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He unlocked the gate and he hugged me
Thomas: You okay?
Me: Yeah, I'm just tired
Thomas: Go take a shower and go sleep
Me: Okay
I went inside and went up to my room and took a shower and slept on Nick's bed. After a few hours of sleeping. I woke up
Nick: Hey Y/n
Me: Hey
I looked at the time and it was 2pm
Me: Ughh I'm so tired
Nick: Come on, you have to go eat, everyone is excited to meet you
Me: I want to take a shower
I took a shower and put on some clothes and went upstairs
Kouvr: Hey Y/n, lunch is here
Me: Okay
I ate my lunch and got a call from Blake
Hey champ
I wanted to say thank you for everything you've done yesterday
It's no problem
Would you mind if you can come to my office now
I quickly finished my food and drank. I changed into leggings and a shirt.
Nick: Where are you going?
Me: To Blake's office
Nick: So, no Nick time?
Me: Sorry Nick
I hugged him and told Thomas. We went into his car and drove to Blake's office. I knocked on the door
Blake: Come in
I got inside
Blake: Take a seat
I sat down
Blake: Since you worked so hard everyday, my crew and I bought a private plane for all of you so that you all can go for vacation to the Bahamas.
Me: When should I go?
Blake: Anytime, it's the hype house plane anyways
Me: Thank you
Blake: No, thank you
He handed me the tickets and I got out.
Me: Come on thomas
Thomas: Okay
We went in the car
Thomas: What was that about?
Me: Blake's crew bought a private plane and wants us to go to the bahamas
Thomas: WHAT?!
Me: Yeah
Then we arrived at the hype house.
Me: Can we tell them tonight?
Thomas: Sure
Then I went to my room and saw Nick.
Me: Hey. Nick
Nick: Hey, your eyes are red
Me: Leave it
I washed my face.
-at 8pm-
Hype house <3
Hype house meeting
We all went upstairs
Thomas: Y/n, Why won't you tell them
Me: Okay
I went Infront
Me: So since I-
My phone rang it was from Aiden
Me: Who in the-. Thomas you tell them
Y/n, sorry to bother you but we really need you at the Hq now
I'm coming to the hype house
Me: Sorry guys, I have to go. Thomas, you tell them.
I ran downstairs and got dressed. And went to the front door. Aiden arrived on time. I went into his car. We went to the hq and I got seated at station 2.
-At 5pm-
I checked the time and it was 5pm?! Wow. I didn't even realize that
-At 12am-
Aiden: Ready to go home?
Me: Yes
Aiden drove me home and I texted Thomas. He opened the gate for me. I went upstairs and took a shower and put on some clothes. I lay on Nick's bed
Nick: Y/n. Your eyes are seriously red
Me: I'm so tir...ed
And I fell asleep
Nick's POV
Wow, she worked for a whole 24 hours with no rest or sleep. I feel so bad for her. Good thing she's getting rest now.
Your POV
I woke up to Nick smiling at me
Nick: Hey. You okay?
Me: Yeah
Nick: You got your energy back?
Me: Yeah
I smiled. I got up and took as shower and put on some clothes. I ate lunch and I scrolled through tiktok. I saw a post where people say that I was missing. I got confused and press on the hashtag. There were many videos clamming that i am missing. I finished off lunch and got to Nick.
Me: You know the rumour about me being missing?
Nick: What rumour?
Me: People say that I'm missing.
Nick: What?
Me: Yeah. And can you post a video of me and you so that people know that I'm okay.
Nick: Sure
We did a video and captioned it as "She's okay. She is not missing. She's just been workin hard" he posted it and I got a little relieved. Then I went on tiktok. After an hour or so, Joey (fireman friend) called me
Hey, Y/n We need you at the station. We got a serious thing to do and we need your help. I'm sending Blake to get you
I wan in Nick's room and went to the closet. I took out my fire proof jacket
Nick: Another task?
Me: Yeah
I ran by him and Blake came. We went to the fire department as soon as possible.
Me: Blake, if I end up in the hospital, please don't tell the Hype House members
Blake: Okay. But why
Me: They have to deal with me a lot and I want them to relax for a little
Blake: Okay
We arrived and I went in the truck
Joey: You ready?
Me: Yeah
We drove off to a building. It was on fire and they needed me to crawl through a space to save a dog and baby. I went inside and the dog was barking at me
Me: Blake, give me something that a dog is interested in
Blake: Okay
He gave me a dog toy and I gave it to the dog. I took out the dog and took out the baby. I crawled out and I scraped my hand on the stone wall. It was bleeding but I didn't care. I came out and they needed me to go upstairs. we went upstairs. We used the rope break open the window. A man and 2 children were there. I took the children first then Joey took the man. A girl was 8 and another was 15. The people on the road got ready a life net.
Me: Guys, you have to trust me, you have to jump before this builng collapse
?: Okay
??: Im scared
Me: It's okay, you're in safe hands
We looked down
Me: You, jump first
I pointed to the 15 year old
?: Okay
She jumped. She landed on the net.
Me: Okay, now that your sister is okay, you should go. Hurry
??: Okay
She jumped. She landed safely on the net. She got off the net and asked their father to jump next
???: What about you?
Me: Don't worry about me. Now jump
He jumped and landed safely
Joey: You go first
Me: Okay
I jumped and the net caught me. I got off quickly
Blake: You okay champ?
Me: Yeah
Then I heard "Help! I'm on the second floor" I ran inside and Blake stopped me
Blake: Don't go in
Me: This is not the time to argue, I have to go save the person
He let me go in. I opened my jacket to block me from the fire. I got some burns on my back and arm but I didn't care. I got to the second floor
Me: Where are you?
?: Room 13 on your right from the staircase
I ran there. I got in. He was surprised that I was young and short. I closed the door behind me. I went to his balcony
Blake: Okay
They moved the safety net under us
Me: Jump first
?: No! Why should I trust you?
Me: Just jump it's not the time to argue
?: No
Me: Look, don't be stubborn and just jump
?: Fine
He jumped and he got off the net. I jumped next
Me: Arrgh
Blake: You okay?
Me: Yeah. I got a few small burns and scratches.
They put out the fire
Blake: You're good now champ. Go to the ambulance
Me: Okay
I saw Lance there and he treated my burns and scars.
Lance: Wow, you're so strong
Me: Not really
Lance: Yeah, says the person who went in the building
Me: He needed help
He cool my burns and bandage them up
Lance: Okay your good to go
Me: Thanks Lance
Blake: Ready to go home?
Me: Yes
It was already 9pm. I went home with Blake
Me: Blake, where's my jacket?
Blake: Here
He handed me my jacket
Me: Thanks
We arrived at the hype house and Chase greeted me

Adopted by the Hype House (Nick And Vinnie Story)Where stories live. Discover now