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It was a whole set of gadgets and electronics from apple.
Me: Holy- What-
Thomas: Apple sponsored you. They saw you saving their store the other day and wanted you to have this
Me: Really? Oh my-
Nick: Thomas, you spoiled her
Thoams: Not me, apple did
We all laughed
Me: Now, the problem here is
Thomas: Mhm
Me: How do we being these back home?
Thomas: We have our ways.
Me: Alright....
We wrapped up and got home. We walked to the car and we entered the car. I had some stuff on the floor and I sat in between Charli and Nick. I felt my eyes get heavy and drifted to sleep.
Nick's POV
Y/n Was sleeping on my shoulder. We arrived after 20 minutes. I didn't want to wake her up so I tried carrying her. She was so light. Nessa wasn't lying when she said hat Y/n is light
Charli: Youre seriously going to carry her
Me: Of course, she's so light.
Charli: Huh
Me: I'm going to carry her, I don't like wakin her up. She looks too peaceful
Charli: OlIf you say so.
I carried her to our to and lay her down on the bed. I took a shower and put on boxers and sweats. I got out of the closet to see Y/n shivering. I put a blanket on her and she stopped shivering. I kissed her forehead and went out to hang out with the boys.
Ry: She asleep?
Me: Yeah
Ry: She's not heavy?
Me: No, I think Nessa could be heavier than her
Ry: No shit
We hung out for a little bit and I felt sleepy. I went downstairs to go to bed. Y/n Was still sleeping and I slept next to her. I lay down and she wrapped her hands around me. I smiled and give her a kiss on her forehead. I looked at her bruises and tried to stay strong. I closed my eyes and went to bed
Your POV
I accidentally woke up. It was 4am. I took a shower and put on Nick's hoodie he gave me. I got out of the closet and saw Nick shivering. I put a blanket on him and cuddled until he calmed down. I couldn't sleep anymore. So I stayed up on my phone. I went upstairs and saw that the sway Boys were on the floor at the lounge room.
Josh: Y/n?
He said whispering
Me: What are you guys doing here?
Josh: We played and got tired so we crashed here for one night
Me: Oh
Josh: What are you doing up so late?
Me: Die.. just kidding, I want to drink and go outside. I can't sleep
Josh: Oh, have fun I guess
I got a bottle of water and went outside and sat at the pool. Josh came outside
Josh: Aren't you cold?
Me: No. I always come out here. Well, most nights, when I can't sleep
Josh: You okay?
Me: Yeah
Josh: If you're depressed or anything, you can talk to me you know?
Me: Me? Depressed? Probably not goin to happen
Josh: Come on, we have those days
Me: I dont
Josh: You sure?
Me: Yeah
Josh: Goodnight
Me: Goodnight?
He went inside and I stayed outside for 2 hours. Then he came back outside
Josh: You okay? I can't sleep if you're outside here
Me: Don't worry, sometimes I stay out here for 5 hours.
Josh: What? That's terrible. You can get hyperthermia
Me: I'm used to the cold
Josh: You-
Then, Nick came outside
Nick: It's okay Josh, this is normal
Josh: Bruh, your girl could die from hyperthermia
Me: Feel my body right now.. is it cold?
He touched my hand
Josh: Huh. Guess not. I'll leave you two out here
He went inside and Nick sat next to me
Me: What are you doing here?
Nick: I need fresh air too you know
Me: Okay
He sat really close to me. I put my head on his shoulder and we sat in silence. Then, Nick broke the silence
Nick: Y/n, can you be honest with me?
Me: Yeah of course
Nick: Do you love me?
I looked at him and smiled
Me: Of course Nick
Nick: I mean like, we haven't been hanging out lately
Me: I know, and everytime I'm away from you, I think about you, alot
He looked at me and smiled at me. I kissed him on his cheek
Nick: Come on, we have to go inside before Josh freaks out
We went inside
Grif: Oh my gosh, are you guys okay?
Me: Yeah. I thought you were alseep?
Grif: Josh woke us up to keep an eye on you guys
I turned to Josh
Me: Jooosshh
Josh: I had too. And Griffin and Bryce are more protective then all of us. I woke him up and told him and he instantly washed his face
Me: You didn't actually have to do that
Grif: Yes I did. Now, both of you, go to bed
Me: Okay. Goodnight
Grif: Goodnight
Nick: Night
We both went downstairs and washed our feet. We lay down on the bed. We cuddled and I slept.

I woke up from Nick moving slowly. I let go
Nick: Hey, it's okay. We can still cuddle
Me: It's okay, you can go
Nick: Are you mad?
Me: No, I'm tired and I'm Y/n
We laughed a little
Nick: You're so cute. Come on, I want to get back cuddling
Me: I thought you were going to do something
Nick: Yes, but, you need attention
Me: Nick, it's fine, just go, I don't care. I just need my 8 hours.
Nick: Serious?
Me: Yeah
I said with a tired tone
Nick: What if-
His voice faded away as I was drifting to sleep. After that, I got woken up by my phone ringin. It was Aiden
Me: Hello?
I said with a tired voice
Aiden: Y/n, I'm sorry to say but,
Me: Yeah?
Aiden: Rachel didn't make it.
Aiden: She got cut herself until she had no blood left, we didn't have time to save her
Me: Don't they have her blood type there?
Aiden: She's an AB positive
I'm an AB positive
Me: Can I see if I could do it. I'm AB positive.
Aiden: Okay, come here by 2pm
Me: Okay
Everyone barged in my room
Grif: I heard screaming. What happened?
Me: Um. Um
I was stressing out
Me: Guys, can you leave first, I need to take a shower
Them: Okay
I took a shower and put on clothes. I haven't ate anything. I got out of the room and everyone were waiting for me
Grif: What happened?
Me: Um- I- I-
Grif: Tell us
Me: I'm going to the hospital. Um- there's a patient. Um- Nick, you're going with me.
Nick: Rachel?
Me: Yeah. It's bad
Bryce: Who the hell is Rachel
Me: Can we explain later? Nick, call an Uber
Nick: Okay
He ordered an Uber and it was 1 minute away. Nick and I rushed downstairs. The Uber got here in time. We went to in the Uber and we got to the hospital. I PayPal him and hlwe went inside. I saw Aiden there.
Aiden: We you sure you want to do this?
Me: Yes, whatever keeps her alive
Aiden: Nick, you have to wait here first, I'll call you in later.
Nick: Okay
Me and Aiden walked off to the examination room.
Aiden: You have enough blood to donate
Me: Okay
Aiden: We kinda have to have your parents constent
Me: Hello? You're talking to Y/n Petrou
Aiden: Right
We went to the blood donating room (wtf? Is that even a word?) and I got some blood out of me. Aiden went to go tell Nick. I hope he doesn't freak out. They already had a bag down. I was relieved.
Lance: You might have to lay down for a little while. You look tired
Me: Okay
I lay down and Nick came in the room
Nick: Y/n! Are you okay?
Me: Yeah
He hugged me and let out a sigh of relief
Nick: Never scare me like that again
Then I saw Griffin enter the room
Aiden: This is he blood donator
Grif: Y/N?!

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