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Everyone liked it.
Me: So, we're going to move in?
Nate: When are we going to?
Me: I already bought it. I payed full. The only thing we have to pay is electricity and water bills.
Thomas: How much is that?
Me: Um. I can't say that
Thomas: Just tell us
Me: 4.3 Million smackeroonies (if that's how you spell it)
Thomas: What?
Me: Yessir
Me Yeah-
Then I got a message from Kelly
I opened it
Kelly: You guys have to move out, I'm giving you guys 5 days
Me: Okay
Me: We might have to move out now, we're all getting evicted
Everyone: Okay
We all packed our stuff and we got out of the house under 2 days. We got the maids to clean the house. We already moved into the house. It was luxurious. Then sway came
Bryce: Whats up broke bitches
Me: Seriously?
Bryce: Maybe we're broke
Me: Sway meeting with me now
We went to the lounge area
Grif: What's happening?
Me: You guys, have to pack
Quinton: Why? Are we moving in here?
Me: No, I don't want Me Overprotective to live with me
Grif: Hey!
Me: Instead, you guys will be moving into a mansion that I bought for you guys
Grif: No way!
Me: Yes way
I showed them the house.
Blake: That's massive!!
Me: Yes it is
Grif: Wait, how much is it?
Me: Ehh a couple hundred I mean million
Noah: How much?
Me: 2.3 mill
Bryce: NO WAY
Me: It comes with a music studio. A guest house and 10 rooms
Josh: That's lit!
Me: Ok, now I have to move in, you guys, better get packing
Griggs: Wait, don't we have to pay for something else?
Me: Only the bills, I already payed the house in full
Griggs: Okay
They left and I went to my room. I saw Nick already unpacked for me. He saw me and pulled me into a tight hug
Me: Aw Nick,
Nick: Thank you. For everything
Me: You're welcome
We let go.
Nick: What if I bring you out tonight?
Me: Sorry but
Nick: That's okay
Me: I'm saying that that's my job. I don't like people spending money on me
Nick: Aw, it's okay
Me: I'll go only if I pay
Nick: Never gonna happen
Me: Then I'm not going
Nick: Fine
Me: Yay!
Later that night. We went out to a fancy restaurant. We are and talked. And some fans saw us and stalked us. It was time to pay. The waiter came. Nick payed. I gave him a "No" face. But he payed anyways. Then a fan came up to us
?: Hey, sorry to interrupt but can I please take a picture
Me: I don't sya why not
We took a picture
?: Thank you
Me: You're welcome
Then me and Nick stood up and left. We walked outside and saw paparazzi waiting. They asked us a bunch of questions and we answered them.
Nick: We have to go now
P: It's okay
We left the restaurant.
Me: I thought you said I pay?
Nick: I know, and I broke that promise
Me: That want a promise
Nick: So I could pay
I just smiled at him and we drove home. Nick was opening the door when I got a text from an unknown number saying "I can see you" then he sends a picture of me. I looked at it
Me: Um. Um. You guys could go in first
Nick: Is there something wrong
Me: Um, I have to deal with something.
Nick went in. Then I spotted a shadow in the bushes.
Me: HEY!
Then the person stood up and walked towards me
?: Griffin Johnson
Me: Huh?
He put his hood down
Me: Griffi!?! Don't scare me like that
Grif: I had to. It's funny
Me: How is that funny? Eh.. maybe a little. Come in
Grif: Okay
I went in the house and saw that is was already decorated. My jaw dropped.
Me: How did you- huh?
Thoams: We have movers for us
Me: Ohhhh
I went to mine and Nick's room and someone knocked on the door. I opened it and I saw Bryce.
Me: Hey, what's up?
Bryce: Keys?
Me: Oh yeah
I went to my desk and gave them the keys.
Bryce: Wanna follow us?
Me: Eh, sure
I turned my head to face Nick
Me: I'm going out with sway for a bit
Nick: Okay
We went out and we went to their house. Everyone were amazed
Grif: Well, let's go in
Me: I know this place, want me to you give you guys a tour
Grif: Okay
I showed them around and I got a notification from my landlord.
Lo: Hey! We just wanted to let you know that we have to put your name in the house that you're living in. Im coming to the house
Me: Okay! I
Me: Um, Bryce, can I borrow a skateboard?
Bryce: Yeah sure
He handed me the board
Grif: Where's re you going?
Me: My house. It's 3 blocks from here anyways.
Grif: Okay
Me: Bye
Grif: Bye
I skated to the house and after 5 minutes, I arrived at the gates. I talked in the speaker
Me: It's Y/n
Alex: Okay
He opened the gates. I went inside and he closed them. I skated to the driveway and I took the board in. I saw everyone chasing each other around
Me: Guys! The landlord is coming
Everyone: Okay
The boys put on shirts. Then someone rang the bell.
Lo: It's Logan (not Logan Paul)
I let him in. He came with his wife. And I signed the papers. And he left. They left and I just sat on the couch.. everyone was in their rooms. Then the bell rang. I checked my phone and it was sway. I talked in the speaker
Me: What?
Bryce: Aaaayyyy let us in
Me: Fine
I opened the gates and 5 cars came up
Me: What the actual heck?
They all came in.
Me: What are you-
Everyone just ignored me. They all sat down and hype came out. Then I got a call from an unknown number.
Me: Hello?
Jared: Y/n, it's me, Jared
Me: Oh hey
Jared: Can you come to the fire department?
Me: Okay
I hung up and I suit up. I walked pass the living room
Bryce: Where do you think you're going?
Me: You want our population to go down?
Bryce kept quiet. I took his board and went out. The fir department was just 13 blocks away. I skated there and then a car pulled up beside me. They were slowing down and I took the shortcut that no cars could go to. I arrived after 10 minutes. I put my skateboard down and went over to Ralph
Ral: Hey Y/n. Go un truck 5
Me: Okay
I went in the truck and I got ready. Jared was already inside. So I sat in the middle of the back. Then everyone came in. We drove to an unknown location. The firemen asked me to change into my normal clothes they needed me to go on a look out for them. We went into an abandoned house and I heard mumbling coming from the closet. I opened it to reveal a boy tied up he looked terrified. I untied him
Me: Are you okay?
?: He, he,
Me: What?
Then I felt a breath behind me. I kick their head and he got knocked out
Me: Are there anymore kids here?
?: In the fridge
Me: Um.. okay. Let's go downstairs
We went downstairs. I handed him to Jared. I opened the fridge and found a door inside
Me: Guys!
They followed me. I saw drugs, alcohol, weed, beer and children. I got all the kids out and the floor was filled with glass. We got all the kids out and we called an ambulance. I got a few scars from the glass. Then I tripped the glass got stuck on my face leaving spots and cuts on my face. I got sent to the hospital.

Adopted by the Hype House (Nick And Vinnie Story)Where stories live. Discover now