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The next dae

I woke up from the sun beaming in my eyes. Vinnie saw and closed the blinds.

Me: Goooooooooooddddddd morning

Vin: Morning baby

He kissed my forehead.

Vin: My friends are gonna be here tonight and I'll probably go skating with Jordan and the other boys.

Me: Okay..

Hera placed herself behind me and purred. Then the door made a thud and Vinnie opened it and revealed Beanie. She was sitting there and she bumped her head on the door to make a noise. She looked up and lay behind me since i was still laying on my side.

Vin: aww

I snuggled into the blanket.

Vin: Come on princess. You have work

Me: Nooooo

Vin: Come on, get up

Me: Fineee

I got up against my will and Vinnie gave me a hug. The pets got off the bed and Vinnie made the bed while i showered. I then went to the closet and changed into gears. I put a sports bra on, tight tank top, a shirt and underwear and pants. And of course, my belt which was hidden. I got out from the closet and put on some deodorant. I wasnt really looking and i accidentally pun on Vinnies deo... Well that was interesting.

Vinnie saw me and gave me a hug. He sniffed me which was.. okay i guess.

Vin: You smell oddly.. hmmm. Did you use my deodorant?

Me: Yes

Vin: Not complaining though

I broke the hug and we went downstairs with Beanie. Hera slept in her bed.. cause she's a focking cat. Beanie went to pee and Vinnie got Hera from upstairs and brought her outside to pee. Vinnie brought Hera back to her bed and the three of us was on our way to starbies.

Beanie sat down at the back and we tried going to the drive through but it was closed.. damn, did their coffee machine break?.. anyways, we had to literally go in the building. I parked my car in the parking lot and put it in pets mode.. and no, this isn't a Tesla.. shut the fuck up... It's a rolly.. (but the author spiced it up).

We got in the Starbucks and had our masks on. We went to the frontliners. I ordered my drink and a woman in the normal line was a Karen.. great.

Karen: I'm gonna pay with my platinum card!

Cashier: Ooookay..

I got my order and this lady is still screaming out her platinum card. I have had officially enough

Karen: I will swipe my platinum-

Me: Shut the fuck up

I paid for my drink and punched in the numbers.

Karen: Oh, someone is jealous that she doesn't have a PLATNIUM CARD

Me: I don't give a fuck even if you have a titanium, gold, brick, house, phone, Nokia, iPhone, Samsung Card. Just shut the fuck up

Karen: You're mad cuase I'm rich

Me: Saying the person that owns a credit card

I mumbled

Karen: I heard that

Me: I know.. I'm not stupid

Karen: Look kid, you still look like you get allowance from your parents.

Adopted by the Hype House (Nick And Vinnie Story)Where stories live. Discover now