but some still stayed. We ran them off. We lost them and I called bodyguards for us. 2 agents followed us around. They were like 6 feet and 7 inches which is pretty tall. We filmed more stuff and they dropped me off at hype and I payed my bodyguards of the day. I went inside. I saw Kouvr in the kitchen. I went to go grab a bottle of water.
Me: Hey Kouv
Kouvr: hey, have you heard he paparazzi news. People are attacking paparazzi for invading your privacy
Me: That's good since I asked them to back off like 20 times until I raged Infront of people.
Kouvr: Are you okay?
Me: Kinda, they were asking questions that hurt my feelings and that wasn't fun
Kouvr: I heard
I shrugged and went to my room.

Adopted by the Hype House (Nick And Vinnie Story)Where stories live. Discover now