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-at night-
I took a cold shower and put on a short sleeve shirt and shorts. I lay down next to Nick and I fell asleep. In the morning, I woke up at 7am to get ready. Nick was still sleeping. I secretly Venmo him 10 thousand dollars. Then we woke up
Me: Nick, check your balance later. I Venmo you some money
Nick: Really? Thank you!
No problem. I took out a cheque and wrote a million dollars on it and signed it. Then I texted Thomas. He ce down to my apartment
Me: Come in
Thomas walked in
Me: Here
I handed him the cheque
Thomas: Thank you
Me: Your welcome. I have to get leave at 10
Thomas: Okay
At 10am, he sent me to the airport
Me: Thank you
I hugged everyone and said my last goodbyes. I saw Nick cried a little. I gave him another hug
Me: Be strong. For me?
I smiled at him
Nick: Okay. I'm gonna miss you
I let go and went in the terminal. I waited for the first class to get called. Everyone knew me there and I took pictures with some of them. I got on the plane and my flight began.
I already arrived in France. Wow, this place is beautiful. The flight attendant called me to go out first. I took my things and got out of the plane. I got in a limo and I got into a 5 star hotel. I had all my equipments there. Then I heard a knock on my door.
?: Miss Y/n Petrou, This is Lincoln, he is the head police officer in all France
I shakes their hands
Me: I'm Y/n, Nice to meet you. Please, come in
They went in. We talked for a couple of hours and they left. This was huge. I have to go to a school. And teach martial arts. But I was also there to go undercover.
-the next day-
I woke up, got ready and my bodyguard knocked on my door
Caleb: Miss Y/n, Are you ready?
Me: Please, call me Y/n
Caleb: Okay
Me: I'm ready
I brought my suit and a couple of weapons with me. I walked into the school and everyone looked at me. Caleb showed me around and he lead me to the gym. I lay down my weapons and got ready. I waited there until 2pm. Then I saw a bunch of students came in. Everyone was already inside
Caleb: You can do it now
Me: Okay
I stood up
Me: Okay, students. Boys 2 lines and girls 3 lines. Hands on shoulders and my friend Caleb here is going to hand over tape. You tape your spots and you will be sitting there. Or standing.
Caleb already started so I took out my phone and made a tiktok.
Me: Okay guys, so I am in France, teaching these kids how to karate.
Then I flipped the camera
Me: Say Hi
Everyone: Hi!!!!
I posted it and turned my phone off.
Me: Who here knows me?
Everyone raised their hands
Me: Is there anyone absent?
?: My friend isn't here
Me: It's okay, she can join us tomorrow. For today, I want to know you guys. Can you guys introduce yourselves first? Starting from you
They all introduced themselves.
Me: Okay. Thank you. Today I just basically want you know you all. But for the rest for the class today. We can make tiktoks. Im going live so the whole hype house can see
Everyone looked excited
Me: Don't freak out okay?
I laughed. I started a live in Instagram.
Comments: Where are you?
Me: Terrance, can you tell them where am i?
Ter: In France
Me: I'm here to teach these incredible students karate. But for today, I'm just knowing them.
Then the whole hype house joined my live
Thomas: Hey Y/n, How are you?
Me: Hey Thomas, I'm good
Nick: I miss you
Me: Miss you too Nick
We did tiktoks and I ended my live.
Me: Class is dismissed for today. I'll see you guys tomorrow
Everyone: Okay!
Everyone got out and I went back to the hotel. I took a shower and put on clothes. Then I got a notification from Nick
Nick: Can we facetime? I miss you already
Me: Okay
I facetime him
Nick: Hey Y/n, I'm with the whole hype and Brandon
Me: Hey guys
Then I got a knock on my door.
Me: Hold up
I opened my door. Caleb was behind me. At the door, I saw Aiden
Me: Aiden?!
Aiden: Hey!
Me: I thought you weren't coming
Aiden: Blake sent me here
Me: Oh. Come in
I went back to facetime with hype. We talked for a little while
Caleb: You need to sleep, you're waking up tomorrow and we have assembly
Me: Okay
Thomas: Who is that?
Me: My bodyguard
Thomas: Can we say hi
Me: Caleb, my fam wants to say hi to you
I flipped the camera
Avani: He do be buff doe
Me: He's a bodyguard what do you expect. I have to go now. Bye
Everyone: Bye
I went to bed

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