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Me: What is up with people coming in my room?
I laughed. But he stayed silent
Me: Ant, is everything okay?
Ant: You won't get it
Me: Just tell me
Ant: Ugh. It's just, Avani she-
Me: She?
I saw blood rolling down his arms
Me: Anthony Reeves, show me your arms
Ant: No. There's nothing wrong with it
Me: I can see blood running down your arm
Ant: Damn it
He showed me his arm
Me: Anthony!!
Ant: Please don't tell anyone
Me: What happened?
Ant: Avani, she- I know she doesn't love me anymore.
Me: Well, did she say she doesn't love you?
Ant: No, but-
Me: Ant, don't confirm something that you're not sure about
Ant: But, she looks like she doesn't want to talk to me anymore
Me: Just talk to her-
Avani opened my door
Me: Avani, take a seat
She sat next to Anthony
Me: Now, I want both of you say what you're feeling right now, no lies, only the truth
Avani: No
Me: Lying won't take you guys anywhere. I'm not leaving until you guys confess something. Ant, you go first
Ant: (sigh) Avani, do you still love me?
Avani: Of course
Ant: You look like you don't love me anymore
Avani: I thought you don't love me anymore
Ant: What? I always love you
Avani: But you don't really talk to me
Ant: Because I was busy
Avani: I'm sorry
Ant: It's okay, it's my fault
They hugged each other. I looked at my phone pretending that I dont know anything. They stood up
Ant: Thank you
He hugged me
Avani: Thanks
She hugged me too
Me: No problem. Ant, I still need to bandage your scars
Ant: Oh okay.
I bandaged his arm and realized
Me: Hey, you guys are matching now
Ant: oh yeah wait- did you?
Avani: Yes
He stood up and hugged Avani
Me: Now, you guys promise me that you won't cut yourselves anymore
Ant and Avani: We promise
We smiled at each other and they got out. Then Nick came in
Nick: What was that about
Me: Oh nothing, that's a whole romance story
Then I got a call.
Y/n, it's Alex. Alexander. I just wanted to say sorry for how I treated you when we were still orphans
It's okay but. How did you get my number?
Oh okay. How are you by the way
I'm fine kinda
What do you mean kinda
I'm in a horrible family. They stea things and if I did something wrong, they would lock me up in the basement for 2 days and only give me water to survive
Oh my gosh, where are you?
For now, I'm in London. In a few weeks, I'm moving again
What do you mean again?
I've moved houses 10 times already. I don't know what to do now
Do you want to go back to the orphanage?
Anything to make me go away from this family
Ok. Share me your location, I'll see what I could do. If you need anything, just text me
I was sweating
Nick: Everything okay?
Me: Yes, no, I don't know
He hugged me tight. I let out a sigh of relief.
Nick: It's okay
Me: I need to call Blake and Roman
Nick: Who's Roman?
Me: The person who is part of the police deparment here
Nick: Oh okay
I texted Blake
Woah Woah slow down there
Now, Whats the issue?
You remember Alex, Alexander B. The bully from the orphanage
Yeah why?
He's in danger and he needs our help
What happened?
His parents are criminals and they should be sentenced for child abuse
Um, we will go meet his parents tomorrow and see what we can do
then I texted Roman
Hey Roman
I kinda need your help
What's up?
My friend from the orphanage got adopted and now he has a family who abuses him and does bad things in public
Ok, I'll meet you tomorrow to go to your house and we can talk about this more
Blake is coming too
I was stressing out. Nick left the room a few minutes ago. I kept pacing back and fourth and I went out to grab a drink. I was sweaty and stressed out.
Nick: Heyy you okay?
Me: Y- yeah
Nick: You're clearly not
Me: Ugh, fine... My bully from the orphanage got into an abusive family and now we need to save him because well, he is in a abusive family
Nick: Don't you hate him?
Me: Just cause he bullied me doesn't mean he is not a human Nick
Nick: Oh
Me: For now, can you leave me alone to figure this out
Nick: Okay...
I text Thomas
Mind if my cop friends com tomorrow? We have something to deal with
Sure. You guys can use the lounge area
Okay, thanks

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