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THE HYPE HOUSE?! One part of it lit on fire. Everyone were outside. I got out of the car
Me: Guys, count, who is still inside?
Tayler: Alex, Kouvr, the cats, Lopez brothers, Nikita and Brandon
Me: Okay
I got inside and headed upstairs I found Ondre and Brandon there. I helped them out. Then I went to go find Alex and Kouvr. I found them in the kitchen
Me: Guys, this is the worst place to be
Then I smelt gas
I rushed them downstairs. I was still up there and got an explosion. I fell to the ground. And then I found Tony and Nikita in Tony's room.
Me: Guys, let's go
I helped them out and I limped out with them. We got out and the fire department got here on time.
Tony: Thanks Y/n
Me: No problem
I rubbed my eyes
Tony: Your eyes are red
Then I put eye drops in. Then I coughed a little from the smoke. Some tears rolled down my cheeks from the thick smoke.
Me: Guys, take your cars and go to a different location. It's hard to breathe here.
Everyone: Okay
I had my card with me so I bought 10 apartments for them. Everyone got their own rooms and I gave my card to Ondre to buy them clothes. I checked the balance and I was shocked when I saw 10million inside. I didn't tell anyone and I just gave the card to Ondre.
Me: I'm giving this to you because I trust you, go buy clothes and other things for you guys. But don't go too overboard you guys can buy a car too if you want to
Ondre: What? Okay?
Me: Don't tell anyone that this is mine. And, please don't loose it.
Ondre: I won't
Me: You know what, let's go buy a car first and I'll follow you guys
Ondre: Okay?
We bought a Tesla and we got to target. The card was in my hands and we got a bunch of things. Food clothes and other things. We payed and we got out of there. Then we got a Hype House meeting in Thomas's room.
Thomas: We might have to find a new house for a few days but we don't have money now
Calvin: I'll give a thousand
Patrick: We will
Me: I can give you 10 thousand
Thoams: Haha, very funny
Me: No, I'm not joking
Then I took a bite of my ice cream
Thomas: Wait what? I don't even get that in a month
Me: Okay?
Thomas: How did you get the money?
Me: I stole it
Thomas: Y/N!
Me: I was just joking. I work in different dangerous jobs. What do you expect
Thomas: How much is there in your card
Me: That I'm not allowed to say. I'll just say like 100 times yours
Thoams: You have a million?!
Me: More than that. Anyways, I'll donate 1 million.
Thoams: Youre-
Me: Yes or no and that's it
Thomas: Guys?
Chase: We really do need it
Then Thomas looked at the rest. They nodded
Thoams: Thank you Y/n
Me: No problem
I took another bite of my ice cream. We searched for a house. It was 2.4 million dollars.
Thomas: You don't have to pay for your room
Me: Me and Nick
Thoams: Right
Then Nick looked at me
Me: What? Roommates stays as roommates
I smiled at him
Griffin: In that case, can you buy us a house?
Me: Is yours burnt down?
Griffin: It will be soon
Me: Aye, shut up
Everyone laughed. I finished off my ice cream and threw the cup away. Everyone left Thomas's room. Then I felt a hand pulled me
Thomas: Can I talk to you?
Me: Yeah sure go ahead
Thomas: How much do you have in your bank account?
Me: Don't tell anyone. But it's about 10 mill
Thomas: WHAT?!
Me: Hush
Thomas: Why didnt you tell me?!
Me: I also just knew this. I checked it like 4hours ago
Thomas: oh
Then he let me go. I went to mine and Nick's room.
Me: Hey Nick, I'm sorry
Nick: It's okay, it's my fault anyways
I hugged him.
Nick: You wan to go out somewhere? I can drive us there
Me: I don't know, I'm afraid that I'll have an... Emergency
Then I got a call from Blake
Me: Hey Blake
Blake: Hey Y/n, Just wanted foto Let You know that you can have 2 months off.
Me: Really?!
Blake: Yes. And we're currently transfering 5 million to your bank account for you to support the hype house
Me: Really?! Thank you!
Blake: And if there's any problems, you can call me and come to my place
Me: Okay!
Blake: I have to go now, bye
Me: Bye
I hung up excited.
Nick: Yore happy
Me: Of course
We still have 13 cars, I just bought a car for Ondre, maybe he'll be happy. Then I remembered, Nick's birthday is coming up next week. Then, someone knocked on my door. I opened it and the Lopez brothers and Brandon were standing there
Me: Hey guys
Brandon cried and hugged me
Me: Aw, what's wrong?
Bran: Can I sleep with you tonight?
Me: Ask Nick, and come in
They came in
Bran: Uncle Nick, can I sleep with Y/n?
I widened my eyes and hold in my laugh
Me: You're calling them uncle and auntie now huh?
Bran: My teacher said we have to respect them
He looked down
Me: You don't need to call us uncle and auntie. We're your brothers and sisters, except for Thoams or course, he's our dad
Bran: Thomas is our did?
Me: Yeah? Ondre didn't tell you?
Bran: No
I smiled and he hugged me.
Me: Okay, what if. You, me, Ondre and Tony buy toys for you
Bran: Okay!
We got in Ondres Tesla
Tony: I didn't know you have a Tesla
Me: Yeah Ondre
Ondre: I got it just now
We got inside. And we drove to the mall. We went to Toys R us (I just realized that la doesn't have toys r us anymore, just pretend there like a small one ;)). We bought toys for Brandon and I went to the Apple store to bought 13 iPhone 11s for the hype house members and 5 iPads and I bought 2 headphones.
Tony: Dang, you rich rich
Me: Want anything?
Tony: An iPad
Me: Okay sure
Tony: Really?
Me: Yeah
He took an iPad
Me: Ondre?
Ondre: I'll get headphones
Bran: I want those too
Me: I already got yours
We paid
Tony: Thanks Y/n
Ondre: Thank you
Bran: Thank you
Me: No problem
I smiled at them. We got to the apartments. I already told Thomas to have a hype house meeting. We all went to Thomas's apartment.
Thoams: Y/n calles you guys
Me: Whose phones got burned?
Kelianne, Chase, Patty, Calvin, Ondre, Tony, Alex, Nikita, Nate and Tayler raised their hands. I got tolhe bag out and gave them each a phone
Everyone: Thank you!
Me: No problem
Thomas: Can you tell us how much did you spent?
Me: Is that important
Thomas: Just tell them
Me: A couple hundred thousands
Chase: Okay now I feel bad
Me: Don't be, that's only point 1 percent of my bank account
Chase: This girl is rich
Me: Aye, hush
Everyone laughed and they set up their phones. I gave one to Brandon too and I kept the extra phones. I helped Brandon set up his iPad and phone. It was 8pm already and Brandon looked tired and I brought him to bed. We watched 3 episodes of Gumball and he passed out. I turned off and charged his ipad. I passed out not long after and I was in the verge of sleeping until I felt movements behind my back. I didn't care and I just fell asleep. I woke up on someone's chest. It was Nick. He was smiling at me. I smiled back and look to my side. And Brandon was still sleeping. I my face to Nicks side and I fell back asleep. I woke up again from faint music. I opened my eyes and Nick was on his phone
Nick: Sorry, did I wake you up?
I just smiled and nodded yes
Nick: Sorry
Me: It's fine
I woke up this time and felt my hand was being held. Brandon was hugging my hand. I smiled at him. After 30 minutes, he woke up.
Me: Hey buddy
I smiled at him
Bran: Morning
I kissed him on his forehead. And I got up. Then I fell back down on the bed because Nick was still holding my hand.
Me: Nick!
Nick: Sorry
He said laughing. I smiled at him and he let go of my hand. And I got up to get ready. I took a shower and put on a long sleeve shirt. Then the boys took a shower. It was already 9am. I made chocolate pancakes for Brandon and normal pancakes for me and Nick. I poured the syrup on mine and Nick's pancakes. Then, someone knocked on our door.

Adopted by the Hype House (Nick And Vinnie Story)Where stories live. Discover now