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The whole car went silent and after 5 minutes, you arrived home.
Paparazzi and many other people were outside our house. Thomas got out and opened the door for Nick and I. Griffin was in the passenger seat so he got out on his own. Nick and Thomas managed to get me out of the crowd of people who were trying to talk to me. We got in the house quickly.
Everybody was there including the Sway boys and The girls. They all came up to me and hugged me. All of them were relieved.
Me: Guys I'm fine I'm fine
Thomas: Now you have to tell me what you wanted to say just now
Me: Okay since everyone is here, let's go to the fourth floor and I'll tell there
Griffin: Are you 100% sure you want to tell them
Me: Its now of never
Griffin nodded and all of us went upstairs
We all sat but some of us had to stand up cause the chairs wasnt enough
Me: Griffin, you tell them and I'll tell the back story
Griffin: Ok. So, y/n here has a chip installed in her head.
Everyone: WHAT?
Me: *sigh* I was forced by my dad when I was a year old. He was so powerful and all of the authorities were scared of him. Once they said that he was "dead" the authorities were relieved. Everyone knew that I was his daughter and even the police were scared of me at first. When they heard that I saved the orphanages lives, they knew I was no harm. So that's why every US police knows me. And sometimes I hang out at the operators stations and help save people's lives.
Chase: Woaaahhhhhh
Thomas: Why didn't you tell us earlier
Me: I didn't want all of you to get scared of me. I mean like, Chase got a oanick attack after I said I could do martial arts.
Sway boys: MARTIAL ARTS????
Me: Yeah
Bryce: Wait what belt are you at?
Me: Junior black
Bryce: I guess someone's stronger than Thomas and Micheal huh
He laughed. Thomas gave him, the are you serious look at Bryce
Thomas: Since you're still here, what other things can you do?
Me: Do you seriously wanna know?
Everyone at sync: Yeah
I laughed
Me: I could dance, sing, do martial arts, play the piano, guitar, rollerblade, play basketball, baseball, swim, predict what you say and Josh is saying I dont believe you prove it and my answer says otherwise.
Josh: WHAT???
Me: And Bryce says that Josh is over reacting and my answer also says otherwise
Me: And Thomas is saying that isn't it cool and I don't think so and my answer is maybe
Me: I also could know what to do if people are injured phisically or mentally. I could sense danger or someone in need.
Calvin: Woah woah woah, my head is about to explode
Me: And Patty says you're a bitch. And larray says Bitch I still don't believe you. And my answer.. I'm just gonna leave it there
Larray: Bitch get out of my head
Nick and Thomas: Languageeee
Me: Haha knew it
Bryce: What if kidnapp you tonight?
Me: you cant cause you're a thread and I'll probably not punch you.
Bryce: Okay then
Thomas: Okay, anymore questions?
Tony: Yeah, how could you sense danger?
Me: *sigh* I have a chip in my head Tony
Tony: Oh yeahhhhh
Thomas: Anymore?
-Goes quiet for a minute-
Thomas: Okay, no more? Then you all go now.
I went back to my room and took a shower. I out on some clothes and I realised that I didn't have a shirt. I had no choice but to borrow one of Nick's shirts.
Me: Hey nick
Nick: Yeah?
Me: Can I borrow a shirt?
Nick: Yeah sure
Me: Which one?
Nick: Any one..
I pick a dark blue shirt from his section and I got out. He looked at me and gave me a smirk
Me: What was that for?
Nick: You realise I wear that everday? And you know people are gonna suspect something
Me: Whatever, I don't car ewhat people think
Nick: Fine then
I walked out and went to the kitchen and saw Avani looking at me from the table. I gave her the "What?" look. She walked over to me.
Avani: I know whose shirt are you wearing
Me: I have no more clothes.. I only have like 5 other shirts what do you expect
Avani: Fine... Come on, let's do a tiktok
Me: Sure
We both did the renegade on my account and did savage in Avani's account. My comments section went crazy with "Is she using Nick's shirt?" with "I ship" and "🚢" I ignored it and everybody stared at me when I came in the house.
Me: Okay, if I see more than 3 people staring at me I'll punch all of you. You guys know this gives my anxiety
Dixie: Okay okay. But, who's shirt is that?
Me: Oh my goooosssshhhhh. I don't have anymore shirts so I had to use one of his
Dixie: Riggghhhtttt
Me: Shut up and stop staring at me, its creepy

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