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-the next day-
I got ready and took a shower. I got ready as quiet as possible so Nick won't wake up. After breakfast, I got a text from Blake
Hey, Roman and I are downstairs
I went downstairs to open the door.
Blake: Hey champ
Roman: Hey Y/n
Me: Hey guys, come in
They came in and I lead them to the lounge area
Me: You guys want anything?
Roman: No thanks
Blake: No
I sat down
Blake: So, Alex is in an abusive family right?
Me: Yeah
Roman: Can you text him and ask for his location?
Me: Okay
I texted Alex. But it didn't go through
Me: That's weird, it didn't go through
Blake: Should we be worried?
Me: I don't know
Then I secretly texted the hype house
Guys, out a shirt on, I have a meeting. And girls, nah you guys wear clothes
Blake: You got an iPad?
Me: Me?
Blake: Yeah
Me: I have one
Blake: Can we try to find his IP address?
Me: No, not on my iPad
Blake: It's okay
We talked and saw Tony
Me: Morning Tony
Tony: Morning
He went to go make oatmeal
Me: If you use me iPad, you guys can put it in there?
Blake: Not us, you silly
Me: Oh yeah. I'll go grab it real quick
I went in my room and took my iPad. I walked out
Nick: Y/n
Me: Yeah?
Nick: Can we cuddle
Me: Aww, sorry Nick, I kinda have a meeting now
Nick: Aw man
Me: Sorry
I walked out. I went to the lounge area. I turned on my iPad and took out the keyboard.
Me: We're doing it now?
Blake: Yes! We need to save this kid
Me: It's been a long time since I had down this
Roman: I believe in you Y/n
I smiled at him and I did my thing. After 3 minutes
Me: Got it! The address is XXX
Roman: Wait, that's like, 5 blocks away from here
Me: Good. I'll try to text him and if he doesn't text back by tomorrow, I'll tell you guys and we'll go together. And Roman, can you bring 4 other police officers, just in case
Roman: Okay
They left. I all the data from my iPad. And I saw Tony standing behind me
Tony: What was that? Are you a hacker!?
Me: I'm a good hacker. I only take their locations only when someone is in trouble
Tony: Oh
Ondre: Y/n Is a hacker?!
Me: No, Ondre. I only take his location because he is in an abusive family. No big deal
I texted Alex
Hey, please answer
He didn't reply.
Me: Oh my goshhhh.
Nick: You okay?
Me: No
Nick: What's wrong?
Me: I texted Alex and he didn't answer
Alex: Me?
Me: Not you. My friend. He's in an abusive family
Alex: Oh my
Then I got a call from Alex
Sorry, this is Alex's mother, he isn't around right now
Where is he?
He- he-
Then I heard someone scream "Mom no!"
Who is that?!
Look kid, he is not around and probably youre hearing something. Cause there's no one talking
Then why did you call me?
To inform you that he is not around
Moms never do that, they won't go to their kids phones and call their frineds. NOW, WHERE IS ALEXANDER?!
I slammed me fist on the kitchen counter
Me: Damn it!
I called Blake
Blake, we should go to his house NOW
I waited for Blake
Connor: You okay?
Me: No, Paper
Connor: I'm just going to leave you here
Then I heard the door bell rang. I answered it and sway was outside
Bryce: I heard someones stressed out?
Me: Shut up Bryce
Addi: Oop-
Then behind them I saw Blake
Me: Tell Thomas I'm not going to be home until, I don't know when, just tell him I'm not going to be home for a while
Avani: Okay
Me and Blake ran to the jeep. I saw Roman and his friends inside.
Blake: Where is it Roman?
Roman: There, that house right there
He pointed to a house. We drove there.
Roman: I should go in first
Roman knocked o the door. No one answered
Roman: Police. Please open the door
Then Alex answered. Roman talked to him and I saw he blinked in a pattern. It was Morse code. I decipher it and it said a location. That's probably a new address. Then, his parents came next to him. I looked away for a second and saw Roman passed out. I got out if the car.
Me: HEY!
?: You're that little kid that was talking to me earlier
Me: Yes and now, HAND OVER ALEX
Alex: No, I don't know who she is
Then the rest came out of the cars with guns out
The woman punched and slapped Alex so hard until he passed out. I went over and did my thing and they passed out
Ric: You're cooled in person.
Me: Thanks Ric
Then, someone shot a gun at me.
Ka: Sorry, I had to try it
Me: It's fine Kary
We cuffed the bad guys and I went to Alex. He hugged me.
Alex: Thank you
Me: It's okay Alex.
Alex: I'm sorry for bullying you last time
Me: It's fine, you're the one who motivate me to continue karate
Then Blake walked up to us
Me: Alex, this is Blake
Blake: Nice to meet you Alex, we need you to go in for questioning
Alex: Okay
I helped him get up and I saw he had many bruises and scars around his body.
Me: Does it hurt?
Alex: Yeah
I showed him mine
Me: Well, you're not the only one. But mine doesn't hurt at all.
Alex: Oh you got it harder huh
Me: No, I just fight people
Alex: Oh- Ow
The ambulance came. They helped Alex out and brought him in for questioning.
Blake: You need to come tomorrow to court.
Me: But I don't know where it is
Blake: I'll pick you up. I'll text to you what time
Me: Okay
He drove me home
Me: Thanks
Blake: No problem
I got to the door and rang the doorbell and Thomas answered
Thomas: Hey, come in. I kinda need to talk to you
Me: Okay
He sat me down.
Thoams: Is it true, you could find people's address?
Me: I only do that for crime reasons. Blake gives me the password so I don't really know how to access without him
Thoams: Oh okay
I went upstairs and took a shower and put on some clothes. Then I saw Nick on the bed.
Me: Hey Nick
Nick: Hey, um, Alex is texting you
Me: Oh okay

Alex: Hey, you have time to go to court tomorrow?
Me: Yeah
Alex: At 10am
Me: Okay
Alex: And do you have time after?
Me: Yeah, why?
Alex: I want to bring you out for froyo
Me: Depends if I'm busy tomorrow. My schedule is never planned and it's messy
Alex: Okay

Nick: You're going anywhere tomorrow?
Me: Yeah, I'm going to court at 10 and I'm going to hang out with Alex for a little bit. He said he needed to tell me something
Nick: Okay
I went outside to see food they had ordered
Kouvr: Here you go
Me: Thanks Kouvr
Alex: You going anywhere tomorrow?
Me: Court at 10
Alex: Okay
I ate dinner and went to my room. I saw Nick sitting on the bed.
Me: Hey Nick
Nick: The promise?
Me: Okay
I smiled at him and lay beside him. I put on an alarm at 9. We watched Netflix and I my eyes felt heavy and I went to bed.

Adopted by the Hype House (Nick And Vinnie Story)Where stories live. Discover now