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I took a shower and put on comfy clothes. Then, Charli burst into my room
She hugged me
Me: Hey Charls
We laughed together. We hung out with Dixie and suddenly, Bryce barged in
Bryce: Hey fuckers- oh, hey Charli
Charli: Hey..
Bryce: We're gonna go on Omegle
Me: Okay?
Bryce: Since the D'amelios are here, why don't you be it
Me: What do you mean?
Bryce: We ask people how they feel about D'amelio sisters
Me: Are you serious right now?
Charli: I'm down
Dixie: I'm down
Me: I'm gonna call FBI agents to make it even more interesting
We got to the living room when James and Chase walked in
Me: Sister squad edition?
Bryce: Sister squad edition
Then, my agents knocked on the door. I opened it.
Jay: We're here
Me: Didn't you have night shift?
Jay: I did but then they said that I needed a break when truly I don't want it
Andy: And I'm here cause I'm free
Me: Weapons?
Andy: Got them
Me: Come in
They came in.
Bryce: Woah!
Me: Guys, meet Jay and Andy
Bryce: Hey
He looked nervous
Me: They won't eat you guys, not that theyre on duty
Jay: Technically I am
Me: Don't kill anyone. And don't shoot
Jay: Fine
Bryce got his laptop and made Jrod go on it.
Jrod: Hey!
Girl 1: Hey
Girl 2: Heyyy
Jrod: I have a question
Girl 1: Go on
Jrod: How do you feel about the D'amelio sisters?
Girl 1: I hate her
Jrod: Why?
Girl 2: Didn't she buy followers?
They stepped in with guarda holding guns
Girl 1: Oh, Ew
Then I stepped in.
Me: Say that again to your big ass nose
I skipped it
We continued until Jrod asked a question about me
Jrod: So, how do you feel about Mina Petrou?
Boy: She's cool man
Jrod: What about the D'amelio sisters?
Boy: They're cool too
We stepped in and the guy freaked out.
Boy: I'm your biggest fans!
Me: Hey!
Jrod: Bryce!
Bryce came
Bryce: It certainly is fuckers!!!
Me: No cussing Bryce
Bryce: Alright party pooper
Me: Its not party pooper. It's called proper language
Boy: Bitch, I don't care
Me: Bye!!
Boy: Bye!
We moved on. And we saw Skinnisha (Ravon with a blonde wig)
Me: Oop- Hey bitch...
I went in frame
Ski: Heyyyy
Me: Oh, nice Skinnisha today
Ski: Oh you want to see the Skinnisha?
I signaled the sister squad and the agents to come in
Ski: Okay, I take it back
And he skipped us. We all laughed. We did that for another hour and we wrapped things you i payed the agents and they left. The sister squad was still there and we hung out for like 2 hours. Then, Thomas whispered to my ear
Thomas: Blake the swat guy said that they're swatting the house
Me: Oh no..
Everyone looked at me
James: What's up sister?
Me: You know what, pretendt hat I didn't say that
Thomas: So?
Me: Go outside of course
He took his skateboard and I took my longboard. We skated to the front. There were at least 15 cop cars and paparazzi. I stood there with my hands crossed
Me: What seems to be the problem officers?
379: We had a report of missing people in this area but I think it's the wrong address
Me: Go find another place..
485: Mind if we check out the house?
Me: Go ahead
They checked out the whole house
I was waiting outside on the driveway as they came out disappointed
Me: Find anything?
485: Sorry for your inconvenience
Me: Go save other people's lives
They drove off and we locked the gates and everyone looked freaked out
Me: Why are y'all worried, it's not that like you did anything wrong..
I said calmly.
James: Charli has drugs
Charls: No I don't!
We all laughed. I say down with them and we talked for hours. Then, I got a phone call.
Me: Hey
Con: Hey. The station gave you guys a party to host
Me: When?
Con: Now!
Me: What party?
Con: Thomas didn't tell you?
Me: No
Con: Its like a question and answer
Me: Oh
Con: Yeah, it starts at 2
Me: Oh okay. Thanks
Con: we will send 5 police cars to help you guys out
Me: Okay, thanks Con
Con: Okay, bye
Me: Bye
I hung up
Me: I gotta go talk to my dad
I stood up and they nodded.
Me: Hey, you didn't tell me?
Dad: About what?
Me: This afternoon?
I crossed my arms
Dad: Okay but don't tell anyone
Me: Okay, anyone else coming?
Dad: Sway, and most of our friends
Me: Okay
Dad: I already texted everyone to get ready and you should too
Me: How should I dress?
Dad: Casual
Me: Okay
I went to my room and took a shower and put on jeans and a black t-shirt. I dried my hair. While I was doing that, someone knocked on my door.
Me: Come in!
Charls: Hey, it's the sister squad
Me: Oh hey guys
James: We need clothes
Me: Oh, come on.
I lead them to my order and showed them all the tops and bottoms.
Larray: Ooh, I'm gonna take this crop and these jeans.
Dixie: Can I use this?
She said refering to my jeans and shirt
Me: Yeah, you can take it if you want
Dixie: No, this is 900 dollar
Me: And?
Larry: Ohh she rich
James: Which means I could take this gucci belt and crop and jeans?
Me: Go ahead
James: I was joking sister
Me: And I wasn't
Charls: These are sick
Me: Go off guys, I don't care
Noah: What about me?
Me: I have shoes that are huge for me right there
I pointed to the oversized section.
Me: That's the oversized section cause I'm a medium
Noah: Right
He took some options and he tried them on. He really liked my 2 of my shirts but he couldn't pick
Me: Just take them Noah
Noah: Really?
Me: Yeah
They all changed. And by 12.30, we all went out. But we had to wait for the police. After 10 minutes, the police came and we drove off. I drove in my car with the sister squad.
Chase: this is so sick
Me: Get used to it
We went through red lights and drove fast. We got to the party and I had a rifle in my hands. I strapped it behind me and we went in stage. It was a huge crowd. I stood in my spot which was Infront becuase I had a rifle with me. My dad talked in the mic.
Thomas: Hey guys
Everyone cheered.
Thomas: So, we all have gathered all of you here just to talk and you guys could ask questions. And we'll answer. So anyone wanna ask some questions?
All of them raised their hands.
Thomas: Okay, you with the blond and red shirt.
They gave her the microphone
?: Hey
Thomas: Hi
?: This is a question for Mina
Thomas: Okay..
?: This question has been going around. So, are you bi?
They gave me a me
Me: No I am not bi but I support
Larray: Period
Mario: We love Mina
He said in a joking deep voice.
We all laughed. Then, someone shouted
Thomas shot straight ahead
Thomas: Watch it, Mina, snipe them
We all laughed and I pretend to shoot someone
Me: I'm joking Im joking
Then, a FBI agent pulled me to the side
Jeff: There's more people coming
Me: Who is it
Jeff: He goes by Bryce Micheal Hall
Me: Oh, bring him up with his friends
Jeff: Okay
I went back on stage and Sway came up. Everyone cheered. I gave Bryce my mic.
Bryce: Sorry we're late, traffic
Thomas: Go on, ask more questions.
Many people raised their hands.
I pointed to the boy
They gave him a mic
?: Hi my name is Nova and I have a question for Brandon
Bran: That's me
I laughed.
?: So, do you like living with ondreaz?
Bran: Yes! He's so nice
We all awed him. Then, we moved on to the next person
?: This is a question for Mina, are you dating anyone?
Me: No
?: Are you talking to anyone?
Me: No
?: So are you single?
Me: No..
?: What do you mean?
Me: Well, Charli, Dixie, Nailea, and basically all of the girls here I'm married to except for my mom
?: ohhhhh
We all laughed. Then, someone tapped me in and I gave them my rifle while I sat down next to Vinnie
Vin: Hey
He whispered to me
Me: Don't act like I've never seen you vin
We both laughed. Kio sat beside me.
Me: Hey Kio
Kio: Hey
Me: How are you?
Kio: Good
?: this is a question for Mina
I turned on my mic
Me: Yes?
?: Are you and Vinnie dating?
Me: No.. I'm taken by Nailea. Sorry Vinnie
Vin: That was sad
We all laughed. We continued with question until someone asked a question that Nick couldn't answer
?: Nick, why did you break up with Mina in the first place
Nick: i- i-
Me: He want thinking straight at that moment and he got blackmailed by Madison
?: Oh
Nick looked at me with a thank you smile. Then, the agents called me off stage.
Me: Excuse me guys I have to go downstairs
I went downstairs and Blake was there
Me: What?
Blake: Just checking up, you're good right?
Me: Of course
I went back on stage and sat back in my spot.
Kio: Yo, what's up with him?
Me: Nothing, just checking up
We whispered. We had our 10 second conversation and I laughed a little. We continued until it was 6pm. We were all exhausted and we took many pictures with fans. The sway boys agreed to come over to hype but then Blake (swat guy) pulled me aside
Blake: We need your help
Me: Yeah sure
My dad stayed with me
Me: Dad, you can go
Tomas: Okay
They all left without me and Vinnie drove my car. I went to a bank which was being robbed. They pointed guns and I was ready to fight. There were 3 black vans outside. We did our job but we failed. The building caught on fire by one guy who lit the money on fire. I took people out and the fireman came. Smoke was everywhere and I almost passed out. I got the lady out of the building on time. I gave her back to her family and sat on the pavement. I spit out my saliva and wiped my tears from the smoke. A paramedic helped me up and gave me an oxygen can. After a few breaths, I was okay. I cut my lip so the gave me stitches. They sent me back home via agent car. I got into hype and saw all sway and hype were there but it was quiet. Too quiet. I got inside and everyone turned their heads to me.
Me: What?
Bryce: You okay?
Me: Yeah, a little bit. Just really tired
Blake (gray) carried me like a baby and sat me down on the couch. We all faced the TV and it had said that I was dead. I slapped myself
Me: I'm still here
Avani: We're glad
Me: What should I do?
Thomas: Vlog time
Me: Okay
He pointed the camera to my face.
Me: I'm alive!
I paused for a few seconds..
Me: What now?
Thomas: Are you okay?
Me: No
Thomas: Why?
Me: 36 pairs of eyes are looking at me 360 and 4 cameras looking at me and i want to sleep
Thomas: Okay
They all laughed.
Me: For real. Did you guys sleep or anything. I can feel the triedness calling me
Thomas: Sways here
Me: Sleepover?
Bryce, Blake and Josh: SLEEPOVER!!!! RAHHH
Brandon: Movie night!
Me: Okay buddy calm down
I went to my room and took a shower and changed. I heard a knock on my door while I was doing my night routine
Me: Come in!
It was sway, the sister squad (except James and Chase cause I'm this story, chase lives there), Amelie, Avani, Addi, Brandon, the Lopez brothers and the Chanels. They all looked at me from the bathroom
Me: What?
Bryce: Clothes?
Me: My closet?
The boys went in first. They pick their outfit and yes I have many boys and big outfits just because I like to collect them. But Anthony and Jaden seems like they're having a hard time picking
Me: You guys can just have the clothes. I don't care anyways
Ant: For real?
Me: Yeah
Jaden: No way no way no way, this cost 10k in total
Me: So?
Blake: Us too?
Me: Yes, you guys too. Just go attack whatever you want, just don't take the clothes that is in this area.
I said refering to another shelf behind me.
Blake: These shorts are limited edition!
Me: So don't ruin it
Bryce: Can we take shoes too?
Me: Sure
Bryce: Nahhh.. I'm just joking
Me: But I'm not
Bryce: Wait for real?
He got a smile on his face
Me: Yeah
Bryce: So which means I could get these.. for free
He said refering to the Nike shoes which some of them were limited edition
Me: Yeah
Eventhough I really wanted to keep them. I like seeing smiles on people's faces. So I just gave in. I had my own clothes pile anyways my section is slightly bigger than the rest anyways. And I don't use them so why not give them to people who actually needed it. After 2 hours, everyone got their outfit of the night. Sway mostly took tennis Shorts and a tank top. Which was very expensive. And they each took 5 extra shirts and 5 extra pants from my closet. I turned off my lights and went to the living room. Most of the seats were taken so I just sat on the floor behind everyone. I was on my phone scrolling through Instagram when Vinnie came and sat beside me.
Me: Hey
I whispered. (Whispering conversation)
Vinnie: What are you doing here? The TV is there
Me: I don't wanna watch it anyways
Vin: Nuh uh, that's a lie, you love this movie..
Me: I know but there's no seats left. And I can watch it on my laptop anyways.
Vin: If you're here, I'm here
Me: What about Nai?
Vin: She knows I'm gonna be here. I told her.
Me: Oh, okay
I sat there in the corner with Vinnie when I accidentally fell asleep.
Vinnie's pov
I've actually ever told Nailea that I had feelings for Mina and she was okay with it. Many rumours that people believe that Nai and I are dating but we actually aren't. I've had feelings for Mina since a year ago. Even before I've stayed here. But I've never showed any love expression to her. I saw her passed out on my shoulder and I have to say she was kinda cute. Picked her up bridal style and everyone looked at me. Nai gave me a wide smile and a nod and I brought Mina to her room. I lay her down and she almost fell moving around. I caught her and out her in the middle of her bed and I closed the door. I went back to the living room and sat on the floor next to Nai's beanbag. She smiled at me and we watched the movie.
-the next day-
I don't up at 7am and no one was wake. I went to my room and saw Mina laying there. I must have forgot to put her in her room. I just left her there and sat on my chair. I got bored after 5 minutes so I went outside to the kitchen. I made myself a sandwich. I ate it and drank a milkshake.
Mina's pov
I woke up at 2pm that day and saw that I was in Vinnie's room. I sat up and suddenly, I saw Vinnie in his chair. I freshened up my mood and went over and whisper to him
Me: How did I get in here
He pulled the mic away
Vin: I accidentally carried you here
Me: Oh okay
Vin: good afternoon btw
Me: You too
I went to my room and I got ready for the day. I ordered coffee from Starbucks and multiple cake pops. About like 5. And I waited for the postmates. I went to the living room and I sat on the couch.
Thomas: Someones slept in
Me: I was tired, don't judge
Thomas: How's your lip?
Me: What?
Thomas: Your lip..
Me: Oh, I forgot it was there. And it feels normal to be honest.
(Btw everyone already left except for hype ofc). I went on my phone and it went off in the matter of seconds. I decided to mute it until all the notifications came out. After 5 minutes, I turned on my phone and saw that I was tagged in tiktokroom. I sighed and opened to. It was about me in Vinnie's bed. I quickly comment "He accidentally carried me to his room. Now leave my notifications alone" I turned off my phone and my Starbucks came. I stood up and took my food and drink. I ate two of the cake pops and I didn't really. Have the mood for all of them so I went to Vinnie's. I knocked on the door
Vin: Come in
I opened the door. I gave his cake pop
Me: Thanks for carrying me to bed last night
Vin: No prob. And thanks
Me: Okay
We smiled at each other and I went out of his room. I drank my coffee there and saw Nailed
Me: Oh, hey Nai
Nai: Hey
She looked happy
Me: Are you mad that I slept in your boyfriend's bed?
I said worriedly
Nai: No, and I'm not his girlfriend anyways
Me: wait what?
Nai: Yeah. We're friend because he told me something
Me: oooh spill
Nai: Vinnie has a crush on you
Me: I- what?
Nai: Yeah
Me: But I've never fallen for him because I thought you guys were together. I mean, I've ever fallen but when you guys said you were official I just had to move out of the way.
Nai: Go after him
Me: You think so?
Nai: I know so
Me: Thanks Nai
She went out of my room. I drank my coffee. I finished it and threw the cup away. I caught with my laziness and stood up to go to the living room. Nothing much was gonna happen. Until I saw Vinnie, Alex, calvin and Patty outside. I saw that they were filming a vlog bit. I decided to leave them alone. I went to my room and decided to make some music. i called up Jaden since it was too noisy.
Me: Hey Jay
Jaden: Hey M
Me: Can I use your studio or something?
Jaden: Sure, come over to sway and we can go together
Me: Okay, thanks
I hung up and I got ready. I went to my car and I got stopped by Vinnie
Vin: Hey, where you going?
Me: Jaden's studio
Vin: Oh okay
Me: Bye
Vin: Text me when you get there
Me: Okay
Vin: Bye
Me: Bye
I got into my car and drove to sway. I picked up Jaden and Mads and we went to Jaden's studio. We collabed and we worked things out. We worked until about 12 am. Which was 8 hours. Mass fell asleep oh the couch. We turned off everything and Jaden carried Mads to my car. He may her at the back seat and I wanted to drive but Jaden insisted to drive. I gave in and let him drive. It was a 30 minute drive so I kinda passed out in the car
Jaden's pov
I saw my lil sis asleep. I drove to Sway and I called Bryce.
Me: Bryce, get down here
Bryce: Aight
I hung up and saw Bryce coming down. He looked not that tired.
Me: Can you carry Mina up to the guest room. She fell asleep on the way
Bryce: Okay
He opened her door and he carried her to the guest room. I closed the door and I took Mads at the backseat. And I closed the door and locked the car. I carried Mads to my bedroom and i changed her. I changed myself and fell asleep.

Adopted by the Hype House (Nick And Vinnie Story)Where stories live. Discover now