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I woke up the next day from notifications from my phone. I saw that i was tagged a bunch of times in tiktokroom. I saw that Mads made a tiktok about me

(Pretend its the drama with ness.. but idk whats the drama so I'mma just go make my own)

People were saying that i unfollowed her yada yada yada. It's like what.. 7am? I never even followed her. Yet i dont even fucking follow my own fucking boyfriend on instagram. I then tweeted. "I'm tired of drama. I never followed Mads on instagram let along my own boyfriend. I never flowed her in my life and i know it's sad and all. I don't hate anyone, it's just that i havent checked sosial media and yet, i don't have time to go on social media. I hope Mads the best and i don't condone hate." I posted it. I muted my phone and fell back asleep.

I woke up again with Vinnies arms wrapped around me. I lay on our sides and i put my head back infront of his chest

Vin: Morning babe

Me: Morning bubby

He kissed my forehead.

Vin: I'm going to hang out with Jordan today

Me: You go, I'll maybe go out and do shit that i never signed up for

He chuckled lightly with his morning voice

Me: Can you let go? I need to pee

Vin: Okay

He didn't budge

Me: Bubs

Vin: I didn't say when though

Me: Babe if you keep pressing down on me. Imma piss my pants

Vin: Sowy

He let go of me and i went to the bathroom. I did my business and washed my hands. I got out of the bathroom and saw Vinnie sitting on the gaming chair.

Vin: Hey, what's up with you and Mads?

Me: Assumptions from fans

Vin: You weren't kidding when you say you don't even follow me.

Me: I'm just too lazy to follow people.

Then i got a call.

Me: Hello?

Blake: Hurry up, we need you. Go to the station NOW!

Me: Okay okay. What's going on?

I kissed Vinnies forehead and waved at him. I went to my room and got ready. I put blake on speaker

Blake: There's a mafia boss trying to kill an undercover agent there.

Me: Send me the location and umm log in my stuff

Blake: Okay

He hung up and I slip on some moveble pants and got weapons. He sent me the files and i turned on my screen, it was from my left eye so i could see with my right eye. I transfered all the files and documents. I was walking down the stairs looked at my special watch. I turned off everything and i turned to my side and saw the sway boys with their mouths open

Me: Don't tell the internet about this

They nodded and i took my keys. I shot up the screen again and saw that it already downloaded. I stopped dead in my tracks and pressed some buttons to get her location

Me: bingo

I turned off everything and went to my ferrari. I wanted to reverse the car but my dad's car was behind mine. I ran inside and went to my dad's room

Adopted by the Hype House (Nick And Vinnie Story)Where stories live. Discover now