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*In the chip*
Me: Nick, text Blake and say that he doesn't need to come
Nick: Okay
Me: Lets get this over with let's go to the rooftop
Jake: A deal is a deal
He grabbed you by the wrist and pulled you upstairs
Me: But first, you have to promise me that you'll have to leave these innocent people alone.
Jake: Fine
I pressed my thumb
Me: If you want to kill me. Fight me
Jake: Yeah, pull your pants up cause you're gonna go down
I rolled my eyes and I fought with me feet and one hand
*In chip*
Me: Guys I need all of you to sneak up behind him and remove a remote chip behind his back.
Everyone: Got it
I fought him. He punched my nose and I got another nose bleed. Nick came behind me and Jake hit him. Nick fell to the ground. I didn't really want to do it but I pushed my left wrist. I got super speed. And I was super mad and punched Jake so many times. I took off the chip off his back. I called Micheal because he got super strength, I asked him to destroy it before it could do anything. Micheal smashed it. But suddenly, Thomas stood up, there was still a little bit of Jake in there.
*In chip*
Griffin: Okay
Me: I need someone to pin him down
Ondreaz: I'll do it
Thomas: Get off of me
Thomas: Who are you???
Griffin got back just in time
I stuck the black syringe on Thomas's wrist and he blacked out.
Me: Ondreaz don't get off
Ondreaz: Okay
Thomas: Ondreaz get off me now
Me: Thomas?
Thomas: What the heck happened?
Me: Ondreaz get off him. He's green
Ondreaz: Oh yeah
I forgot about Nick. I ran over to him to see if he was breathing. He was still breathing but he is not waking up.
Me: Griffin get over here
Griffin: Okay
Me: He's unconscious and he needs a cast a black syringe and a cold flannel.
Griffin: Ok I got it and by the way, I know
Me: Whatever, now go get them
Griffin: Okay
After 3 minutes**
You stick the black syringe and I'll put a cast on him, and you remove the chip.
Griffin: Okay
Griffin and I were done. Nick gained consciousness.
Me: Ughhh I knew this was a bad idea.
Me: Everyone come here let's remove those chips
Everyone: Why???
I pointed to Nick.
Everyone: Oh yeah
Me: I guess this is too much for all of you to handle

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